'shifting Indian Identities In Aravind Adiga's Story?

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He also establishes that in addition to the requirement of the narrative structure for embedding the metaphors in the novel, they also seem to enjoy an autonomous existence as well. Saima Manzoor investigates the theme of violence in Adiga’s works in her research paper titled “Vibes of Violence in Post-Colonial Indian English Literature” (2013). She argues that the oppression and suppression experienced by the individual in a lawless land will lead to the outbreak of crime and insurgency in the society.
Sarah Glady in her dissertation “Shifting Indian Identities in Aravind Adiga’s Work: The March from Individual to Communal Power” (2013) examines whether power resides with the autonomous individual or with those who form group identities in Adiga’s fiction. She establishes that Adiga’s notion of identity emphasises the community as it holds the key to India’s future in the political, economic and national arenas.
Satyawan Sudhakar Rao Hanegave’s research article titled “Reflections of Globalisation and Socio-Economic Culture of Contemporary Mumbai in Aravind Adiga’s Novel The Last Man in Tower” (2013) analyses how the socio-economic condition shapes individuals and finds the novel a true reflection of globalisation in contemporary Mumbai with its builder-politician-criminal nexus, middle class psyche and the reality of the slums. Unlike the general trend in studies on Adiga, Sanjay Kumar and Surjit Singh in their research paper titled “Aravind Adiga as a Novelist of the