
Wyatt W. Outline: The Powerful Life Of Adolf Hitler

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Wyatt Wheeler
Mrs. Freshe
English 1.1
February 27, 2018
Wyatt W. Outline

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
- Adolf Hitler ("Adolf Hitler Quotes.")

Hitler was, despite his actions, one of the most notorious people of all time. While he was a horrible person, he did not unknowingly or unthinkingly commit his actions ("Adolf Hitler"). After all, to think he was crazy or simply evil is to absolve him of responsibility of his actions, as detailed in "Adolf Hitler,” While he had a rough childhood, it does not exempt him of his manipulative abilities that he used to gain control of Germany and begin the Holocaust.

When the Nazis began they were not in favor of the slaughter of the Jews or …show more content…

His father, Alois Hitler, died in 1903 and left enough money for Adolf and his mother to get by ("Adolf Hitler"). Hitler’s father was illegitimate, and Adolf did not take his surname for quite some time. He began to show traits of his later life around this time ("Adolf …show more content…

Hitler was tried for treason and thrown in jail ("Adolf Hitler"). While he was in jail he wrote Mein Kampf, a book detailing his worldview and what he will do to achieve his vision ("Adolf Hitler").

He realised he cannot overthrow the government, and he must become the government. (“Holocaust”) Hitler slowly became more powerful, eventually becoming the chancellor. (“Holocaust”) Hitler’s only opposing head of government died, leaving Hitler as the dictator of Germany. (“Adolf Hitler.”.)

In conclusion: He used his position as the head of Nazis to gain a support base. (“Holocaust”) He may have made a plan to become dictator the whole time. He was able to manipulate events to his will to make sure he would remain on top. (“Holocaust”)
Hitler was born to an illegitimate father who died early in life. (“Adolf Hitler.”.) Hitler didn’t go to university and drifted from job to job. (“Adolf Hitler.”.) He began politics and realised the power he could gain. (“Adolf

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