Yanek Gruener Quotes

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“We cannot let these monsters tear us from the pages of the world.” A quote from the book Prisoner B-3087. That quote was what gave Yanek Gruener the drive to survive through years of concentration camps. Yanek was a Polish Jew, he was moved from his home into the Krakow ghetto where he lived in a pigeon coop. Several months after moving to the ghetto, Yanek had everything taken from at the age of ten, including his family. Shortly after his family was taken away, he was too. Yanek lived through 10 concentration camps, the first one being Plazow which wasn’t far from the Krakow Ghetto. There he found his wise Uncle Moshe he gave the piece of advice that kept him alive. He told him to never tell prisoners his name, don’t stand out, and

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