Writing Techniques In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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Good Writing Techniques Writing techniques evolve over time and every writer has to re-invent them every time they write. Every writer has to make the right choice of writing techniques as there will be no shortage of good writing skills. Good writing techniques make a piece of literature more effective, persuasive, and productive. Kate Chopin is a writer who has employed good writing techniques in her pieces of literature. The Story of an Hour is a short story by Kate Chopin. Chopin explores good writing techniques while writing the short drama of an hour. The author makes her story short, with a few sentences and short paragraphs. Some of the good writing techniques present in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour are irony, symbolism, and avoiding flashback and back ground information. Chopin’s story is short and she employs good writing techniques by avoiding flashbacks and background information. She uses a poetic writing style and repetition to highlight the most important parts in the story. For instance, the words open and free are used more …show more content…

The title of the story is ironic because the story is very short and happens so fast which is in 60 minutes. In addition, after Louse or Mrs. Mallard loses her husband, instead of her grieving and feeling lonely, she feels relieved. This is evident when she murmurs “Free, free, free!” (Chopin 70). When one loses a husband, it is expected of her to mourn but in this case, it is ironical because Mrs. Mallard feels relieved and free from her husband’s desires. Another ironical scene is whereby Mrs. Mallard’s husband did not actually die as Chopin writes “He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one” (70). Mrs. Mallard felt relieved that her husband had died, but when he walks in and she learns that he was still alive, her heart stops working. The irony used in the story makes it compelling and