Yagahs Alternate Ending

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The knight sat cross-legged in the cathedral, it was dark except for slivers of bright light filtering through the stained glass windows- portraying the deeds of a legendary hero. Across the room sat the king of the land- Enped Derfe sat somberly on his throne. There was something plaguing this sacred land, a dragon called Gordoug had been ransacking local villages and cities. The king looked down at his shaking hands. The knight had never seen him like this. “Dooby Scoo.. Whatever will we do!?" "My task-force has it under control." He replied calmly "As my most trusted adviser and highly decorated soldier, I beg of you. Save my kingdom." Tears rolled down his chubby cheeks and into his graying stubble. The knight stood up, bowing to Lord …show more content…

Righty-o sir!" The talking horse made Dooby uneasy, even after being partnered since his days in the academy. With the words of the honorable King Enped ringing in his ears, Dooby Scoo mounted onto Yagahs. Each clop of his feet reminded Dooby Scoo of the king’s worried voice “Save my kingdom, save my kingdom, save my...” After many hours of listening to his offbeat partner make snarky remarks and bad jokes, the noble knight had finally reached the dragon’s cave. Dooby Scoo could have sworn he could hear all the innocent souls the dragon had taken, crying out from within the walls. With determination burning a fire in his heart and the eccentric Yagahs at his side, the brave knight ventured deep into the cave. Squinting in the darkness, Dooby Scoo searched for Gordoug. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on edge as he felt a sudden gust of warm air brush against him. He turned around and there stood the furious dragon before him, towering over him like a skyscraper. Grasping his sword, Dooby Scoo struck the ferocious beast. With a growl and a flap of his oxblood wings, Gordoug snatched the horse and the knight sitting on top of it, flying up and out of his cave. Struggling to get free, Dooby Scoo realized there was only one way to live. He would have to cut himself free from the horse’s saddle, sacrificing his steed to Gordoug’s evil clutch. Reaching the ground after a hard fall, Dooby Scoo celebrated his successful escape despite the loss of his trusty steed, …show more content…

Oh man, Dooby thought to himself, without Yagahs here life is so boring! But how could he, the noble knight, possibly miss such an immature horse such as Yagahs? There’s no way I can complete my knightly duties if Yagahs isn’t here… I’ve never been on a mission without him. Dooby could hardly stand, and almost didn't make it to the saloon's doors. He almost missed Yagahs’ mindless chatter, the quiet of his small kingdom had never really processed for him until now. “I must be going insane!” he declared to the empty road before him, and with that the knight headed off to see if the king had a solution that could kill the dragon, and save his friend. Approaching King Enped, Dooby Scoo kneeled infront of his majesty. “Your Highness, I have failed my quest, diminished my honor, and my best friend and loyal steed. I need your trusted guidance to reclaim my destiny as the vanquisher of Gordoug!” “Sir Dooby Scoo, my faith hath never left thee. You shall utterly destroy Gordoug, as your honor is dependent on thy actions. My guidence is this: Take my second-best sword and go to the lair of Gordoug. Perhaps surprise thee from behind.” With Dooby Scoo’s new found knowledge, he rode off on the second-fastest steed in the kingdom towards the cave of his

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