Yumma Research Paper

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The Yuma territorial prison west of the Gila River, south of the red river, east of the city of Yuma and north of the desert. It was located in that place because no one laughed that the prisoners were going to risk their lives trying to escape through the desert, swimming by the rivers with strong current or that some citizen saw them and reported to the authorities. In the year of 1876 the prison was opened, with a capacity of up to 350 prisoners, although in it they lived around 3000, including 29 women. According to the employees of that place, the prisoners were not only there to fulfill their punishment, but they also learned things, they had a series of rules that they had to follow to have a good behavior and thus have the opportunity …show more content…

When the prison was uninhabited, the building was used for an endless number of other things, and as a matter of principle, construction expenses were not necessary, they were simply installed inside schools, hospitals, hotels, among other businesses. Undoubtedly, something that strongly helped Yuma's economy, was when the river flooded the city, to be able to repair the houses and other constructions, parts of the prison were used to rebuild the other structures, so that no one was left without house and that the government has not had to spend so much …show more content…

The prison first public library in the territory.Empty cells provided free lodging for hobos.Many convicts learned to read and write.In the year 1907 the prison was full,there was no space on the hill for development.The last inmate left the prison on Sep 15,1909.

The prison contributed to society by bringing in money.There would be articles from other cities about the prison.The infamous inmates and the prison made the city have a higher population eventually.It contributed to society by allowing public use.Now in the day it contributes to society by a monumental park,which people go for a tour by a mentor.After the prison was not running they used it for acting sets and homeless shelter and a school what was is known as Yuma High School.The school that was built after that was Kofa High School were famous people came out of it and later on other high schools were brought up because the population went out the roof.It kept criminals off the street rather than being out and murdering