The Issues Of God's Attitudes Toward The Institution Of Kingship

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David M. Howard observant that the “issues of God’s attitudes toward the institution of kingship in the understanding of the Israelites are biblical base which is evident on their surface,” These attitudes of God towards the Israel is that, He blesses the monarchy, and He work out in the selection of a kingly line from which to seem in human form. ” John N. Oswalt notes that “God’s kingship is also suggested to through reference to the throne; few other biblical possess a theology of God as extensive and exalted to the fullness of this world, as the prophecies of Isaiah.” He further explains that Yahweh is “Almighty God,” whose infinite knowledge and power put to shame all other gods. He is the “Holy One of Israel,” whose infallible moral …show more content…

In the ancient Near East, the boundaries between kingship and divinity were distorted. High gods were ascribed the qualities of kings, and kings were accorded a divine nature”. He further explain that the difficulty inherent in making a peculiarity between Yahweh’s divine attributes and his kingly attributes in Isaiah, in fact, they are not to be separated, for Yahweh cannot be Most High God and be enthroned as the King without possessing the authority of king, and he cannot be King over all creation without possessing the powers of the greatest god. Helena Ann also explain that “in the arrogant claims of the king of Babylon, but the kings of Israel were deep into a different worldview as vassals in submission to the theocracy of Yahweh and dependent upon his leadership and protection”. But it was this mandate which the Babylon had forgotten, provoking the wrath of their Lord”.
Jeremy J. Stewart, he noted that the “Ancient Near Eastern kingship had a deep influence on Israelite kingship which effected their relationship with God”. The Israelites eventually enthroned their God, Yahweh, as well as their future Messiah. This is the understanding which led to the enthronement of Jesus Christ by His followers, an observance and a tradition that continues until the present.” This is idea which allowed the Israelites understanding of God and Jesus Christ sitting upon heavenly thrones is a common appearance in Christian