Znaey In The Interlopers

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Throughout the short story, “The Interlopers,” author Hector Hugh Munro, better known as Saki, created a problem for the two main characters, Georg Znaeym and Ulrich von Gradwitz. If the two men, Znaeym and von Gradwitz had not hated each other they would most likely have lived. If the two men had not argued about whose land it was they would not have reason to hate each other. Perhaps if one of the men had killed the other man, they would not have any no more problems, however, if the men had not died, Znaeym and von Gradwitz would not have learned a valuable lesson. In an attempt to have ownership of the forest, Znaeym and von Gradwitz learn, at their deathbed, that arguing gets one nowhere. If the two main characters, Znaeym and