If you believe that information of any kind in this publication is an infringement of copyright, in the material inwhich you either own the copyright or are authorised to exercise the rights of a copyright owner, and then pleaseadvise us by contacting CAQA, Career Calling International Pty. Ltd. 2/10 Lawn Court, Craigieburn, Victoria 3064. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 2of 128
1. Student and trainer detailsStudent details Full name:Abhinandan SharmaStudent ID: 20230422Contact number:0491938860Email address:Abhinandansharma4646@gmail.comTrainer details Full name: 2. Qualification and unit of competencyQualification/Course/Program Details Code:Name: Certificate III in carpentryUnit of competencyCode:CPCCCM2012Name: Work safely at heightsReleases: 1.0Release date:27/Nov/20203. Assessment Submission Method ☐ By hand to trainer/assessor ☐ By email to trainer/assessor☒ Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS) ☐ Any other method _________________________________________________(Please describe here)4. Student declaration •I have read and understood the information in the Unit Requirements prior to commencing thisStudent Pack•I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referencedany sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form ofmalpractice; •I have kept a copy of this Student Pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and referencematerial that I used in the production of this Student Pack;•For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor permission to: oReproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and oTake steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of thisassessment to a plagiarism checking service (which may retain a copy of theassessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 3of 128
Student signature: ____abhi____________________________Date: __26/__/__05___/____2024__________5. Assessment PlanThe student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment methods in order todemonstrate competence in a variety of ways. Evidencenumber/Task numberAssessment method/ Type of evidence/Task name Sufficientevidencerecorded/OutcomeAssessment task 1Knowledge Test (KT)S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)Assessment task 2 Skills Test (ST)S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)OutcomeC ☐ NYC ☐Date assessed: Trainer signature: 6. Completion of the Assessment PlanYour trainer is required to fill out the Assessment Plan Outcome records above, when: •You have completed and submitted all the requirements for the assessment tasks for thiscluster or unit of competency.•Your work has been reviewed and assessed by your trainer/assessor.•You have been assessed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory for each assessment taskwithin the unit of competency.•You have been provided with relevant and detailed feedback.Every assessment has a “Feedback to Student” section used to record the following information. Yourtrainer/assessor must also ensure that all sections are filled in appropriately, such as:•Result of Assessment (satisfactory or unsatisfactory)•Student name, signature and date•Assessor name, signature and date •Relevant and detailed feedback7. Unit Requirements You, the student, must read and understand all of the information in the Unit Requirements beforecompleting the Student Pack. If you have any questions regarding the information, see yourtrainer/assessor for further information and clarification.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 4of 128
Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 2 - Skills Test The purpose of this checklistThe pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. Thetrainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts theassessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, thetrainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand therequirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessmenttask before undertaking it.Section 1: Information for Students ☐ Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment. ☐ Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to becompleted. ☐ Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how. ☐ Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process. ☐ Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during theassessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with yourtrainer/assessor). ☐ Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type theanswers).☐ Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Assessment Task(AT). ☐ The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable. ☐ In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit anassessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling andcompassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension tosubmit your assessment work. ☐ The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the duedate.Section 2: Reasonable adjustments I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteriaasprovided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correctcheckbox.☐ I do require reasonable adjustment☒ I do not require reasonable adjustmentDeclaration (Student to complete)☒ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment task has been clearly explained tome. ☒ I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to theassessment process. ☒ I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have theconsequences and possible outcomes of this assessment. ☒ I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in theTraining Organisation’s Student Handbook.☒ I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements forthis assessment. ☒ I confirm that I am ready for assessment.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 5of 128
Student Name: _______Abhinandan_______________________________ Student Signature: __________abhi_________________________Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:Skills Test Assessment type Skills Test -Work safely at heights above 2 m on three (3) occasionsInstructions provided to the student:Assessment task description:This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemedcompetent in this unit of competency. This assessment task is a Skills Test. This assessment task consists of four (4) practical demonstration activities. Activity 1: Record of Tool-Box MeetingActivity 2: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMS Activity 3: Access and assess work areaActivity 4: Conduct work tasks.You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by yourtrainer/assessor when your results are available. You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess yourcompetence in this assessment task.Applicable conditions:This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you areable to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test). You will be assessed independently on this assessment task. No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will beSatisfactory or Not Satisfactory.As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills,techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor. Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task Resubmissions and reattempts: Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, aresubmission attempt will be allowed.The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completingthis task and require reasonable adjustments.For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 6of 128
Location:This assessment task may be completed in: ☐a classroom☐learning management system (i.e. Moodle),☐workplace, ☐or an independent learning environment. Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location forcompleting this assessment task. Purpose of the assessmentThe purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential towork safely at heights in a range of contexts and industry settings.Skills to work safely at heights above 2 m on three occasions, using different fall protection equipment/devices.Skills to access the work area, traverse between anchor points and exit from the work area.Task instructionsThis is an individual assessment. This assessment task requires the student to work safely at heights above 2 m on three (3)occasions. The student is required to complete the following four (4) activities in this assessment task:oActivity 1: Record of Tool-Box MeetingoActivity 2: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMS oActivity 3: Access and assess work areaoActivity 4: Conduct work tasks.The trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will induct you to the worksites. You will be required to complete all parts of this assessment task.The templates for each activity are provided along with this assessment task. The student must comply with the written and verbal reporting requirements andprocedures. The student must wear appropriate PPE clothing when performing this task. The student must follow the instructions of the trainer/assessor (Supervisor). The trainer/assessor must assess the performance of the student as per the performancechecklist provided and verbal questioning. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 7of 128
Assessment Task 2 - Skills Test Skills Test:This assessment task requires the student to work safely at heights above 2 m on three (3) occasions,using different fall protection equipment/devices on each occasion:Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. The work will be any of the following: oAltering a roof oRenovating a roofoRepairing a roof oMaintaining a roofSafety instructions:Restraint techniques should only be used if it is not reasonably practicableto prevent falls by providing a physical barrier (for example, a guard rail). This is becauserestraint techniques require a high level of user skill to operate safely and also greatersupervision.A competent person should install a restraint system in accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions.Restraintanchorageshouldbedesignedforfall-arrestloading.Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. Instructions:The trainer/assessor must ensure that the site has scaffolds erected on theworksite. The student will identify and report common faults with scaffold or work platformsystems.To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:Activity 1: Record of Tool-Box MeetingActivity 2: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMS Activity 3: Access and assess work areaActivity 4: Conduct work tasks. Instructions for trainer/assessor: The trainer/assessor must assign a supervisor to each student or take on the role of Supervisor.The trainer/assessor must arrange a worksite for the student to carry out the activities. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 8of 128
The workplace must be:oAn actual workplaceoA close simulation of the workplace environment provided that simulated or project-basedassessment techniques replicate construction workplace conditions, materials, activities,responsibilities and proceduresNote: The requirements for a simulated workplace environment are given below. The Supervisor or trainer/assessor must ensure that the simulated workplaceenvironment requirements. The role of the Supervisor (trainer/assessor) is to allocate the tasks, activities and responsibilitiesthat you will be required to undertake to complete these assessments. The worksite must meet the requirements given in the ‘Simulated workplace environmentrequirements’ section given below. The trainer will supervise/observe the work by standing near the working location and evaluateyour performance based on performance checklist benchmarks.The trainer/assessor must use realistic tasks or simulated tasks, relevant specifications and workinstructions, standard work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraintspresent on the worksite. The trainer/assessor must ensure all work is performed to the standard required in the workplaceand must meet the requirements of Australian Standards, work health and safety (WHS),Commonwealth and state or territory legislation, manufacturers’ specifications, andenvironmental plans and obligations.The trainer/assessor must also verbally ask each student a series of questions during thestudent’s performance of each task. These questions are designed to assess the knowledgestudents are employing in the performance of the task. The trainer/assessor must mark the student’s responses to verbal questions on the verbalquestions record sheet included in the student’s assessment pack.The trainer/assessor must provide a verbal briefing on each assessment prior tocommencement.Instructions for the student: The student will be required to bring all necessary PPEs required to complete this activity.The student must follow the instructions provided by the Supervisor. The student must complete the activities specified. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 9of 128
