Yoga Argumentation Essay

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Stone carvings portraying yoga poses date as far back as 5,000 years ago. The creator of modern day eastern traditional yoga from India wrote the first text, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 400 C.E. The original text of yoga opens with “Be here now”, which is a good representation of what yoga is all about. Yoga is about being mindful and aware of the “now”. The whole concept of traditional authentic yoga is to only be concerned about reaching that state of mentality and to do it for one’s self. Yoga and meditation are not religious practices and are more than just an exercise that everyone can highly benefit from. There is a common misconception that yoga and meditation are connected to a religion or are a form of religious practice. However, yoga and meditation are not directly connected or affiliated with any religion. In fact, anyone from any religion could highly benefit from these practices. Meditation and yoga are about being self-aware and mindful of one’s self and surroundings. People from many religions or people with an agnostic or atheist point of views partake in meditation and yoga to get away from all the noise in their …show more content…

By going through a practice and really tuning into what the body needs, one becomes more mindful. After partaking in yoga the body will feel at a state of peace with itself and will feel replenished as well as rejuvenated. Yoga is a cerebral activity that’s main goal is to help the way the brain thinks and feels about things. Typically, a practice will start off with harder poses and by persevering through these and concentrating on breath, a state of meditation can be reached. The harder poses that a class is lead into with help guide the mind into that meditative state. By keeping a strong head and not giving up on poses that seem too hard, the mind is being trained and getting strong, which is how it helps lead into

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