Yu-Gi-Oh Link Format Essay

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Yu-Gi-Oh Link Format The card Yu-Gi-Oh has been an on changing the game for the last years, but recently the game experienced one its biggest changes. The Link Format has caused various changes in the game that include the economic value and playing styles of the game.The placement of the Link Format has eternally changed the game of Yu-Gi-Oh in an irreversibly negative way. The main reason the new format was taken into place was to give the game something foreign and change the way the players played the game. Before the format, most decks main objective was to pull off multiple combos and summon the main card in the least amount of turns. Now with the format players have to add an additional step of link summoning. This one extra step would make the players change their combos and chain reactions. And that would require the help of the new cards which are designed to do that. And with the requirement of the new cards means to increase profits. Konami the year before were experiencing a profit stall which range …show more content…

Extra deck monsters were the ones affects the most. According to the daily updated Yu-Gi-OhPrices.com, the top 100 most expensive non-tournament cards only ten of the most expensive cards are extra deck monsters. And the extra deck monsters that were on that list were mostly old collector cards from the 90’s. What takes up the most space in the list are staple cards that are used to stop your opponents combos. And less than a fourth of them were cards released this year. This means that newer cards and sets are decreasing in value while staple cards are increasing in value. So deck overall are also getting more expensive because decks are required to use common staples in place of weakening deck specific cards. The weaken deck specific cards experience a great drop in value, which in turn value decks lower. The end result is a deck that is more expensive with fewer high value

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