Workplace scenario: You are working as a construction worker in the construction industry. Part of your job role requires youto work safely at heights. The construction company you are working with wants to ensure that theworkers have the required knowledge and skills to working at heights to ensure. They want you to worksafely at heights above 2 m on the three (3) occasions, using different fall protection equipment/deviceson each occasion as part of your training:Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. Workplace requirements and job specification The trainer/assessor or training organisation is required to provide a workplace or a close simulation ofthe workplace environment to replicate construction workplace conditions and standards, materials,activities, responsibilities, procedures, safety requirements and environmental considerations to eachstudent. The training organisation will take you to the location of the construction worksite. Further, the training organisation must ensure the construction site must meet the requirements givenin the table below. The training organisation must ensure that the construction site provides theopportunity to the student to work safely at heights above 2 m on the three (3)occasions, using different fall protection equipment/devices on each occasion aspart of your training:Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with aminimum of three anchor points while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragileroof. Occasion 3:Using fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean astructure of a building. Arrangements are in place for work safely at heights.Access to the equipment and materials specified in the assessment task. The site and its surroundings are accessible and clear of hazards, so far asreasonably practicable.The site must have realistic workplace conditions, standards, materials, activities,responsibilities,procedures,safetyrequirements,andenvironmentalconsiderations.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 10of 128
An experienced employee is available to provide adequate guidance andsupervision to less experienced employees.The students understand the specific SWMS.The students have the clothing and footwear required. In addition, the clothingand footwear are in good condition and suitable for the task.Appropriate supervision has been arranged to ensure adherence to the SWMS.Instruction for the trainer/assessor At the construction worksite, the student will do work safety at heights based on the job specifications. You must carefully analyse the information given in the following documents before initiating the work:Safe Work Method Statements (SWMSs) Workplace information and records, including policies, procedures and legislative requirements. The trainer will supervise/observe the work by standing near the working location. The student will berequired to bring all necessary PPE’s required to complete this activity.Tool and equipment required Air compressors and hosesHand and power toolsNail gunsPower leadsScaffolding.LanyardsMaterials required Materials used on the construction work site.Roles and responsibilities (students)You will be evaluated for your skills to plan and schedule tasks, follow instructions, participate in tool-box meetings and contribute to workplace responsibilities. You will be required to use communicationskills to interpret and follow plans and specifications. As part of your job role, you have the following job responsibilities: Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 11of 128
Read the work order and related drawings and consult with relevant people to figure out theproposed work-at-heights task, including where and how the work will be done, as well as theequipment or plant that will be used.Participate in the creation of the specified task's safe work method statement (SWMS).Select appropriate work-at-heights safety measures, such as the use of required fall protection.To safely access the required work area, determine the location of anchor points for harness-based work.Examine the SWMS that has been completed and discuss any issues with the appropriate peopleChoose personal protective equipment (PPE), make sure it's in good working order, and reportany issues.Identify any work surfaces that are unstable, fragile, or brittle, and take precautions to avoid afall from a height.Check the serviceability of fall protection equipment, including required fall restraints and fallarrest devices, and report any problems.In accordance with the SWMS or relevant safe work procedure, identify, select, and installsignage and barricade equipment.Within the constraints of licencing requirements, level of authority, and SWMS, install/fit fallprotection equipment, including fall restraint and fall arrest devices as needed.Ascertain that all required fall protection, scaffolding, and barriers have been properly installed.Connect to fall protection equipment, including temporary anchor points, without being exposedto the risk of a fall from height.Confirm that fall protection equipment and safety systems are properly fitted, adjusted, andinstalled and appropriate for the task.Safely enter the work area and move and place tools, equipment, and materials using methodsthat eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals.Comply with the SWMS and workplace requirements when performing work tasks.Traverse between anchor points while staying connected to the fall prevention system and safefrom a fall from height.Use PPE that is appropriate for the task and meets the manufacturer's requirements.While working at a height, keep in touch with those who need to know.Maintain fall protection equipment and adjust it to allow for movement while working.Using the restraint technique, keep fall prevention equipment adjusted to prevent falling off orthrough a structure.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 12of 128
During work, keep scaffold/work platform components and fall barriers in place.To respond to changing work practises or site conditions, keep an eye on control measures andconsult with relevant people.Remove tools and materials from the work area in accordance with worksite procedures, safety,and environmental requirements.Task requirements For each task, the student will pair up in a group of four (4) students, assigning designated roles to eachstudent. At the conclusion of each task, each student will switch their roles with the other student andre-do the same task to ensure both the students experiences each role fully.The trainer/assessor will observe you performing the task. The trainer/assessor will also verbally ask each student a series of questions during the student’sperformance of each task. These questions are designed to assess the knowledge students areemploying in the performance of the task. The trainer/assessor will mark the student’s responses to verbal questions on the verbal questionsrecord sheet included in the student’s assessment pack.The trainer/assessor must provide a verbal briefing on each assessment prior to commencement. Eachspecific task is described in more detail below.You will further have the responsibility to instruct the other team member. The team member will befrom different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and with varying physical and mental abilities. Working with the team members, you must: Use two-way radio and voice and hand signals to: oCommunicate with the other team members. oGive instructions. Using language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences. Demonstrate communication skills: oUse questioning to identify and confirm requirements using suitable industry andworkplace language. oUnderstand and follow spoken instructions. oIdentify and confirm requirements, share information, listen and understand. Follow instructions from the trainer/assessor.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 13of 128
Roles and responsibilities (Supervisor): The Supervisor must: Ensure that the student is clear about the job specifications.Ensure that the student understands and sign-off the SWMS for high-risk construction work. Assign a Supervisor or supervise the student performing each activity. Observe the student performing each activity and assess them against the observation checklistprovided after each activity. Skills Test:This assessment task requires the student to work safely at heights above 2 m on three (3) occasions,using different fall protection equipment/devices on each occasion:Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. The work will be any of the following: oAltering a roof oRenovating a roofoRepairing a roof oMaintaining a roofSafety instructions:Restraint techniques should only be used if it is not reasonably practicableto prevent falls by providing a physical barrier (for example, a guard rail). This is becauserestraint techniques require a high level of user skill to operate safely and also greatersupervision.A competent person should install a restraint system in accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions.Restraintanchorageshouldbedesignedforfall-arrestloading.Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using a fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. Instructions:The trainer/assessor must ensure that the site has scaffolds erected on theworksite. The student will identify and report common faults with scaffold or work platformsystems.To do so, you will be required to complete the following activities:Activity 1: Record of Tool-Box MeetingVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 14of 128
Activity 2: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMS Activity 3: Access and assess work areaActivity 4: Conduct work tasks. When carrying out the activities mentioned above, you must follow the instructions provided by yourtrainer/assessor (Supervisor).Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 15of 128
Activity 1: Record of Tool-Box MeetingThis activity will be completed on each of the following occasions: Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using a fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. The trainer/assessor, acting as the worksite supervisor, will run a toolbox meeting for students. Thestudents are to listen carefully to the information provided and then fill out the “Record ToolboxMeeting” form below. The student must place a “√” against each item they think the Supervisor hascovered. The student must place an “X” against any item that is not covered. If the Supervisor (trainer)discusses an item that is not included on the form, the student must add a comment in the“Comment/Discussion” section at the bottom of the form to briefly identified what was discussed.If the student thinks there were no additional items discussed, be sure to write “not applicable” in theform as any blank boxes will be marked as unsatisfactory.The student will be given time to fill out the “Record Toolbox Meeting” in the classroom after theycomplete the toolbox meeting. Students are allowed to take the “Record Toolbox Meeting” form withthem to the tool-box meeting.At the conclusion of the meeting, the trainer/assessor will ask each student to repeat or paraphrase oneitem from the list of items. The student will need to respond verbally by summarising theirunderstanding of what was said about that specific item. This also provides the opportunity for thestudent to demonstrate their verbal communication with the rest of the group.The trainer/assessor will make a note on the assessment record of which question each student wasasked to paraphrase, in addition to comparing the student’s response to the exemplar answercontained in the assessor guide.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 16of 128
Exemplar responses The trainer/assessor must run the tool-box meeting using the script attached at Appendix Cthis Assessor GuideAssessment 2 Activity 3 - RECORD TOOL-BOX MEETINGDate: 26/05/2024Name of Supervisor running the meeting:Students must insertthe name of the Supervisor (Trainer/Assessor) who presented themeeting scriptItems Discussed Please √ or X1.Daily Work requirements √2.Project-specific details & site safety√3.Safety hazards & control strategies√4.Mobile phones & safety √5.PPE/water /fatigue √6.Weather conditions and impact on job√7.Fitness for work/alcohol/drugs /fatigue/illness √8.Worker conduct and behaviour √9.Incident & accident reporting √10. Risk assessments √Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 17of 128
11. Emergencyprocedurestobefollowedincaseoffire/accident/emergency√12. Breaks/conveniences/medical facility/first aid personnel √13. Select, and check for faults, equipment and/or attachments forwork activities√14. Housekeeping activities √TOOL-BOX SIGN OFF Student Signature abhiVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 18of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1(Occasion 1)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)a)The student was attentive during the tool-box meeting. b)Added a comment in the “Comment /Discussion” section at the bottom of theform to briefly identify what wasdiscussed.c)Correctly answered the questions askedby the trainer/assessor. d)Responded verbally by summarising theirunderstanding of what was said aboutthat specific item.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 19of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1(Occasion 2)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)a)The student was attentive during the tool-box meeting. b)Added a comment in the “Comment /Discussion” section at the bottom of theform to briefly identify what wasdiscussed.c)Correctly answered the questions askedby the trainer/assessor. d)Responded verbally by summarising theirunderstanding of what was said aboutthat specific item.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 21of 128
