Yahoos Vs Buddhist Essay

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In the Journey to the West, the Buddhists were looked down upon and mocked by the Daoist's. In Gulliver's Travels the Houyhnhnms looked down upon the yahoos. In both stories one particular group thought that they were better and superior to the other group. In both stories one particular group was enslaved by the other. In the Journey to the West the Buddhist were enslaved by the Daoist's. In Gullivers Travels the Yahoos were enslaved by the Houyhnhnms. The difference between the yahoos and buddhists were that the yahoos were treated as if they were animals. The buddhist were enslaved to complete tasks and jobs for the Daoist's and could not return to their home lands but they were still treated like human beings. In Gullivers Travels the …show more content…

In both stories the yahoos and buddhists were rounded up and kept in a certain area and were to be watched at all times. The main difference between the treatment of these two groups was that the yahoos were treated as if they were the lowest and dumbest group to exist. In Gullivers travels Johnathan Swift says in paragraph three page 296, " The Houyhnhnms keep the Yahoos for present use in huts not far from the house; but the rest are sent abroad to certain fields, where they dig up roots, eat several kinds of herbs, and search about for carrion, or sometimes catch weasels and luhimuhs (a sort of wild rat) which they greedily devour. Nature heath taught them to dig deep holes with their nails on the side of a rising ground, wherein they lie by themselves;) This shows how the Yahoos live and eat which is just like a wild animal. In the Journey to the West, on page 449 paragraph three it says, "they are the ones who tend the fires in our temple, who sweep the grounds, and who guard the gates.... but for fear of their mischief, indolence, and unwillingness to pull the cart, we have come to investigate and make the roll

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