In reflecting upon my time in Mr.Kilgores class creative writing class, I have learned to view writing in a new light. I used to cringe when teachers assigned writing assignments but now I feel more equipped to handle whatever they send my way. While I have learned so much in the past few months there is still a lot tot learn, as now that I have found my voice I need to find the best way to convey it. I look forward to honing in on that with more writing practice. In realizing and appreciating my writing voice I have come to understand that what I have to say is important and could be insiteful for readers. This class has forced me to recognized how much personal growth has occurred for me in addition to my writing, I have had life experiences that most teenagers can not relate to. These life experiences have made me proud of the person I have become and in turn have made it easier to put them on paper and to share them with others. With regard to the technical aspect of writing, I have learned to create more detail by expanding on my ideas and thoughts, I also feel more comfortable knowing when to break my thoughts into new paragraphs and my grammar has became stronger. As far as technical writing skills I feel that I know much more about different writing …show more content…
In the short story unit our story could be anything we wanted it to be and I find with those types of assignments the words would flow easier for me. In the poetry unit I enjoyed writing my haiku because it gave me a frame work and it was a challenge to put in that frame work my own words. The short story and haiku were just 2 examples of writing assignments that really helped foster my self esteem. Writing free style allowed me to go places with my writing I haven't gone before. Being comfortable with what I was writing about allowed me to try different styles and