Observer signaturePerformance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1(Occasion 3)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)a)The student was attentive during the tool-box meeting. b)Added a comment in the “Comment /Discussion” section at the bottom of theform to briefly identify what wasdiscussed.c)Correctly answered the questions askedby the trainer/assessor. d)Responded verbally by summarising theirunderstanding of what was said aboutthat specific item.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 22of 128
Student signatureabhiObserver signatureActivity 2: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMS This activity requires the student to identifytask requirements, complete and review SWMS for thefollowing occasions. Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using a fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. Students are to check the tools and equipment, review the physical worksite, attend a tool-box meeting,review the SWPs and complete and sign-off the SWPs form given as Appendix C on each of the followingoccasions: The trainer/assessor must advise students of the practical worksite review and tool-box meeting timingand provide students time to fill out the SWPs in the classroom after you complete the work site reviewand tool-box meeting. Students may choose to take the SWPs with them while reviewing the worksite.Once students have reviewed all relevant information, they are to sign off the SWPs form to confirmtheir understanding. Note:The SWPs are provided as Appendix D to this assessment. The student must complete, review and signoff the SWPs form. To complete this activity, you are required to: Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 1’ provided. Follow the safety (OHS/WHS requirements).Wear PPE appropriate for the job. Complete the SWMS (Appendix D). Complete the following templates for each occasion: oOccasion 1: Template 1oOccasion 2: Template 2oOccasion 3: Template 3Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 23of 128
While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist oncecompleted.Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklistafter completing each step. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 24of 128
Checklist 1: Identify task requirements, complete and review SWMSStepsOccasion 1Occasion 2Occasion 3Step1: Read the work order and related drawings andconsult with relevant people to figure out the proposedwork-at-heights task, including where and how the workwill be done and the equipment or plant that will be used.Instructions:-Read the work order and related drawings Talk to your supervisor regarding working at heightsoFigure out the proposed work-at-heights taskoDetermine where and how the work will bedone and the equipment or plant that will beused.Further, document the work requirements using Template1 – Template 2.Read Work order and drawings Work to be carried out Equipment or plant to be used at heights√√√Step2: Participation in the development of SWMS for thespecified task.Instructions:-Engage with relevant construction workers todiscuss the high-risk construction work, includingthe hazards, risks, and control measures.Recognise the work environment conditions thatmay influence how the high-risk construction workwill be done, for instance:odata identifying with the plan of theconstruction, the working environment (forinstance, area, access, transport) and datacontained in the WHS Management Plan odata on any ‘fundamental administrations’situated on or close to the work environmentoaffirmation that the controller has beenrecounted any ‘notifiable work’ (for instance,destruction work including explosives), and osafe work techniques and plants to beutilised.√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 25of 128
Complete the SWMS using Appendix D provided. Step 3:Select appropriate work-at-heights controlmeasures, including required fall restraint devices and/orfall arrest devices in accordance with workplace andregulatory requirements.Complete the SWMS using Appendix D provided. √√√Step 4: Determine locations of anchor points for harnessbased work to safely work at heightsInstructions:-Choose the proper location for the anchor pointconsidering the work to be conducted and safetyrequirements. Further, document the work requirements using Template1 – Template 3.Types and location of anchor points, includingtemporary and permanent√√√Step 5: Review the SMWS process and also clarify it withrelevant persons.Instructions:Talk to supervisor related to risk involved andcontrol measures implemented. Clarify the control measures and location of anchorpoints, including temporary and permanent, withthe Supervisor.√√√Sign off: abhiDate:26/05/24Template 1: Types and location of anchor points including temporary and permanent(Occasion 1)Types and location of anchor points including temporary and permanent Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 26of 128
1.Roof Anchors:Installed temporarily on the roof structure to provide fall protection whileworking at heights. These are usually secured to the roof frame and can be easily removedafter the work is completed.oLocation:Positioned at strategic points on the roof where work will be conducted.2.Mobile Anchors:Portable and can be moved to different locations as needed. These areuseful for providing anchor points in various positions.oLocation:Used at locations where permanent anchor points are not feasible, such asaround the edges of the roof.Permanent Anchor Points:1.Fixed Roof Anchors:Permanently installed anchors on the roof structure that provide long-term fall protection.oLocation:Placed at regular intervals along the roof edges and near any permanentroof access points to ensure continuous safety.2.Structural Anchors:Integrated into the building's structural elements, such as beams orcolumns.oLocation:Positioned in areas where workers frequently need to perform maintenanceor inspections.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 27of 128
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Template 2: Types and location of anchor points including temporary and permanent(Occasion 2)Types and location of anchor points including temporary and permanent (50-100 words)Temporary Anchor Points:1.Clamp-on Anchors:These are portable anchors that can be clamped onto structuralelements like beams or rails. They provide a flexible and secure anchorage point.oLocation:Positioned on structural beams or rails where temporary access is required.2.Sling Anchors:Made from high-strength materials, sling anchors can be wrapped aroundstructural elements to provide a temporary anchor point.oLocation:Used around sturdy structural components such as columns or large beamswhere drilling or permanent attachment is not possible.Permanent Anchor Points:1.Embedded Anchors:These are permanently installed during the construction phase and areintegrated into the building’s structure. They provide reliable and long-lasting anchor points.oLocation:Typically placed in high-risk areas where regular maintenance or inspectionsare needed, such as around HVAC units or along the edges of rooftops.2.Roof Safety Rails:These permanent fixtures provide continuous protection along the roofedge and are designed to be used with safety harness systems.oLocation:Installed along the entire perimeter of the roof and near access points toensure comprehensive fall protection.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 29of 128
Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 30of 128
Template 3: Types and location of anchor points including temporary and parmanant(Occasion 3)Types and location of anchor points including temporary and parmanant (50-100 words)Temporary Anchor Points:1.Portable Deadweight Anchors:These anchors use weighted bases to provide a secureanchor point without penetrating the surface. They are suitable for use on flat roofs.oLocation:Placed on flat, stable surfaces where traditional anchoring methods are notfeasible.2.Temporary Roof Anchors:These are designed for short-term use and can be installed andremoved easily. They often clamp or screw into place.oLocation:Positioned on sections of the roof where temporary work is being carriedout, ensuring minimal impact on the structure.Permanent Anchor Points:1.Concrete Embedded Anchors:Installed during the construction phase, these anchors areembedded into the concrete structure, providing a permanent and robust anchor point.oLocation:Typically located at strategic points around the roof and on load-bearingwalls where regular maintenance activities are expected.2.Safety Post Anchors:These are fixed to the structure and provide a permanent anchor pointfor fall protection systems. They are highly durable and can withstand heavy use.oLocation:Installed on rooftops, near edges, and around access points to providecontinuous protection.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 31of 128
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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2(Occasion 1)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Read the work order and related drawingsand consult with relevant people to figure outthe proposed work-at-heights task, includingwhere and how the work will be done, as wellas the equipment or plant that will be used.Instructions:-Read the work order and relateddrawings Talked to supervisor regarding to workat heightsoFigured out the proposed work-at-heights taskoDetermined where and how thework will be done, as well asthe equipment or plant that willbe used.Participated in the development of SWMS forthe specified task.Instructions:-Engaged with relevant constructionworkers to discuss the high-riskconstruction work, including thehazards, risks, and control measures.Recognised the work environmentconditions that may influence how thehigh-risk construction work will bedone, for instance:odata identifying with the planof the construction, the workingenvironment(forinstance,area, access, transport) andVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 33of 128
data contained in the WHSManagement Plan odata on any ‘fundamentaladministrations’ situated on orclose to the work environment oaffirmation that the controllerhasbeen recounted any‘notifiable work’ (for instance,destructionworkincludingexplosives), and osafe work techniques andplants to be utilised.Selected appropriate work-at-heights controlmeasures, including required fall restraintdevices and/or fall arrest devices inaccordance with workplace and regulatoryrequirements.Determined locations of anchor points forharness based work to work at heights safelyInstructions:-Chose the proper location for theanchor point considering the work tobeconductedandsafetyrequirements. Reviewed the SMWS process and alsoclarified it with relevant persons.Instructions:Talked to supervisor related to riskinvolvedandcontrolmeasuresimplemented. Clarified the control measures andlocation of anchor points, includingtemporary and permanent, with theSupervisor.Not satisfactoryVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 34of 128
The student’s performance was:SatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 35of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2(Occasion 2)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Read the work order and related drawingsand consult with relevant people to figure outthe proposed work-at-heights task, includingwhere and how the work will be done, as wellas the equipment or plant that will be used.Instructions:-Read the work order and relateddrawings Talked to supervisor regarding to workat heightsoFigured out the proposed work-at-heights taskoDetermined where and how thework will be done, as well asthe equipment or plant that willbe used.Participated in the development of SWMS forthe specified task.Instructions:-Engaged with relevant constructionworkers to discuss the high-riskconstruction work, including thehazards, risks, and control measures.Recognised the work environmentconditions that may influence how thehigh-risk construction work will bedone, for instance:odata identifying with the planof the construction, the workingenvironment(forinstance,area, access, transport) andVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 36of 128
data contained in the WHSManagement Plan odata on any ‘fundamentaladministrations’ situated on orclose to the work environment oaffirmation that the controllerhasbeen recounted any‘notifiable work’ (for instance,destructionworkincludingexplosives), and osafe work techniques andplants to be utilised.Selected appropriate work-at-heights controlmeasures, including required fall restraintdevices and/or fall arrest devices inaccordance with workplace and regulatoryrequirements.Determined locations of anchor points forharness based work to work at heights safelyInstructions:-Chose the proper location for theanchor point considering the work tobeconductedandsafetyrequirements. Reviewed the SMWS process and alsoclarified it with relevant persons.Instructions:Talked to supervisor related to riskinvolvedandcontrolmeasuresimplemented. Clarified the control measures andlocation of anchor points, includingtemporary and permanent, with theSupervisor.Not satisfactoryVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 37of 128
