Zoroastrianism Research Paper

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Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in ancient times by the prophet Zarathushtra, known to the Greeks as Zoroaster .In ( 1800-500 B.C.), it was the state religion of three successive Persian empires , the Achaemenid , Parthian and Sassanian. Prophet Zoroaster has been called the first monotheist , teaching that Ahura Mazda the” wise lord “ and the Creator of all things by the Holy Spirit” embodied ultimate good, eternally opposed by Agara Mainyu the spirit of ultimate evil. Man was free to choose between good and evil, and if he chose righteousness he would be regarded. In the their emphasis on the idea of heaven and hell, resurrection and final judgment , the teachings of Zozoraster had profound influence on later religions –Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Zoroaster’s message , expressed in old Iranian texts known as the Gathas, saw life as a battleground between the forces of light and order. It represented by a supreme , universal deity, Ahura Mazda( ( The Wise Lord). They are locked in continual conflict with his twin brother Angra Mainyu (The Adversary), malign and ignorant who reigns in hell. On the side of Ahura Mazda were the powers of light, the sun and fire. Those who followed his principles would attain immortality. Teachings and beliefs The oldest Zoroastrian scripture is the Avesta. It is about a thousand pages long. Some portions, including the Gathas, are in an older dialect called 'Old Avestan' .All worship must be directed to Ahura Mazda , the universal God. He is not only the …show more content…

The teachings of Zoroaster also marked impact upon the religion of the Jews , Later Judaism, and Christianity after it, saw the struggle between good and evil, as well as the symbolic figures of angels and demons and the promise of a Last Judgment , is much the same as

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