Zen Buddhism Annotated Bibliography

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1. ZEN BUDDHISM URL: http://www.zen-buddhism.net/ This website explains that Zen Buddhism cannot be explained, however, it is something that needs to be experienced to understand. Then the article explains what Zen Buddhism is including how it is a practice transmitted from master to disciple and how it goes back to the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (about 2500 years ago). Zazen is then described as the meditation Zen Buddhist do, meaning sitting mediation, that when can be the source of the person’s daily flow of life. It explains that Zen Buddhism is not about theories and rituals, but focuses primarily on what gives Zen Buddhism its name, Zazen. The website states that in order to find out the true meaning of Zen Buddhism, one must experience …show more content…

According to this article both Renzai and Soto Zen show a disregard for Vinaya rules for monks and focus on Zazen instead. However, these two schools share differences. As explained on this website both Renzai Zen and Soto Zen study koans and zazen, how much each of them focus on these is where they differ. It states that Renzai Zen focuses primarily on koans, but still practices zazen and Soto focuses more on zazen; however, outside of zazen, Soto teachers lecture on koans and students study koans. Then it explains marriage and for both Japanese Renzai Zen and Soto Zen, have married priests and in the West they have women priest unlike traditional …show more content…

It states that primarily the difference between Buddhism and Zen is that Zen offers a path to enlightenment by finding out the truths of the self and Buddhism deals more with others. It then explains that Tibetan Buddhism guides the individual through four Bodhisattva actions, which Zen Buddhism also leads the individual through these same four actions; however, with a strong focus on the inner self and connecting with the Universe. Lastly, it explains that Zen Buddhism focuses on the self without external visualization while traditional Buddhism uses external visualizations to attain a meditative state. 4. Project Meditation URL: http://www.project-meditation.org/a_mt2/zazen_meditation.html This website explains the practice of Zazen and its different forms. The article describes these three methods including one that focuses on koan and another which does not focus on breathing, but whatever thought comes to mind at the time. It explains that Zazen, or sitting meditation, was created by the early form of Zen Buddhism in China, Mahayana Buddhism. It states that Zazen occurred over long periods of time and were announced by the ringing of a bell. This article also states that Zazen can help an individual to develop control of the mind and body. 5. Zen Origins, Zen History, Zen Beliefs URL:

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