Zip Code Of Information Is Inaccurate Information

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Information Quality is the maintaining of the information and the users to be provided with the easy access to the stored information. Most company failed to develop the information capturing standards, one system is the field to capture the email address while the other systems does not. This can lead to the inconsistent organizational information. Business decisions are only good as when the quality of the information used to make the decisions. Missing Information (no last name) Duplication of information (are the names same or is there is an error?) Inaccurate information(similar zip code) The several issues included with the low quality information are: 1. The missing information. The customer’s last name is missing. 2. The duplication of …show more content…

The information from the systems has different information that is entry standards and formats. 3. The call centres may have abbreviated or mistakenly or by accident changed the information to save time. 4. The external parties to the information may contain inconsistencies or inaccuracies. The address of the above sources of the information is inaccurate and will significantly improve the quality of the organization and the value that is extracted from the information. The cause of the wrong information can lead to the wrong decisions to be made. The wrong decisions can cost money and time, even reputations. The bad information could cause serious consequences such as: 1. There would be inability to accurately track down the customers and thus this would directly affect the strategic initiatives as the Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). 2. The customers would not be delivered the magazines on time as the delivery problem would arise due to the incorrect information provided. 3. There would be difficulty in tracking the revenues because of the information’s being inaccurate on the invoices. 4. The customers would be refraining from trading with the

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