Understanding Feudalism: Political, Economic, and Social Changes
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Dec 10, 2024
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Middle Ages Feudalism Assignment: High-weighted formativeWhat political, economic, and social changes occurred as a result of theestablishment of feudalism during the Middle Ages?Directions:●Imagine you would be writing an essay to answer the question above about feudalism during theMiddle Ages in Europe. Using our textbook, Middle Ages feudalism reading, and a few videolinks, you will work on getting details to each of the change areas that we have been focusing onin class in a variety of areas,political,economic, andsocial.●Although you will not be required to write a full essay, I have set this up to get you started with athesis statement and topic sentences for each part.●You need to find details about feudalism and changes that were occurring during feudalism inEurope and write those into each section on the chart. These can be bullet points, but still inshort sentence form. Please put your bullet points inbluefont.●Finally, when finished with the outline, complete the themes of history section below.●This assignment/high-weighted formative will be counted as a higher-weighted formative for thisunit and will support you in your learning as we move toward the overall summative at the end ofthe unit.Resources:●Textbook section for Feudalism:ch13_2.pdf(mainly pgs. 360-363)●Reading:Middle Ages Feudalism(especially The Peasant's Life section to the end)●Video link:Feudal system during the Middle Ages (video)●Video link:Feudalism in Medieval Europe (What is Feudalism?)●Video link:THE FEUDAL SYSTEMThesis Statement:While the Church was responsible for many changes during the Middle Ages it wasnot able to fix all of the problems of Europe. As a result, other ideas were created to address the needsand wants of the European people. One such idea was feudalism. The following sections will discusswhat feudalism was and the political, economic, and social changes that resulted from it.Section 1: Political changesTopic Sentence:Feudalismimpacted the Middle Ages in avariety of ways that relate to politicsand power and authority.Section 2: Economic changesTopic Sentence:Economically,feudalism was a very importantsystem within the culture of theMiddle Ages.Section 3: Social changesTopic Sentence:Feudalism hadmany impacts on the culture andsocial structure of the Middle Ages.DETAILS TO SUPPORT TOPICSENTENCEDETAILS TO SUPPORT TOPICSENTENCEDETAILS TO SUPPORT TOPICSENTENCE●medieval manors weregoverned by lordsChurch officials werebeing appointed by layinvestiture, meaning notjust anyone could be achurch official roles werechosen●the manor system,peasants had to pay a lotto live in a manor●Fiefs being given aspayment for loyalty bykings to lords●They're becomingmore rural societyout in the country●The feudalpyramid woulddeterminesomeone's socialclass
They have a weakgovernment system, theking is dependent on thesupport of powerful allies2. Tithes had to be given,one-10th of a family's incomewould be given to the churchMonasteries provided educationas well as food and comfortCanon law controlled everyone,not just religious people3. Serfs didnt recieve paymentdespite their work being themost important and them beingthe largest part ofthe feudalpyramid3. Everyone had a purpose insociety, everyone had a job andwas rewarded in different ways4. Despite serfs not being slavesthe labor being produced bythem didnt belong to them, itbelonged to the lords4.4.Themes Connection Section-Think about theme connections when completed with this assignment, and then this will be answered inprompt #4 after you have completed this outline assignment and the outline assignment related to theRole of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.