Youth Athletes

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Should everyone get a trophy? According to the "trophies for all" policy youth athletes are being awarded with participation trophies. Youth athletes need to know there is no participation award for life. In addition the more trophies coaches give out the less meaning they have. Also, it is a hard lesson to learn but youth athletes need to learn to take a lose. On the other hand some parents and coaches believe that trophies can inspire the youth athletes to more likely play a sport. Participation trophies are unnecessary. Youth athletes need know that there is no participation award for life. in pros and cons author Travis armideo states ''no one is going to simply hand you the life you want.'' you did not receive everything you …show more content…

most coaches think that giving trophies for every little thing. but what they do not know is that the trophies are losing value and starting to have less meaning also. as James Harrison states in ''the great trophy debate'' he touches on some very key points. he says ''while I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them to the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy.''. the things is most coaches are giving out trophies without any meaning to the award. if coaches continue to do this young athletes will turn into a ''expect kid'' that meaning they expect a trophy for everything they do. some coaches and parents think trophies can inspire youth athletes to play a sport. while that might be true. in '' does participation deserve a trophy?', by Kelly Wallace , Levey freedman states'' I had one child who would say to me about serval of them, 'well I kind if purposely played in this easer sport because I knew I would win'' still, youth athletes are playing the sport knowing that their is a low level expectation to where they are bound to win. are parents and coaches willing to let the youth athlete to improve or have a shelve of plastic participation trophies are unnecessary. the more trophies coaches give out youth to athletes the less youth athlete will appreciate the awards. youth athlete do not get an A just for showing up to class. should they get