Year 12 Research Paper

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Lesson Plan 2 September 24, 2015 Mathematics Kindergarten 30 Minutes Preliminary Planning Topic/Central Focus: Students will continue learning about 2D shapes with the key focus being on the attributes of triangles in this lesson. They will also learn that triangles can be represented by many real world objects. They will show them triangles can be represented in many different orientations Prior Student Knowledge: The students have been working with shapes and have been assessed on their current knowledge of the basic shapes. I used a pre-assessment that I created called Which Does Not Belong, to assess their current knowledge of the attributes of triangles. The assessment showed that students are familiar with triangles, but …show more content…

This school is in a diverse suburban town south of Chicago. The curriculum, as well as the Illinois Common Core for kindergarten are followed to provide the proper education for all students. There may be a few limitations and conditions that may impact the execution of this lesson. This is only the third week of school, so the students have not been tested on their learning or behavioral abilities. However, I do know that I have one student that has a medical 504 plan and others demonstrate that they may need additional support. I have modified my lesson plans to meet obvious needs of my students and if additional time or help is needed, I did plan for some flexibility in this …show more content…

Explain, “You will be doing the same thing. You will be exploring with your elbow partner some everyday things and match them with a triangle that has the same size and orientation just like I have shown you.” 7. Ask the students, “Come and get your cut outs and find your elbow partners and sit down in your chosen areas.” 8. Explain, “I suggest that you sort the cut outs by size first and then try to find the object that has similar size. Then turn them in different ways holding them together to see if they fit. If they do put them aside as a match. Then find the next match the same way. Remember to talk and work with your elbow partner to find all the matches. You can start now.” 9. Walk around, observe, and ask students for clarification on how they are looking for matches. 10. Give students feedback and assistance as needed. 11. Tell the students when they have a few minutes left. 12. Say, “Friends, you did great! Everyone found most of the matches and can work with these at a later time. Put all everything in the bags and when done go to your assigned seats.” Transition: Say, “Now we’re going to work on a worksheet. We’ll explore triangles more and practice writing the number