The student’s performance was:SatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 38of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2(Occasion 3)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Read the work order and related drawingsand consult with relevant people to figure outthe proposed work-at-heights task, includingwhere and how the work will be done, as wellas the equipment or plant that will be used.Instructions:-Read the work order and relateddrawings Talked to supervisor regarding to workat heightsoFigured out the proposed work-at-heights taskoDetermined where and how thework will be done, as well asthe equipment or plant that willbe used.Participated in the development of SWMS forthe specified task.Instructions:-Engaged with relevant constructionworkers to discuss the high-riskconstruction work, including thehazards, risks, and control measures.Recognised the work environmentconditions that may influence how thehigh-risk construction work will bedone, for instance:odata identifying with the planof the construction, the workingenvironment(forinstance,area, access, transport) andVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 39of 128
data contained in the WHSManagement Plan odata on any ‘fundamentaladministrations’ situated on orclose to the work environment oaffirmation that the controllerhasbeen recounted any‘notifiable work’ (for instance,destructionworkincludingexplosives), and osafe work techniques andplants to be utilised.Selected appropriate work-at-heights controlmeasures, including required fall restraintdevices and/or fall arrest devices inaccordance with workplace and regulatoryrequirements.Determined locations of anchor points forharness based work to work at heights safelyInstructions:-Chose the proper location for theanchor point considering the work tobeconductedandsafetyrequirements. Reviewed the SMWS process and alsoclarified it with relevant persons.Instructions:Talked to supervisor related to riskinvolvedandcontrolmeasuresimplemented. Clarified the control measures andlocation of anchor points, includingtemporary and permanent, with theSupervisor.Not satisfactoryVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 40of 128
The student’s performance was:SatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 41of 128
Activity 3: Access and assess work areaThis activity requires the student to access and assess the work area to work at heights for the followingoccasions. Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using a fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. To complete this activity, you are required to: Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 2’ provided. Follow the safety (OHS/WHS requirements).Wear PPE appropriate for the job. Complete the SWMS (Appendix D). Complete the following templates for each occasion: oOccasion 1: Template 4oOccasion 2: Template 5oOccasion 3: Template 6While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist oncecompleted.Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklistafter completing each step. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 42of 128
Checklist 2: Access and assess work areaStepsOccasion 1Occasion 2Occasion 3Step 1: Select personal protective equipment (PPE),check for serviceability and report problems.Instructions:Check personal protective equipment forcorrect fittingCheck PPE for serviceabilityReport any problems to your supervisorFurther, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6.Checks conductedFaults identified Reporting procedures √√√Step 2:Identify any work surfaces that are unstable,fragile, or brittle, and take precautions to avoid a fallfrom a height.Instructions:Identify the following unstable, fragile orbrittle work surfaces.othe brittleness, fragility, or stabilityothe potential for slipping, for instance,when surfaces are coated, polished, orwetosafe movement of workers during thechange in surfaceothe capacity or strength for supportingloadsothe slope of work surface, for instance,when it exceeds 7 degreesTake precautions to avoid a fall from a height. Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Unstable, fragile or brittle work surfaces •Control measures to prevent a fall fromheight.√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 43of 128
Step 3:Check the serviceability of fall protectionequipment, including required fall restraints and fallarrest devices, and report any problems. Instructions: •Checkthefollowingfallprotectionequipment. oAir compressors and hosesoAnchor pointsoGuard railsoScaffoldingoFall arrest anchorsoFall arrest inertia reelsoRescue equipmentoSafety harnesses, lanyards, andattachments such as snap hooks andcarabinersoStatic line systemsoTemporary anchor systems•Report issues to the supervisor. Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Checks conducted. •Issues identified. √√√Step 4: In accordance with the SWMS or relevantsafe work procedure, identify, select, and installsignage and barricade equipment. Instructions:•Identify signages and barriers based onSWMS completed•Install equipment related to signage andbarricadeFurther, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Signages and barriers installed. •Safety measures taken into consideration. √√√Step 5:Within the constraints of licencingrequirements, level of authority, and SWMS, install/fitfall protection equipment, including fall restraint andfall arrest devices, as needed.√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 44of 128
Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Fall protection equipment•Procedures implemented to install fallprotection equipment. Step 6: Ascertain that all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have been properlyinstalled.Instructions: Conduct a regular inspection of fall protectionequipment to check its stability, strength,reliability and safety.Ensure all required fall protection, scaffolding,and barriers have been properly installedinaccordance with regulatory and workplacerequirements.Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. Inspection conducted Insallation procedures Regulatory and workplace requirements √√√Step 7:Connect to fall protection equipment,including temporary anchor points, without beingexposed to the risk of a fall from height.Instructions: •Completepre-operationalproceduresaccording to the operations manual. •Connect to fall protection equipment,including temporary anchor points.Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Procedures implemented to connect to fallprotection equipment, including temporaryanchor points. •Safety measures taken into consideration.√√√Step 8: Confirm that fall protection equipment andsafety systems are properly fitted, adjusted, and√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 45of 128
installed and that they are appropriate for the task.Instructions: •Make sure all hooks, d-rings and metal partsare well fitted.•All the fall protection equipment should bestable and free of any kind of fault.•Inspect the entire lanyard; it should not bebroken while twisting.•Make sure the breakaway jacket must befree from cuts, broken stitches, tears, orother evidence of impact load.•Make sure any alternations do not decreasethe efficiency of the equipment.•Detect the faulty hooks and make suretounges are well fitted to buckles of theshoulder.•Check the manufacture’s instructions beforecarrying out the inspection.•Also, check the free fall distance to minimisethe risk of falling.•Check the location of anchor points; it mustnot allow the worker to work above theanchor points that increase the total falldistance.Further, document the following using Template 4 -Template 6. •Procedures implemented to confirm that fallprotection equipment and safety systemsare properly fitted, adjusted, and installedSign off: abhinandanDate: 26/05/24Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 46of 128
Template 4: Access and assess work area (Occasion 1) Access and assess work area (Occasion 1)Client Name: JaquesAddress: 26, Donald rdPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Access and assess work area Worker signature:abhiChecks conductedFaults identified Reporting procedures (50-100 words) inspected all personal protective equipment (PPE) for correct fitting and serviceability. Conducted a visual inspection of the work area for potential hazards.Found a damaged lanyard that was promptly reported to the supervisor and replaced. Reported all identified faults to the supervisor immediately. Documented faults and actions taken in the maintenance log.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 47of 128
Unstable, fragile or brittle work surfaces Control measures to prevent a fall from height. (50-100 words)Identified areas of the roof with fragile tiles and brittle edges.Installed temporary support structures to stabilize these areas. Used guardrails and safety netting around the fragile areas. Implemented a buddy system to ensure no worker is left unsupervised.Checks conducted. Issues identified. (50-100 words) Verified the presence of guardrails and safety netting. Checked that all tools and materials were securely fastened.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 48of 128
Noticed loose debris that could cause slips or trips, which was immediately cleared.Signages and barriers installed. Safety measures taken into consideration. (50-100 words)Installed warning signs around the work area to alert workers of fragile surfaces.Placed barriers at the entry points to restrict unauthorized access. Ensured that all workers wore high-visibility clothing and helmets. Conducted a safety briefing before starting work.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 49of 128
Fall protection equipmentProcedures implemented to install fall protection equipment. (50-100 words)Harnesses, lanyards, anchor points, guardrails, and safety netting.Followed manufacturer’s instructions for installing harnesses and anchor points.Verified the stability of guardrails and safety netting.Inspection conducted Insallation procedures Regulatory and workplace requirements (50-100 words)-Conducted a thorough inspection of all installed fall protection equipment.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 50of 128
-Used a checklist to ensure all steps were completed correctly.-Complied with WHS regulations and company safety policies.•Procedures implemented to connect to fall protection equipment, includingtemporary anchor points. •Safety measures taken into consideration.(50-100 words) Ensured all connections were double-checked by a supervisor. Used temporary anchor points at specified locations to secure harnesses.Made sure all connections were secure and double-checked.Conducted regular checks during the work process.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 51of 128
•Procedures implemented to confirm that fall protection equipment and safetysystems are properly fitted, adjusted, and installed(50-100 words) Conducted a final check to ensure all equipment was properly fitted and adjusted before use. Verified that all safety systems were installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 52of 128
Template 5: Access and assess work area (Occasion 2) Access and assess work area (Occasion 2)Client Name: JacquesAddress: 26 pyrmont stPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Access and assess work area Worker signature:AbhiChecks conductedFaults identified Reporting procedures (50-100 words) Inspected all personal protective equipment (PPE) for correct fitting and serviceability. Conducted a visual inspection of the work area for potential hazards. Ensured all fall protection equipment is in good condition and properly maintained.Found a damaged harness that was promptly reported to the supervisor and replaced. Reported all identified faults to the supervisor immediately. Documented faults and actions taken in the maintenance log.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 54of 128
Unstable, fragile or brittle work surfaces Control measures to prevent a fall from height. (50-100 words) Identified areas of the roof with brittle edges and fragile surfaces. Installed temporary support structures to stabilize these areas. Used guardrails and safety netting around the fragile areas. Implemented a buddy system to ensure no worker is left unsupervised.Checks conducted. Issues identified. (50-100 words) Verified the presence of guardrails and safety netting. Checked that all tools and materials were securely fastened.Noticed loose debris that could cause slips or trips, which was immediately cleared.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 55of 128
Signages and barriers installed. Safety measures taken into consideration. (50-100 words) Installed warning signs around the work area to alert workers of fragile surfaces. Placed barriers at the entry points to restrict unauthorized access. Ensured that all workers wore high-visibility clothing and helmets. Conducted a safety briefing before starting work.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 56of 128
Fall protection equipmentProcedures implemented to install fall protection equipment. (50-100 words)Harnesses, lanyards, anchor points, guardrails, and safety netting. Followed manufacturer’s instructions for installing harnesses and anchor points. Verified the stability of guardrails and safety netting.Inspection conducted Insallation procedures Regulatory and workplace requirements (50-100 words)-Conducted a thorough inspection of all installed fall protection equipment.-Used a checklist to ensure all steps were completed correctly.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 57of 128
-Complied with WHS regulations and company safety policies.•Procedures implemented to connect to fall protection equipment, includingtemporary anchor points. •Safety measures taken into consideration.(50-100 words)Ensured all connections were double-checked by a supervisor.Used temporary anchor points at specified locations to secure harnesses.Made sure all connections were secure and double-checked.Conducted regular checks during the work process.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 58of 128
