Young Goodman Brown Serpent Symbolism

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Since the beginning of time all animals represent certain characteristics of an individual or a particular situation. Every human being has a different idea of what each animal can represent on every situation. So far as a class we have discuss the symbolism of a serpent on 3 different stories (Young Goodman Brown, The Cask of Amontillado, and Sweat). There is no clearer way to represent temptation or the figure of the devil but with a serpent. As most human beings know, in the book of Genesis; the devil transformed himself into a serpent in order to tempt Eve to eat the apple from the prohibited tree disobeying God’s command, however these stories make the reader realize that serpent can be heroes as well as evil. Every single animal not only …show more content…

During those times the forest was consider a place of up to no good and a place of evil. While the narrator is walking through the forest he meets this old man called Deacon Gookin whom tries to guide Young Goodman Brown into the ”right path”. While walking into the forest Deacon Gookin offers Young Goodman Brown his staff so that Brown could walk faster and get through the forest easily. “I may not spare you my arm, Goody Cloyse; but here is my staff, if you will” (Hawthorne, 6). The narrator says that the staff has the movements of a serpent. Young Goodman Brown by saying yes to Deacon Gookin’s offer Goodman Brown is controlled by his curiosity and agreeing to continue his path towards evil. Deacon Gookin meets Goody Cloyse who is Young Goodman Brown’s minister, as Ms. Cloyse sees Deacon Gookin she screams the devil making it clear that Deacon Gookin is evil and represents the devil as …show more content…

Most people believe that Fortunato is consider the serpent throughout the story because of his railleries towards Montressor but Montressor can be consider a serpent as well. Montressor has been planning to murder Fortunato for a long time. Serpent are sneaky and soothe for a long time until the serpent finds the right time to make an attack, Montressor was sneaky and waited for the right opportunity to make the attack. People think that Fortunato is the serpent in the story because he keeps embarrassing and despising Montressor in front of other people. When Montressor and Fortunato decided to go to the catacombs to “taste the wine”, Montressor shows Fortunato the crest that belong to the Montressors. The crest shows a foot stepping on a serpent. The crest tells the reader that The Montressors do not let evil enter in the