Engaging Lesson Plan for Teaching 'Sinigang' in Grade 10
University of the City of Valenzuela (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela)**We aren't endorsed by this school
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Dec 10, 2024
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A Demonstration Plan inTeaching of ReadingBy Group 11:Garapan, BernadetteMarcelino, Iceelyn MyrellPortiles, EnriqueSauro, JaneshTusi, Sophia Bien
A Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10I.Instructional Objectives:At the end of the lesson, students shall be able to:a.Identify and describe the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and theme of the shortstory “Sinigang”.b.Analyze thoroughly the significance of the themes of family, forgiveness, andresilience within the story, and relate those themes to their own experiences andvalues.c.Create a graphic illustration using a dish that represents their ideal family.II.Lesson ContentTopic: Sinigang by Marie Aubrey VillaceranReference:Sinigang by Marby Villaceran;https://www.clopified.com/download/sinigang-by-marby-villaceran/Materials: Laptop, Projector, Visual aidsValues Integration:a.Build empathy and compassion for othersb.Do not harbor resentment, and forgive others’ shortcomings.c.Appreciate Filipino culture embedded in the literature.III.PresentationTEACHER’S ACTIVITYSTUDENT’S ACTIVITY01. Preparatory ActivitiesGreetings:Good afternoon, everyone! How are you alltoday?Prayer:Let’s begin with a short prayer. (Amen)Classroom Management:Before we start, let’s make sure all the chairs arealigned properly. And please, pick up the piecesof papers under your chair. Thank you.Attendance Checking:Good afternoon, Ma’am.Great!( A student leads the prayer )( Students arrange their chairs and pick upthe pieces of papers )
Now, let's check the attendance, so once I callyour name please say present.That’s great, everyone is present.02. Mood SettingI know that some of you are sleepy since ourclass schedule is the best time for siesta, so let’shave this quick activity first. Alright class, let’sstart by taking a look at these ingredients.(flashes a picture of the ingredients) What doyou notice about them? Can you think of anydish where all of these come together?Exactly! It’s Sinigang, a well-loved Filipinodish. Now, can anyone tell me what makessinigang unique? (call a student)I agree. It has different versions and it is knownfor its sour taste. Now that we understand thatsourness is the key to sinigang, let’s think aboutthat flavor a bit differently. Here’s a quote Iwant you all to consider: ‘I now believe my lifehas gone sour.’ What do you think that linemight mean? In what ways could life feel‘sour’? (call a student)Great insights, (name)! Sourness isn’t just ataste; it’s also a feeling we experience in life.And everyone is not exempted, all of us havedifferent sources of sourness in life. Alright!( Students respond whenever their namesare called )These are ingredients for Sinigang,Ma’am.Sinigang has a lot of sources of protein.Sinigang has a lot of variations.Sinigang is known for its savory and sourtaste.Life is ‘sour’ when we feel sad, Ma’am.We also feel the ‘sourness’ of our liveswhen we feel frustrated and disappointed,Ma’am.
03. PresentationReview:Before we proceed to the discussion, let us havea quick review. What did we talk about lastweek?That’s right. We talked about the elements of ashort story? And what are those elements, kindlyenumerate?Perfect! It is good to know that you all stillremember our lesson.Lesson Proper:But, remember I gave a reading assignment, didyou read the story “Sinigang” by Marie AubreyVillaceran?That’s good! Because we are going to analyzethat story using the elements of a short story.Let’s start with the characters of the story, whoarethecharactersinthestory?Kindlyenumerate them.Absolutely correct! The characters in the storyare Liza, Meg, Slyvia, Liza’s mother and father,Lem, and Tita Loleng.Great job! How about the setting of the story? Itis the place where the story happened so whereis the setting of this story? Anyone in the class?Great! The setting of the story is in the kitchenin the province of Bulacan.Great job, class! It seems like all of you reallyunderstand the elements of the story, so becauseof that, how about the plot of the story? Class,Last week, we discussed the elements of ashort story.Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict, ThemeYes!Ma’am/Sir!The characters in the story of“Sinigang” are Liza, Meg, Slyvia, Liza’smother and father, Lem, and Tita Loleng.Ma’am/Sir .(Students raise their hands.)The setting of the story is the kitchenwhere Liza is cooking sinigang with heraunt at the funeral of her half-brother inBulacan.