•Procedures implemented to confirm that fall protection equipment and safetysystems are properly fitted, adjusted, and installed(50-100 words)Conducted a final check to ensure all equipment was properly fitted and adjusted before use.Verified that all safety systems were installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 59of 128
Template 6: Access and assess work area (Occasion 3) Access and assess work area (Occasion 3)Client Name: JackAddress: 26, Pyrmont stPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Access and assess work area Worker signature:abhiChecks conductedFaults identified Reporting procedures (50-100 words) Inspected all personal protective equipment (PPE) for correct fitting and serviceability. Conducted a visual inspection of the work area for potential hazards. Ensured all fall protection equipment is in good condition and properly maintained.Found a damaged anchor point that was promptly reported to the supervisor and replaced. Reported all identified faults to the supervisor immediately. Documented faults and actions taken in the maintenance log.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 61of 128
Unstable, fragile or brittle work surfaces Control measures to prevent a fall from height. (50-100 words)Identified areas of the roof with brittle edges and weak points.Installed temporary support structures to stabilize these areas. Used guardrails and safety netting around the fragile areas. Implemented a buddy system to ensure no worker is left unsupervised.Checks conducted. Issues identified. (50-100 words) Verified the presence of guardrails and safety netting. Checked that all tools and materials were securely fastened.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 62of 128
Noticed loose debris that could cause slips or trips, which was immediately cleared.Signages and barriers installed. Safety measures taken into consideration. (50-100 words) Installed warning signs around the work area to alert workers of fragile surfaces. Placed barriers at the entry points to restrict unauthorized access. Ensured that all workers wore high-visibility clothing and helmets. Conducted a safety briefing before starting work.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 63of 128
Fall protection equipmentProcedures implemented to install fall protection equipment. (50-100 words)Harnesses, lanyards, anchor points, guardrails, and safety netting. Followed manufacturer’s instructions for installing harnesses and anchor points. Verified the stability of guardrails and safety netting.Inspection conducted Insallation procedures Regulatory and workplace requirements (50-100 words)Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 64of 128
-Conducted a thorough inspection of all installed fall protection equipment.-Used a checklist to ensure all steps were completed correctly.-Complied with WHS regulations and company safety policies.•Procedures implemented to connect to fall protection equipment, includingtemporary anchor points. •Safety measures taken into consideration.(50-100 words) Ensured all connections were double-checked by a supervisor. Used temporary anchor points at specified locations to secure harnesses. Made sure all connections were secure and double-checked. Conducted regular checks during the work process.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 65of 128
•Procedures implemented to confirm that fall protection equipment and safetysystems are properly fitted, adjusted, and installed(50-100 words) Conducted a final check to ensure all equipment was properly fitted and adjusted before use. Verified that all safety systems were installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 66of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3(Occasion 1)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Selected personal protective equipment(PPE), checked for serviceability and reportproblems.Instructions:Check personal protective equipmentfor correct fittingCheck PPE for serviceabilityReport any problems to yoursupervisorIdentified any work surfaces that areunstable, fragile, or brittle and tookprecautions to avoid a fall from a height.Instructions:Identified the following unstable,fragile or brittle work surfaces.othe brittleness, fragility, orstabilityothe potential for slipping, forinstance, when surfaces arecoated, polished, or wetosafe movement of workersduring the change in surfaceothe capacity or strength forsupporting loadsothe slope of work surface, forinstance, when it exceeds 7degreesTook precautions to avoid a fall from aheight. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 68of 128
Checked the serviceability of fall protectionequipment, including required fall restraintsand fall arrest devices, and report anyproblems. Instructions: •Checked the following fall protectionequipment. oAir compressors and hosesoAnchor pointsoGuard railsoScaffoldingoFall arrest anchorsoFall arrest inertia reelsoRescue equipmentoSafety harnesses, lanyards,and attachments such as snaphooks and carabinersoStatic line systemsoTemporary anchor systems•Reported issues to the supervisor. In accordance with the SWMS or relevant safework procedure, identify, select, and installsignage and barricade equipment. Instructions:•Identify signages and barriers basedon SWMS completed•Install equipment related to signageand barricadeWithintheconstraintsoflicencingrequirements, level of authority, and SWMS,installed/fitted fall protection equipment,including fall restraint and fall arrest devices,as needed.Ascertained that all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have been properlyinstalled.Instructions: Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 69of 128
Conducted a regular inspection of fallprotection equipment to check itsstability, strength, reliability andsafety.Ensured all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have beenproperly installedin accordance withregulatoryandworkplacerequirements.Connected to fall protection equipment,including temporary anchor points, withoutbeing exposed to the risk of a fall fromheight.Instructions: •Completedpre-operationalproceduresaccordingtotheoperations manual. •Connectedtofallprotectionequipment, including temporaryStep 8:Confirmed that fall protectionequipment and safety systems are properlyfitted, adjusted, and installed and that theyare appropriate for the task.Instructions: •Made sure all hooks, d-rings, andmetal parts are well fitted.•All the fall protection equipmentwere stable and free of any kind offault.•Inspected the entire lanyard; itshould not be broken while twisting.•Made sure the breakaway jacketmust be free from cuts, brokenstitches, tears, or other evidence ofimpact load.•Made sure any alternations do notdecrease the efficiency of theequipment.•Detected the faulty hooks and makesure tounges are well fitted toVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 70of 128
buckles of the shoulder.•Checkedthemanufacture’sinstructions before carrying out theinspection.•Also, checked the free fall distanceto minimise the risk of falling.•Checked the location of anchorpoints; it must not allow the workerto work above the anchor points thatincrease the total fall distance.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 71of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3(Occasion 2)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Selected personal protective equipment(PPE), checked for serviceability and reportproblems.Instructions:Check personal protective equipmentfor correct fittingCheck PPE for serviceabilityReport any problems to yoursupervisorIdentified any work surfaces that areunstable, fragile, or brittle and tookprecautions to avoid a fall from a height.Instructions:Identified the following unstable,fragile or brittle work surfaces.othe brittleness, fragility, orstabilityothe potential for slipping, forinstance, when surfaces arecoated, polished, or wetosafe movement of workersduring the change in surfaceothe capacity or strength forsupporting loadsothe slope of work surface, forinstance, when it exceeds 7degreesTook precautions to avoid a fall from aheight. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 72of 128
Checked the serviceability of fall protectionequipment, including required fall restraintsand fall arrest devices, and report anyproblems. Instructions: •Checked the following fall protectionequipment. oAir compressors and hosesoAnchor pointsoGuard railsoScaffoldingoFall arrest anchorsoFall arrest inertia reelsoRescue equipmentoSafety harnesses, lanyards,and attachments such as snaphooks and carabinersoStatic line systemsoTemporary anchor systems•Reported issues to the supervisor. In accordance with the SWMS or relevant safework procedure, identify, select, and installsignage and barricade equipment. Instructions:•Identify signages and barriers basedon SWMS completed•Install equipment related to signageand barricadeWithintheconstraintsoflicencingrequirements, level of authority, and SWMS,installed/fitted fall protection equipment,including fall restraint and fall arrest devices,as needed.Ascertained that all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have been properlyinstalled.Instructions: Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 73of 128
Conducted a regular inspection of fallprotection equipment to check itsstability, strength, reliability andsafety.Ensured all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have beenproperly installedin accordance withregulatoryandworkplacerequirements.Connected to fall protection equipment,including temporary anchor points, withoutbeing exposed to the risk of a fall fromheight.Instructions: •Completedpre-operationalproceduresaccordingtotheoperations manual. •Connectedtofallprotectionequipment, including temporaryStep 8:Confirmed that fall protectionequipment and safety systems are properlyfitted, adjusted, and installed and that theyare appropriate for the task.Instructions: •Made sure all hooks, d-rings, andmetal parts are well fitted.•All the fall protection equipmentwere stable and free of any kind offault.•Inspected the entire lanyard; itshould not be broken while twisting.•Made sure the breakaway jacketmust be free from cuts, brokenstitches, tears, or other evidence ofimpact load.•Made sure any alternations do notdecrease the efficiency of theequipment.•Detected the faulty hooks and makesure tounges are well fitted toVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 74of 128
buckles of the shoulder.•Checkedthemanufacture’sinstructions before carrying out theinspection.•Also, checked the free fall distanceto minimise the risk of falling.•Checked the location of anchorpoints; it must not allow the workerto work above the anchor points thatincrease the total fall distance.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 75of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3(Occasion 3)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Selected personal protective equipment(PPE), checked for serviceability and reportproblems.Instructions:Check personal protective equipmentfor correct fittingCheck PPE for serviceabilityReport any problems to yoursupervisorIdentified any work surfaces that areunstable, fragile, or brittle and tookprecautions to avoid a fall from a height.Instructions:Identified the following unstable,fragile or brittle work surfaces.othe brittleness, fragility, orstabilityothe potential for slipping, forinstance, when surfaces arecoated, polished, or wetosafe movement of workersduring the change in surfaceothe capacity or strength forsupporting loadsothe slope of work surface, forinstance, when it exceeds 7degreesTook precautions to avoid a fall from aheight. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 76of 128
Checked the serviceability of fall protectionequipment, including required fall restraintsand fall arrest devices, and report anyproblems. Instructions: •Checked the following fall protectionequipment. oAir compressors and hosesoAnchor pointsoGuard railsoScaffoldingoFall arrest anchorsoFall arrest inertia reelsoRescue equipmentoSafety harnesses, lanyards,and attachments such as snaphooks and carabinersoStatic line systemsoTemporary anchor systems•Reported issues to the supervisor. In accordance with the SWMS or relevant safework procedure, identify, select, and installsignage and barricade equipment. Instructions:•Identify signages and barriers basedon SWMS completed•Install equipment related to signageand barricadeWithintheconstraintsoflicencingrequirements, level of authority, and SWMS,installed/fitted fall protection equipment,including fall restraint and fall arrest devices,as needed.Ascertained that all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have been properlyinstalled.Instructions: Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 77of 128
Conducted a regular inspection of fallprotection equipment to check itsstability, strength, reliability andsafety.Ensured all required fall protection,scaffolding, and barriers have beenproperly installedin accordance withregulatoryandworkplacerequirements.Connected to fall protection equipment,including temporary anchor points, withoutbeing exposed to the risk of a fall fromheight.Instructions: •Completedpre-operationalproceduresaccordingtotheoperations manual. •Connectedtofallprotectionequipment, including temporaryStep 8:Confirmed that fall protectionequipment and safety systems are properlyfitted, adjusted, and installed and that theyare appropriate for the task.Instructions: •Made sure all hooks, d-rings, andmetal parts are well fitted.•All the fall protection equipmentwere stable and free of any kind offault.•Inspected the entire lanyard; itshould not be broken while twisting.•Made sure the breakaway jacketmust be free from cuts, brokenstitches, tears, or other evidence ofimpact load.•Made sure any alternations do notdecrease the efficiency of theequipment.•Detected the faulty hooks and makesure tounges are well fitted toVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 78of 128
