Power of Forgiveness: A Transformative Human Story
Western Michigan University**We aren't endorsed by this school
CIS 1020
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by quinnreilly2027
Joyce BuschQuinn ReillySep 20, 2021Journal ArticleWhen watching the HUMAN video there were so many different stories to choose from.One really shocked me and kind of threw me off watching it and learning more about thesituation as the man told it.I chose this story because I believe it would inform a lot of people that the world is aplace of forgiveness. I was watching the video and the man was arrested after killing a youngwoman and her child. The mother/grandmother of the two who died was obviously sad anddistraught, but she talked to the killer of her daughter and granddaughter because of manyreasons but religion was a key factor. She was a religious woman who would pray a lot andreligion teaches people to forgive. Now she forgave him and that's her identity. Having to buryyour child is as hard as it comes, but then having to bury your granddaughter too. It takes astrong person to forgive and forgiving that man defines who she is as a person, a great one. Tothis grandmother it is only tradition to forgive. Her religion explains forgiveness and movingforward. She brought this tradition to this man. Instead of being angry when seeing him, shegave him love hugging him and just embracing a hurt soul. She realized that his man was emptyinside and never had anyone to love him. The ethnicity of this story is amazing. They were two
different people but they ended up becoming the same person after she was done talking to him.She taught him about life and what love was when she was down in the gutters. This whole storyis an example of enculturation. The man wasn't religious at all and after meeting the grandmotherhe explained in tears how moved and changed he was. He became religious after this meetingand it changed his life in the best way. This just shows as a nation how we should go aboutsituations. Life is short. We are all humans, we make mistakes and if we can’t learn to forgiveeach other then how can we live?I really liked this HUMAN video because there were so many similar and differentstories like this one. This video showed me many different things but forgiveness was the biggestfactor.