Understanding Cultural Goals of Race and Ethnicity in Society

Victor Valley College**We aren't endorsed by this school
SOC 101
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by ChefBadger3480
It is important to understand that there are many different cultural goals of race and ethnicitythat can help us understand and appreciate each other better in our society. There are fivedifferent cultural goals of race and ethnicity.One of the five cultural goals of race and ethnicity is assimilation. This means that the immigrantgroup with absorbed the new culture. By giving up their traditional culture and adapting to thenew beliefs, values, and culture. For example, in a Mexican/Hispanic household their day ofindependence if September 16. Is the victory Mexico won over the French. But now they mightstart celebrating Fourth of July instead. So, they can fit in by joining other families during thatholiday. This is the concept of dominant acceptance.The second cultural goal is Anglo conformity. It is one of the first views of American back in theU.S colonials’ part of assimilation. This goal can be hard for the immigrant group to understandand adapt to. Because this concept for the immigrant is to give up and learn on how thingsshould be. For example, all immigrants are pressure to learn how to speak English. Becausethat’s the primary language to is used in America. Seeing that everyone speaks English in everypart of American will influence each other by help them learn and understand the language. Thisis important to understand why learning the language will help you fit in.The third culture goal is the melting pot. The melting pot is the second view of American andpart of assimilation. American is the country of where you can make dreams happen. That hasimmigrants coming in from all over the world making America the big mixture of diversity. Animmigrant brings a different culture, beliefs, language etc. The melting pot melts down andblends together. For example, you can find all different types of restaurants with different type offood serving Like you can go out and find a taco place that celebrate taco Tuesday. Or for abirthday dinner you can go to an elegant restaurant that serve Italian food this two differentrestaurants celebrate different type of cultures. We can also hear different spoken languages. Byunderstanding the melting pot goal helps us know and build some knowledge of othersbackground.American has so many diverse cultural that the melting and blended inferred equality in thecultural pluralism goal. This goal has made us understand that we can live together with differentcultures by respecting the value of other cultures. For example, when I was growing up as aMexican- American I thought everyone celebrate New years on the 1stof January until my bestfriend celebrates her new year on a different day and she called it, “Chinese New Year”. She tookme to their celebration, and I was amazed by their Festive decoration and the dragon. Somethingcompletely different from my new year celebration. I was able to learn from their culture.Understanding cultural pluralism helped me learn and celebrate other cultures.The final Cultural goal of race and ethnicity is the bicultural. This is the retention of culture. Itgives the individual the chameleon effect, being able to blend in during different cultureenvironments. Also helps others to match others’ behaviors. This is important to understand thatit helps us build friendships with others. And it can encourage a positive outcome with othersfeelings and help us be more mindful.
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