buckles of the shoulder.•Checkedthemanufacture’sinstructions before carrying out theinspection.•Also, checked the free fall distanceto minimise the risk of falling.•Checked the location of anchorpoints; it must not allow the workerto work above the anchor points thatincrease the total fall distance.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureabhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 79of 128
Activity 4: Conduct work tasks.This activity requires you to conduct work tasks to work safely at heights on the following two (3)occasions.Occasion 1:Use a restraint technique (anchor point) system with a minimum of three anchorpoints while working on a roof of a building. Occasion 2:Use a fall arrest system (Catch platforms) to repair a fragile roof. Occasion 3:Using a fall prevention system (scaffolding) to clean a structure of a building. This activity must be completed in accordance with the outcomes of Activity 1-Activity 2. To complete this activity, you are required to: Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 3’ provided. Follow the safety (OHS/WHS requirements).Wear PPE appropriate for the job. Complete the following Templates: oOccasion 1: Template 7. oOccasion 2: Template 8. oOccasion 3: Template 9. While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist oncecompleted.Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklistafter completing each step. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 80of 128
Checklist 3: Conduct work taskStepsOccasion 1Occasion 2Occasion 3Step 1:Comply with the SWMS and workplacerequirements when performing work tasks.Instructions:Carry out work tasks in accordance with the SWMSprepared in Activity 2. Further, document the operating procedures usingTemplate 7 - Template 9.SWMS work tasks Safety requirements √√√Step 2:Traverse between anchor points while stayingconnected to the fall prevention system and safe from afall from height.Instructions: Remain connected to the fall prevention system totraverse between anchor points to protectthemselves from a risk of a fall from heightFurther, document the following using Template 7 -Template 9. •Procedures implemented to transverse betweenanchor points. √√√Step 3: Use PPE that is appropriate for the task andmeets the manufacturer's requirements.Further, document the following using Template 7 -Template 9Manufacturer requirements for the use of PPE√√√Step 4: Maintaining communication with supervisor andteam members while working at height. Instructions:√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 81of 128
Inspect the deviceTalk to supervisor about different communicationstechinique.Maintain communication throughout the task. Further, document the following using Template 7 -Template 9Communication equipment used How did you maintain communication with theSupervisor? Step 5: Maintain fall protection equipment and adjust itto allow for movement while working.Instructions: Place the equipment at the right location fromwhere they are easily usedAdjustment of equilibrium of lift is also vital so thatwind does not put any effect on it..Adjustment of equilibrium of lift is also vital so thatwind does not put any effect on it.Further, document the following using Template 7 –Template 9. Proceduresimplementedtomaintainfallprotection equipment. Adjustments made to the fall protectionequipment.√√√Step 6:Using the restraint technique, keep fallprevention equipment adjusted to prevent falling off orthrough a structure.Further, document the following using Template 7 –Template 9. Procedures implemented to use the restrainttechnique, keep fall prevention equipmentadjusted to prevent falling off or through astructure.√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 82of 128
Step 7:During work, keep scaffold/work platformcomponents and fall barriers in place.Instructions:Made sure all the components off scaffolds arefixed and secured.Used a ladder with a scaffold to secure themselvesfrom falling out.Barriers such as guard rails were used around thescaffolding to provide edge protection to theworkers.Made sure placement of guard rail and toe-board iscarried out at every elevated open side platform.Barriers were provided to each floor hole intowhich a worker can accidentally walk. All the components remained stable duringworking at height to prevent any falling risk.Further, document the following using Template 7 –Template 9. Procedures implemented to keep scaffold/workplatform components and fall barriers in place.√√√Step 8: Monitor control measures and consult withrelevant persons to respond to changing work practices orsite conditions.Instructions:Assess the effectiveness of Used a ladder with a scaffold to secure themselvesfrom falling out.Further, document the following using Template 7 –Template 9.Identify the effectiveness of control measures. Ensure different work conditions√√√Step 9: Exit work area removing tools and materials fromthe work area in accordance with work site procedures,safety, and environmental requirements.Instructions:Exit from the work area and remove tools andmaterials in compliance with worksite procedures,√√√Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 83of 128
safety, and environmental requirements. Exit signs are installed at routes. The workersshould follow the signs to exit the constructionsite.Further, document the following using Template 7 –Template 9.Worksite procedures, safety, and environmentalrequirements for exiting work area removing toolsand materials. Sign off: AbhinandanDate: 26/05/24Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 84of 128
Template 7: Conduct work task (Occasion 1)Conduct work taskClient Name: JackAddress: 25 pyrmontPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Complete on-site preparation and set up the job.Worker signature: abhiSWMS work tasks Safety requirements (50-100 words) Followed Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) to ensure all tasks were performed safely and incompliance with workplace procedures. Conducted a site-specific risk assessment to identify potential hazards and implemented controlmeasures to mitigate risks. Ensured all workers wore appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including hard hats,safety boots, gloves, and high-visibility clothing. Installed guardrails and safety barriers to prevent falls from heights.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 85of 128
Procedures implemented to transverse between anchor points. (50-100 words) Maintained continuous connection to the fall prevention system while moving betweenanchor points. Used double lanyards to ensure that one lanyard was always connected whiletransitioning between points.Manufacturer requirements for the use of PPE (50-100 words) Followed the manufacturer’s instructions for fitting and using harnesses, ensuring theywere properly adjusted and secured. Conducted regular inspections of PPE for signs of wear and tear, and replaced anyVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 86of 128
damaged equipment immediately.Communication equipment used How did you maintain communication with the Supervisor? (50-100 words)Used two-way radios to maintain clear communication with the supervisor and teammembers.Established hand signals for situations where verbal communication was notpossible.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 87of 128
Procedures implemented to maintain fall protection equipment. Adjustments made to the fall protection equipment.(50-100 words) Conducted pre-use inspections of all fall protection equipment to ensure it was in goodworking condition. Made necessary adjustments to harnesses and lanyards to ensure a secure andcomfortable fit. Adjusted harness straps for a snug fit. Ensured lanyards were of appropriate length to prevent falls while allowing sufficientmovement.Procedures implemented to use the restraint technique, keep fall prevention equipmentadjusted to prevent falling off or through a structure (50-100 words)Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 88of 128
Ensured fall prevention equipment was correctly adjusted to prevent falling off orthrough a structure. Used restraint lanyards to limit the range of movement and keep workers within safezones.Procedures implemented to keep scaffold/work platform components and fall barriers inplace (50-100 words) Regularly checked that all scaffold components and barriers were securely fixed andstable. Used guardrails and toe boards to provide edge protection.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 89of 128
Identify the effectiveness of control measures. Ensure different work conditions(50-100 words) Continuously monitored the work area to ensure control measures were effective. Consulted with the team and adjusted safety measures as necessary to respond tochanging conditions.Worksite procedures, safety, and environmental requirements for exiting work arearemoving tools and materials. (50-100 words) Cleared the work area of all tools and materials at the end of the task. Ensured that waste was disposed of according to environmental regulations and siteprocedures. Conducted a final inspection to confirm the area was safe and clean before leaving.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 90of 128
Sign off: AbhinandanDate:26/05/24Template 8: Conduct work task (Occasion 2)Conduct work taskVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 91of 128
Client Name: JackAddress: 23 Pyrmont stPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Complete on-site preparation and set up the job.Worker signature:abhiSWMS work tasks Safety requirements (50-100 words) Followed Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) to ensure all tasks were performed safely and incompliance with workplace procedures. Conducted a site-specific risk assessment to identify potential hazards and implemented controlmeasures to mitigate risks.Ensured all workers wore appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including hard hats,safety boots, gloves, and high-visibility clothing.Installed guardrails and safety barriers to prevent falls from heights.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 92of 128
Procedures implemented to transverse between anchor points. (50-100 words) Maintained continuous connection to the fall prevention system while moving betweenanchor points. Used double lanyards to ensure that one lanyard was always connected whiletransitioning between points.Manufacturer requirements for the use of PPE (50-100 words) Followed the manufacturer’s instructions for fitting and using harnesses, ensuring theywere properly adjusted and secured. Conducted regular inspections of PPE for signs of wear and tear, and replaced anydamaged equipment immediately.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 93of 128
Communication equipment used How did you maintain communication with the Supervisor? (50-100 words) Used two-way radios to maintain clear communication with the supervisor and teammembers. Established hand signals for situations where verbal communication was not possible.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 94of 128
Procedures implemented to maintain fall protection equipment. Adjustments made to the fall protection equipment.(50-100 words)Conducted pre-use inspections of all fall protection equipment to ensure it was ingood working condition.Made necessary adjustments to harnesses and lanyards to ensure a secure andcomfortable fit. Adjusted harness straps for a snug fit. Ensured lanyards were of appropriate length to prevent falls while allowing sufficientmovement.Procedures implemented to use the restraint technique, keep fall prevention equipmentadjusted to prevent falling off or through a structure (50-100 words) Ensured fall prevention equipment was correctly adjusted to prevent falling off orVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 95of 128
through a structure. Used restraint lanyards to limit the range of movement and keep workers within safezones.Procedures implemented to keep scaffold/work platform components and fall barriers inplace (50-100 words) Regularly checked that all scaffold components and barriers were securely fixed andstable. Used guardrails and toe boards to provide edge protection.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 96of 128
Identify the effectiveness of control measures. Ensure different work conditions(50-100 words)Continuously monitored the work area to ensure control measures were effective.Consulted with the team and adjusted safety measures as necessary to respond tochanging conditions.Worksite procedures, safety, and environmental requirements for exiting work arearemoving tools and materials. (50-100 words)Cleared the work area of all tools and materials at the end of the task.Ensured that waste was disposed of according to environmental regulations andsite procedures.Conducted a final inspection to confirm the area was safe and clean before leaving.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 97of 128
