Understanding Aristotle's Theory of Form and Matter Explained

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PHIL 1301
Dec 9, 2024
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1.In the lecture and in the materials, you were told one way to understand the idea of form in Aristotle's theory of form and matter. What was the idea used to understand form?One way to understand Form in Aristotle is to think of it as the arrangement of the mattera.According to Aristotle, a finite material beings are composed of two metaphysical principles. They are: Matter and formb.For Aristotle, the form tells you which of the following?: What the thing isc.According to Aristotle, what is it that allows a thing to have accidents?:It's matter2.What is it that you and your instructor have in common? Is it the form or is it the matter?The instructor and the students for sure have the Form in common because they are all humansa.My daughter is female, and I am a male. Is this a difference in form or a difference in accidents?My daughter and I differ in accidents because we have the same Form: we are both human3.In the lectures, I used a reference to a pastry to illustrate Aristotle's theory of form and matter. What is that pastry and what does the filling in the center of that pastryrepresent?The pastry is a Danish and the filling represents the Form4.Are accidents dependent upon substance, or is substance dependent upon accidents?In Aristotle accidents are dependent on the substance (the Form/Matter composite). You can see a pig that is either white or black, but you cannot see white or black by themselves walking down the hall.a.According to Aristotle,: The higher genera and accidents cannot exist unless primary substances exist5.According to Aristotle, which of the following is true about accidents? [There mightbe more than one answer.]: They tell you when a thing is; They tell you how tall something is; They tell you what color something is.6.What are the four elements according to AristotleThe four elements according to Aristotle Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. The philosopher that named the four elements is Empedocles.7.What are Aristotle's four causes? The four causes, according to Aristotle, are formal, final, instrumental or efficient, and material.8.What does Aristotle think supplies the account in Plato's famous equation of TB + A= K? Aristotle thinks that demonstration supplies with the account in TB + A = K9.What is the function of the middle term in a syllogism.The function of the middle term is to unite the extremes, that is the major and minor terms.a.What is the first criterion for the primary premises The first criterion for the primary premises is that they be true
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b.What is the second criterion for the primary premisesThe second criterion forthe primary premises is that they be primaryc.What is the third criterion for the primary premises The third criterion for the primary premises is that they be prior to the conclusion. Specifically this means logically prior to.d.According to Aristotle, which of the following is true of a primary premise? [There might be more than one answer.]: They must be prior to and better known than the conclusion; They must be truee.Aristotle believes that we obtain the "primary premises" by which of the following methods?: Nous and induction10.One of the criterion for being a primary premise is that it is causal of the conclusion.Which of Aristotle's four causes are primarily featured in the theory of demonstration?Demonstration features the formal and final causes, though it is able to do all four.11.In the lectures for this week an example of a "necessary" statement was given. Givean example of your own that is like the one given in the lecture or in the other material.A good example of necessary statement would be any simple mathematical truth like 2+2 =4.
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