
Zora Neale Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis

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Zora Neal Hurston was an African American novelist who was born in the year 1891. Her most notable novel was of course, “Their Eyes Were Watching God” which is a story of a young attractive woman named Janie who is voiceless but wants to control her own destiny. In Zora’s book, she not only discussed the racial malcontent in the 1900’s but gender roles in society. She also greatly discussed how African American women are valued or even devaluated in marriages. Zora Neale Hurston has such a timeless appeal to the youth of the upcoming 21st century is due to the fact, that a lot of what she mentioned in her literature involving life for blacks in the south still relevant and true today in some forms but it greatly differs from what it was for an African American person in the 1900’s in the south.

As I previously just stated, a lot of what Zora mention in her literature, and most …show more content…

The same problems for black women from the 1900’s is still apparent, but it is not as bad for young African American women in this century. For me, Hurston spoke to me due to the fact that what she was saying is extremely relevant in this century as it was when she was alive. Blacks are still discriminated against in some forms, but yet rights that we did not have then are rights that we had to fight tooth and nail for to get. Zora in many ways was ahead or her time in terms of her writing about issues that many white people frowned upon due to it being the truth about what was going on in mostly southern states at the time. Hurston also spoke to me by giving me a vivid description of the type of hardships and tribulations blacks had to go through in the 19th century. Some of which are still occurring today in the 21st century which says a lot about how much but also how little has changed in terms of African Americans lives since

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