Sign off: AbhinandanDate:26/05/24Template 9: Conduct work task (Occasion 3)Conduct work taskVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 98of 128
Client Name: JackAddress: 24 Wilson stPhone Number: 1234567890Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 26/05/24Worker name:AbhinandanJob Details:Complete on-site preparation and set up the job.Worker signature: AbhiSWMS work tasks Safety requirements (50-100 words) Followed Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) to ensure all tasks were performed safely and incompliance with workplace procedures. Conducted a site-specific risk assessment to identify potential hazards and implemented controlmeasures to mitigate risks. Ensured all workers wore appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including hard hats,safety boots, gloves, and high-visibility clothing. Installed guardrails and safety barriers to prevent falls from heights.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 99of 128
Procedures implemented to transverse between anchor points. (50-100 words) Maintained continuous connection to the fall prevention system while moving betweenanchor points. Used double lanyards to ensure that one lanyard was always connected whiletransitioning between points.Manufacturer requirements for the use of PPE (50-100 words)Followed the manufacturer’s instructions for fitting and using harnesses, ensuringthey were properly adjusted and secured.Conducted regular inspections of PPE for signs of wear and tear, and replaced anydamaged equipment immediately.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 100of 128
Communication equipment used How did you maintain communication with the Supervisor? (50-100 words) Used two-way radios to maintain clear communication with the supervisor and teammembers. Established hand signals for situations where verbal communication was not possible.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 101of 128
Procedures implemented to maintain fall protection equipment. Adjustments made to the fall protection equipment.(50-100 words) Conducted pre-use inspections of all fall protection equipment to ensure it was in goodworking condition. Made necessary adjustments to harnesses and lanyards to ensure a secure andcomfortable fit. Adjusted harness straps for a snug fit. Ensured lanyards were of appropriate length to prevent falls while allowing sufficientmovement.Procedures implemented to use the restraint technique, keep fall prevention equipmentadjusted to prevent falling off or through a structure (50-100 words) Ensured fall prevention equipment was correctly adjusted to prevent falling off orthrough a structure. Used restraint lanyards to limit the range of movement and keep workers within safeVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 102of 128
zones.Procedures implemented to keep scaffold/work platform components and fall barriers inplace (50-100 words)Regularly checked that all scaffold components and barriers were securely fixedand stable.Used guardrails and toe boards to provide edge protection.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 103of 128
Identify the effectiveness of control measures. Ensure different work conditions(50-100 words) Continuously monitored the work area to ensure control measures were effective. Consulted with the team and adjusted safety measures as necessary to respond tochanging conditions.Worksite procedures, safety, and environmental requirements for exiting work arearemoving tools and materials. (50-100 words)Cleared the work area of all tools and materials at the end of the task.Ensured that waste was disposed of according to environmental regulations andsite procedures.Conducted a final inspection to confirm the area was safe and clean before leaving.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 104of 128
Sign off: Abhinandan Date:26/05/24Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4(Occasion 1)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Complied with the SWMS and workplacerequirements when performing work tasks.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 105of 128
Carried out work tasks in accordancewith the SWMS prepared in Activity 2. Traversed between anchor points whilestaying connected to the fall preventionsystem and safe from a fall from height.Remained connected to the fallpreventionsystemtotraversebetween anchor points to protectthemselves from a risk of a fall fromheightUsed PPE that is appropriate for the task andmeets the manufacturer's requirements.Maintained communication with supervisorand team members while working at height. Inspected the deviceTalked to the supervisor aboutdifferent communications techinique.Maintained communication throughoutthe task. Maintained fall protection equipment andadjust it to allow for movement whileworking.Placed the equipment at the rightlocation from where they are easilyusedAdjustment of equilibrium of lift wasalso vital so that wind does not putany effect on it.Used the restraint technique, keep fallprevention equipment adjusted to preventfalling off or through a structure.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 106of 128
During work, kept scaffold/work platformcomponents and fall barriers in place.Instructions:Made sure all the components offscaffolds are fixed and secured.Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Barriers such as guard rails were usedaround the scaffolding to provide edgeprotection to the workers.Made sure placement of guard rail andtoe-board is carried out at everyelevated open side platform.Barriers were provided to each floorhole into which a worker canaccidentally walk. All the components remained stableduring working at height to preventany falling risk.Monitored control measures and consult withrelevant persons to respond to changing workpractices or site conditions.Instructions:Assessed the effectiveness of controlmeasures. Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Exit work area removing tools and materialsfrom the work area in accordance with worksite procedures, safety, and environmentalrequirements.Instructions:Exit from the work area and removetools and materials in compliancewith worksite procedures, safety, andenvironmental requirements. Exit signs were installed at routes.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 107of 128
The workers should follow the signs toexit the construction site.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureAbhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 108of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4(Occasion 2)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Complied with the SWMS and workplacerequirements when performing work tasks.Carried out work tasks in accordancewith the SWMS prepared in Activity 2. Traversed between anchor points whilestaying connected to the fall preventionsystem and safe from a fall from height.Remained connected to the fallpreventionsystemtotraversebetween anchor points to protectthemselves from a risk of a fall fromheightUsed PPE that is appropriate for the task andmeets the manufacturer's requirements.Maintained communication with supervisorand team members while working at height. Inspected the deviceTalked to the supervisor aboutdifferent communications techinique.Maintained communication throughoutthe task. Maintained fall protection equipment andadjust it to allow for movement whileworking.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 109of 128
Placed the equipment at the rightlocation from where they are easilyusedAdjustment of equilibrium of lift wasalso vital so that wind does not putany effect on it.Used the restraint technique, keep fallprevention equipment adjusted to preventfalling off or through a structure.During work, kept scaffold/work platformcomponents and fall barriers in place.Instructions:Made sure all the components offscaffolds are fixed and secured.Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Barriers such as guard rails were usedaround the scaffolding to provide edgeprotection to the workers.Made sure placement of guard rail andtoe-board is carried out at everyelevated open side platform.Barriers were provided to each floorhole into which a worker canaccidentally walk. All the components remained stableduring working at height to preventany falling risk.Monitored control measures and consult withrelevant persons to respond to changing workpractices or site conditions.Instructions:Assessed the effectiveness of controlmeasures. Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 110of 128
Exit work area removing tools and materialsfrom the work area in accordance with worksite procedures, safety, and environmentalrequirements.Instructions:Exit from the work area and removetools and materials in compliancewith worksite procedures, safety, andenvironmental requirements. Exit signs were installed at routes.The workers should follow the signs toexit the construction site.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureAbhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 111of 128
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4(Occasion 3)This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in thisassessment task, the participant needs todemonstrate competency in the followingcritical aspects of evidenceSN/STrainer/Assessor to complete(Comment and feedback to students)Complied with the SWMS and workplacerequirements when performing work tasks.Carried out work tasks in accordancewith the SWMS prepared in Activity 2. Traversed between anchor points whilestaying connected to the fall preventionsystem and safe from a fall from height.Remained connected to the fallpreventionsystemtotraversebetween anchor points to protectthemselves from a risk of a fall fromheightUsed PPE that is appropriate for the task andmeets the manufacturer's requirements.Maintained communication with supervisorand team members while working at height. Inspected the deviceTalked to the supervisor aboutdifferent communications techinique.Maintained communication throughoutthe task. Maintained fall protection equipment andadjust it to allow for movement whileworking.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 112of 128
Placed the equipment at the rightlocation from where they are easilyusedAdjustment of equilibrium of lift wasalso vital so that wind does not putany effect on it.Used the restraint technique, keep fallprevention equipment adjusted to preventfalling off or through a structure.During work, kept scaffold/work platformcomponents and fall barriers in place.Instructions:Made sure all the components offscaffolds are fixed and secured.Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Barriers such as guard rails were usedaround the scaffolding to provide edgeprotection to the workers.Made sure placement of guard rail andtoe-board is carried out at everyelevated open side platform.Barriers were provided to each floorhole into which a worker canaccidentally walk. All the components remained stableduring working at height to preventany falling risk.Monitored control measures and consult withrelevant persons to respond to changing workpractices or site conditions.Instructions:Assessed the effectiveness of controlmeasures. Used a ladder with a scaffold to securethemselves from falling out.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 113of 128
Exit work area removing tools and materialsfrom the work area in accordance with worksite procedures, safety, and environmentalrequirements.Instructions:Exit from the work area and removetools and materials in compliancewith worksite procedures, safety, andenvironmental requirements. Exit signs were installed at routes.The workers should follow the signs toexit the construction site.The student’s performance was:Not satisfactorySatisfactoryFeedback to student:Student signatureAbhiObserver signatureVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 114of 128
Assessment 2 : (Verbal question record)When you have completed this assessment, your trainer/assessor will provide a mark in the boxes provided (on the right). Your mark will be correct or incorrect.Assessor to markIf Satisfactory X Not Satisfactory1.Which document needs to be completed before carrying out high-riskconstruction work? 󠆻S󠆻NYS2.Name the document that specifies the environmental requirements to befollowed at the worksite. 󠆻S󠆻NYS3.What type of PPE must be work if the lighting at the workplace is not good?󠆻S󠆻NYS4.Name the equipment that you will use to communicate with a fellow workerwho is out of your sight.󠆻S󠆻NYS5.Name the document in which you will record faults in equipment.󠆻S󠆻NYSComments:Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 115of 128
Assessment Results Sheet OutcomeFirst attempt: Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)Feedback: Second attempt: Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)Feedback: StudentDeclarationI declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where Ihave accessed information from other sources, I have providedreferences and or links to my sources. I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that Iused as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is notmy own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation andplagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept thatthe work I submit may be subject to verification to establish that it is myown.I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I canappeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidenceundertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 116of 128
