Write An Essay On Israel Economy

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Israel the name given to Jacob by God. Is a modern country with two distinct nationalities, Palestinian and the Jewish. The Palestinians are Arab people whose traditions are Muslim in culture; the Jews define their culture in large part around their religion as well. Israel is located in the Mideast. A plot of land in constant battle dating back to 638 where Arab Muslims conquered Jerusalem. All citizens, men and women, are required to serve in the military combat operations are not required. For men, they are required to serve a minimum four years. Israeli economy is originally based on a socialist model under Histadrut trade union. Making Israel a common state with a modern and advanced military that is battle tested with a mixture …show more content…

During the last few decades the Histadrut’s power has fallen as the country has adopted more capitalist policies. Today the economy is largely based on advanced technology. The high-tech corps play important roles in the global economy, and investments in these firms are abundant. Agriculture accounts for only two percent of the GDP employing nearly two percent of the labor force. Services account for 81 percent and industry for 17 percent. The country’s economy grew during the 1990’s, thanks to an influx of skilled immigrants and growth in the technology sector. 2000 was the most financially successful year in the country’s history, gains in prosperity, and particularly foreign investments. Land is both owned privately and publicly. If families own a plot of land it is also maintained by them, if one wants to sell a piece of it they all sell it together not separately. Israel draws nearly two million tourists each year, making it a very important sector in its …show more content…

(n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017, from http://www.worldholidaytraditions.com/Countries/Israel.aspx). The book of Torah was kept in the Temple. “The book kept writing from Moses and the laws and customs of the Jewish faith. The Temple has had many different rulers.” (Countries. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017). Many of these rulers didn’t respect the Jewish faith and would but their own gods statues in the Temple. After years and years of war and persecution, the Jews gained control of the Temple but in was in ruins. Legends speak of how the Jews began to rebuild the Temple and found a small amount of oil to light up the Temple, believing it would only last a day or two. “But the oil lasted for eight days and nights.” (Countries. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017). During this time, the Jews rededicated the Temple and celebrated. Hanukkah varies between early November and late December. “Hanukkah is also known as the “Festival of Lights” because in each synagogue, a holy lamp burns above Jewish scriptures.” (Countries. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017). Lighting eight candles, held by the Menorah which holds nine candles is how Hanukkah is celebrated. Each candle is a representation of the eight days the oil of the Temple lamp lasted. The ninth candle is known as Shammes, is a helping candle. “The Shammus is the first candle that is lit, and

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