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Remember being a little kid and refusing to eat your vegetables at the dinner table? Resulting in your stubbornness it led mom and dad to become scam artist and tricking you into eating your veggies, while you thought you were eating a chocolate chip muffin you actually were eating a zucchini chocolate chip muffin, and at the end of the day everyone is happy. The Disney movie Zooptopia gives off the same kind of vibe and ideas but instead of food, social/cultural issues.

Zootopia is about a young rabbit named Judy Hobbs who aspires to become a police officer in the big city Zootopia, despite everyone telling her it was impossible her entire life. Disney displays the struggles of a small rabbit trying to get big in the big town through an …show more content…

With adorable fluffy animals Disney puts various metaphors in the film that explore the racial politics of the modern world. In the film tis is shown through the animal’s actions and the story line. Throughout the film examples of animals being submerged in stereotypes, prejudice, and acceptance is a major factor of the entire film. Starting off with stereotypes Disney portrays this through comedic moments of the film, such as sloths running the DMV because they are known for being slow, our main character Nick Wilde being known as sneaky because he is a fox, and even Judy Hobbs being stereotyped for being a timid scarred rabbit. The stereotypes running straight into the prejudice in the movie. Each of these animals are given a pre judgement just for the type of animal they are. Sloth equals slow, fox is sneaky, rabbit is timid, and the mayor is a lion which could be related to being “king of the jungle”. Judy Hobbs is a small rabbit and is immediately judged into being too small and weak to be a cop. In the beginning of the film this idea is brought up by a former childhood bully telling Judy she would be nothing but a “dumb bunny” and then later in the film being told by the chief of police that she was useless to have on a police force. Introduced later in the film is the character Nick Wilde who is a fox. Growing up Judy was raised with the idea that foxes were sneaky and to never be trusted. Judy keeps this idea of foxes with her through the entire film, despite teaming up with a fox. The entire films story line is based on all these stereotypes of the animals and how the biology in each animal creates them as who they are. This is challenged in modern society through people being good or bad based on who they are and where they come from. By the end of the film Disney shows acceptance through these animals and