
Young Immigrants By Alice Farmer: Article Analysis

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Published by the Bangkok Post on 2 September 2014, Alice Farmer, a children's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch, wrote the opinion article entitled “Prison is no place for young immigrants”, presenting her view on Thai government’s responsibilities in the situation of children immigrants’ rights. The author states that life of children immigrants in Thailand is very hard, because they are in an indefinite condition of being confined, which causes mental trauma and also damage their development. As a result, Thai government and the authorities should immediately concern about this problem and enact the law to protect children immigrants and treat them in the appropriate way. For this reason, I agree with the writer that we should have …show more content…

All of these can worsen children development and also damage their psychological health. However, many organizations have already released the regulation of children’s rights. According to Children’s Rights (2014), Children have a right to associate with their father or mother, which we found that the young immigrants in Thailand do not have their rights in this issue. This is a very serious issue, because a child should have an opportunity to companion with their parents or family, which we are considered as the first teacher of our human life. If children are separated from these people, their development might go wrong. Moreover, children are supposed to have the right to adequate food, cloth, and shelter, which the writer has argued that children immigrants in Thailand do not receive these rights, therefore, Thai government and the authorities need to adjust this problem and give them those rights that equal to other children in many other countries, because this issue is very significant for children. It can affect not only their development but also brings a bad mental health. Children are unavoidable to encounter this condition. They are going to obtain their horrible experiences and unable to get rid of their fear, which and cause problem in the future because they their minds were already

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