Write An Essay On The Benefits Of Lowering The Driving Age To 14

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6th period The legal driving age should be lowered to the age of fourteen. Many fourteen year olds are as mature and responsible as most sixteen year olds, which is the legal driving age now. Lowering the driving age to fourteen will make teenagers more responsible. It will also provide them with better opportunities to become better citizens. I also think by lowering the driving age it will help young teens stay out of trouble. By lowering the driving age to fourteen this will make younger teens become more responsible. A lot of kids come from single parent or from where both parents work homes. Younger teens will be able to help the responsibility of driving themselve and their younger siblings to and from school and after school activities when a ride is needed. Also some kids …show more content…

Teens can't always join after school sports or clubs because they don't have a ride to get there. Now they will be able to drive themselves and have that opportunity to play or join. Younger teens will also be able to get jobs to help their family out, give them spending money, or to help them start saving for college at a younger age. Being able to drive at a younger ages gives you freedom and confidence you need to succeed in life the earlier you get this confidence the better. Also if fourteen year olds are allowed to drive there wouldn't be as many teens in trouble. They would be able to drive to better places and hang out. When kids are involved in sports and clubs they are more likely to stay out of trouble being able to drive to these programs will only keep more teens out of trouble because more of them could attend. Teens will also want to stay out of trouble so they will be allowed to drive it's something important parents can take away as a punishment. Younger teens will have to learn to make better choices at a younger age to keep themselves out of

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