All appeal options have been explained to me.Student SignatureAbhiDate Trainer/AssessorName Trainer/AssessorDeclarationI hold:☐ Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered☐ Current relevant industry skills ☐ Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake☐ Ongoing professional development in VETI declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s submission.The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid and reliable. Ideclare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.I have provided feedback to the student.Trainer/AssessorSignatureDateOffice Use OnlyThe outcome of the assessment has been entered into the StudentManagement System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name) __________________________________Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 117of 128
Appendix A: Reasonable AdjustmentsWrite (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied: Reasonable Adjustments •Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additionallanguage, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments. •Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate theneeds of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it isdelivered or assessed. •The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enablethe student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a studentwithout a disability. •The trainer/assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment StrategiesMatrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.•The trainer/assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurancedepartment for any reasonable adjustments made. •All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment packto the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)CategoryPossible IssueReasonable Adjustment Strategy (select as applicable)LLNSpeakingReadingWritingConfidenceVerbal assessment Presentations Demonstration of a skill Use of diagrams Use of supporting documents such as wordlistsNon-English Speaking Background SpeakingReadingWritingCultural backgroundConfidenceDiscuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable) whetherlanguage, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact on the assessment processUse methods that do not require a higher level of language or literacy than is required to perform the job roleUse short sentences that do not contain large amounts of informationClarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding Read any printed information to the studentUse graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to support, textOffer to write down, or have someone else write, oral responses given by the studentEnsure that the time available to complete the assessment, while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 118of 128
Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied: student’s needsIndigenousKnowledge and understandingFlexibilityServicesInappropriate training and assessmentCulturally appropriate trainingExplore understanding of concepts and practical application through oral assessmentFlexible delivery Using group rather than individual assessments Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the field after demonstration of skills and knowledge. AgeEducational backgroundLimited study skills Make sure font size is not too smallTrainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experienceEnsure that the time available to complete the assessment takes account of the student’s needsProvision of information or course materials in an accessible format. Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone to enable a student to hear lecturesSupply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker for a student who cannot writeChanges in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venueChanges to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment taskModifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever taps, building ramps, installing a liftEducational backgroundReadingWritingNumeracyLimited study skills and/or learning strategiesDiscuss with the Student previous learning experienceEnsure learning and assessment methods meet the student’s individual needDisabilitySpeakingReadingWritingNumeracyLimited study skills and/or learning strategiesIdentify the issuesCreate a climate of supportEnsure access to support that the student has agreed toAppropriately structure the assessmentProvide information or course materials in an accessible format, e.g. a textbook in brailleChanges in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM microphone to enable a student to hear lecturesSupply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-taker for a student who cannot writeChanges in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venueChanges to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment taskModifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing lever taps, building ramps, installing a liftExplanation of reasonable adjustments strategy usedVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 119of 128
Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied: Trainer/AssessorName Trainer/AssessorDeclarationI declare that I have attached all relevant evidence to provide reasonableadjustment. The training package guidelines and criteria have not beencompromised in the process of providing reasonable adjustment to thestudent. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexibleassessment. I have provided explanation of reasonable adjustmentsstrategy used, as required. Trainer/AssessorSignatureDateVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 120of 128
Appendix B: Learner Evaluation FormPlease complete this evaluation form as thoroughly as you can, in order for us to continuously improveour training quality. The purpose of the evaluation form is to evaluate the areas below:•logistics and support •facilitation•training material •assessmentYour honest and detailed input is therefore, of great value to us, and we appreciate your assistance incompleting this evaluation form!Unit of Competency Name Trainer/AssessorName Student Name (Optional) Dates of TrainingEmployer/Work site (if applicable)Date of EvaluationALogistics and Support Evaluation No.Criteria/QuestionStronglyDisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree1The communication regarding the required attendance and time to study to pass this unit was correct 2The staff were efficient and helpful.3The training equipment and material used was effective and prepared.4The training venue was conducive to learning (set-up for convenience of students, comfortable in terms of temperature, etc.)Additional Comments on Logistics and Support Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 121of 128
No.Criteria/QuestionStronglyDisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStronglyAgreeBTrainer/Assessor Evaluation1The trainer/assessor was prepared and knowledgeable on the subject of the program2The trainer/assessor encouraged student participation and input3The trainer/assessor made use of a variety of methods, exercises, activities and discussions4The trainer/assessor used the material in a structured and effective manner5The trainer/assessor was approachable and respectful of the learners6The trainer/assessor was punctual and kept to the schedule7The trainer/assessor was easy to understand and used the correct languageAdditional Comments on TrainingVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 122of 128
No.Criteria/QuestionStronglyDisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStronglyAgreeCLearning Evaluation1The learning outcomes of the unit are relevant and suitable.2The content of the unit was relevant and suitable for the target group.3The length of the training was suitablefor the unit. 4The learning material assisted in the learning of new knowledge and skills to apply in a practical manner. 5The learning material was free from spelling and grammar errors6Handouts and exercises were clear, concise and relevant to the outcomes and content. 7Learning material was generally of a high standard, and user-friendly Additional Comments on Learning EvaluationVersion Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 123of 128
Appendix C: Assessor Script for Tool Box MeetingTopics to be coveredSpecific advice to be provided to student’sscript1.Daily Work requirements 1.Explain the tasks for each student and thesequence of assessment for everyone.2.Briefing on task details as required by theWork Instruction.2.Project-specific details & site safety1.Brief on the construction task that is beingconducted.2.Operating techniques used to operate smallplant and equipment. 3.Reminder of the SWMS and reading andsigning it.4.Check White card/CIC is held.3.Safety hazards & control strategies1.Hazards are detailed in the SWMS, site to beinspected for any other hazards on arrival atthe site.2.Control strategies to be discussed with thesupervisor, agreed to and implemented.4.Mobile phone s& safety 1.On duty worker is not to be in possession of amobile phone.5.PPE/water /fatigue 1.Hi-Viz vests to be worn.2.Safety boots to worn.3.Helmet to worn.4.Safety glasses are optional.5.A minimum of 3 litres of water per person isto carry.6.Drink plenty of water to prevent fatigue.6.Weather conditions and impact on job1.The briefing will be dependent on the daydue to the climate.7.Fitness for work/alcohol/drugs /fatigue/illness 1.It is your responsibility to maintain yourpersonal fitness levels.2.Company alcohol and drug policy is zerotolerance on the job.3.As this job is of very short-term fatigue will beminimal.4.Inform supervisor immediately if you feel illat any time during work hours.8.Worker conduct and behaviour 1.Clean presentable clothing to be worn.2.Courtesy to all operators, and others always.Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 124of 128
3.Do not become involved in any arguments oraltercations.9.Incident & accident reporting 1.As per company procedures. 2.All incident/accidents are to be verballyreported to your supervisor as soon aspracticable.10. Risk assessments 1.Risk assessments are to be completed forany identified hazard on site that is notcovered by the SWMS.11. Emergency procedures to be followed in case of fire/accident/emergency1.Australian legislation, codes and guidancematerials.2.Emergency warning systems installed in mostbuildings.12. Breaks/conveniences/medical facility/first aidpersonnel Give no information on this subjectStudents are to mark this as not given on theirchecklist and ask questions at the end of thebriefing.13. Select, and check for faults, equipment and/or attachments for work activities1.Work activity to be carried out. 2.The basis for selecting the tool3.General faults frequent in tools for workactivity. 14. Housekeeping activities 1.Environmental management plan 2.Statutory and regulatory requirements Additional items:Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 125of 128
High-Risk Construction Work Safe Work Method Statement TemplateNOTE:Work must be performed in accordance with this SWMS. This SWMS must be kept and be available for inspection until the high risk construction work to which this SWMS relates is completed. If the SWMS is revised, all versions should be kept.If a notifiable incident occurs in relation to the high risk construction work in this SWMS, the SWMS must be kept for at least 2 years from the date of the notifiable incident.[PCBU Name, contact details]Principal Contractor (PC)[Name, contact details]Works Manager: Contact phone:Date SWMS provided to PC:Work activity:[Job description]Workplace location:High risk constructionwork: Risk of a person falling more than 2 metres (Note: in some jurisdictions this is 3 metres)Work on a telecommunication towerDemolition of load-bearing structureLikely to involve disturbing asbestosTemporary load-bearing support for structural alterations or repairsWork in or near a confined spaceWork in or near a shaft or trench deeper than 1.5 m or a tunnelUse of explosivesWork on or near pressurised gas mains or pipingWork on or near chemical, fuelor refrigerant linesWork on or near energised electrical installationsor servicesWork in an area that may havea contaminated or flammable atmosphereTilt-up or precast concrete elementsWork on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or other traffic corridor in use by traffic other than pedestriansWork in an area with movement of powered mobile plantWork in areas with artificial extremes of temperatureWork in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of drowningDiving workPerson responsible for ensuring compliance with SWMS:Date SWMS received:What measures are in place to ensure compliance with the SWMS?Person responsible for reviewing SWMS control measures:Date SWMS received by reviewer:How will the SWMS control measures be reviewed?Review date:Reviewer’s signature:What are the tasks involved?What are the hazards and risks?What are the control measures?Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 126of 128
List the work tasks in a logical order.Identify the hazards and risks that may cause harm to workers or the public. Describe what will be done to control the risk. What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible? Name of Worker(s)Worker signature(s)Date SWMS received by workers:Version Number: 10 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: CPCCCM2012Page 127of 128
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