Ww2 Technology Essay

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World War Two was significantly affected by the use of technology. Even though some may argue that technology was not as advanced as it is today, none can deny its adjustment for military use, creation of everyday inventions, and role in progressing communication technology. Although technology now is remarkably distinct from technology back then, modern research shows that technology was just as important back then as it is in contemporary society. The Second World War caused more technology to be adjusted for military use when compared to previous wars. Motor vehicle technology like cars and trucks gave the foundation for jeeps and tanks, first World War naval equipment laid the foundation for aircraft carriers, and some battles of World War Two were fought almost entirely in the air in all theatres of the war, while aviation merely had moderate use in the first World …show more content…

Both sides created their own secret codes and machines to code and decode their messages, and it was primarily the allies who would crack the code of the axis powers. Decoded German and Japanese codes gave allies an advantage in their battles. Secret codes were made and used by both allied and axis powers to pinpoint any crucial information about the size, location, and future plans their opposers might have. That rendered the information significant and important to not be decoded. Crypto and cypher machines invented in the early 20th century were used by the allied throughout the war to break German and Japanese enigma codes. Places like Bletchley park in England was home to allied codebreakers that regularly infiltrated axis communications. Allied analysts at Bletchley park throughout the battle of Britain gave indicators and warnings to the Royal Air Force so their commands could use what meager resources they had to target airplanes from the

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