remember that there are elements in the plot,and these are exposition, rising action, climax,falling action, and resolution.Class? What do you think is the exposition ofthis short story? Yes?Good job! The exposition in the story is whenLiza was helping her aunt to cook Sinigangwhile her aunt, Tita Loleng, was asking heraboutthehappeningsatherhalf-brother'sfuneral. So, it is the exposition of the story class.Good Job, my dear students!So, how about the next one, which is the risingaction? Class, the rising action is the part of thestory where that will lead to the climax. Wheredo you think rising action could be found in thestory? Anyone?Absolutely correct! When Liza first saw Sylvia,herfather'smistressand Lem's mother, thestory's action picked up. She clutched her handand urged her to realize that Liza wanted Sylviatoletgoofherhand.Shepretendedtounderstand as Sylvia abruptly hugged her. Shedid not move, despite her want to get away fromSylvia.How about the climax of the class? Class, theclimax again is the turning point of the story. Soclass where do you think is the climax in thestory? Anyone in the class?Whatagreatanswer!Exactly!Whensheremembered her father coming out of the room,he approached Liza and talked to her, saying hewas glad that Liza came and talked about howLem was an acolyte in church and a good child.She however was regarded by her father as a“Sinverguenza”, a shameless daughter whichmakes her irritated and mashed hard.Good job my students! How about the fourthone which is the falling action? Where do youthink is the falling action of the story? Anyone?Ma’am!/ Sir The exposition of the shortstory of “Sinigang” happened when Lizawas helping her aunt to cook Sinigang.Ma’am/ Sir! I think Ma'am/Sir, this is thepart when Slyvia, the mistress, showed upat the funeral.Ma’am/ Sir! I think Ma'am/Sir, this is thepart when Liza remembered her fathercoming out of the room, then heapproached Liza and talked to her.Ma’am/ Sir! I think Ma'am/Sir, this is thepart when her Tita Loleng finally stoppedasking her questions about the funeral instory
Great observation! Correct! This is when herTita Loleng finally stopped asking her questionsabout the funeral, which made her sighed inrelief,thenshecontinuedtopreparetheingredientsandcookthem.WhilecookingSinigang, she remembers her father crying andthinks her father would be the same if she werethe one who passed away.Great job everyone! How about the resolution ofthe story? Anyone in class?Correct! What a great and emotional answer!This is the part her father said, and finally shefinished cooking the Sinigang that would serveduringtheirdinner.Assheimaginedhowthey’re on good terms and happy before, herfather would praise her in the way she cookedthe dish, and she would smile at him.Good job, my dear students! It seems that youread the story with the presence of heart. So,how about the conflict of the story? What doyou think class was the conflict of the story?Anyone?Great! The conflict will fall on the part whenLizabecomesemotionallydistantwithherfather knowing about her father's mistress andher half-brother.Great observation my dear students! So, let’stalk about the theme of the story. What do youthink is/are the theme of the story?Absolutely correct my students! Learning toforgive others allows us to let go of unpleasantfeelings such as wrath and resentment, whichmay be detrimental to our mental and physicalMa’am/ Sir! I think Ma'am/Sir, this is thepart when father said sorry to her.Ma’am/ Sir! I think Ma'am/Sir, when Lizabecame emotionally distant with herfather,Ma'am/ Sir, I believe one of the elementsof this narrative is that everyone makeserrors;wemustlearntoforgiveandacceptwhathasalreadyhappened,because if we do not know how to forgiveothers, we will constantly be furious.
health.It can also improve relationships byencouraging people to understand and care forone another. Holding grudges may produce acircle of misery my dear students. So learn toforgive my dear students!04. AnalysisWhat is the significance of using the dish‘sinigang’as a central element in the story, andhow does it reflect Liza’s emotions and familysituation? Yes!(call a student)Very well said! What a fascinating way ofputting your answer that way. Thank you forthat(name)!Okay, anyone who would like to answer? None?Okay!So (name) is right class! The dish sinigangserves as a powerful symbol of Liza’s mixedemotions and the complex dynamics within herfamily. Sinigang is known for its sour taste,primarily from tamarind, which represents the“sourness” or bitterness Liza feels as shegrapples with her father’s infidelity. As shehelps her mother prepare the dish, eachingredient reminds her of the difficulties andpain her family has endured due to her father’sactions. The act of cooking together alsosuggests the bond between mother and daughteras they support each other through tough times,emphasizing resilience. Just as the ingredients insinigang come together to create a balanceddish, Liza’s experiences, though painful,contribute to her growth and understanding ofMa’am, it is because the dish‘sinigang’issour, and sour is a word that meansdisappointment or anger that’s why‘sinigang’represents the bitterness andsadness Liza feels because of her father’sinfidelity.(Students are clapping for the one whoanswered the question)(Silence)
family complexities. The sour taste ultimatelybecomes a metaphor for facing difficult truthsand moving toward acceptance.05. GeneralizationOnto the next question, how do you think thestory “Sinigang” shows the importance ofunderstanding and compassion in resolvingfamily conflicts?Anyone who would like to answer? Yes (name)!What great insights! It really seems that youhave grasped the story well! Well done (name).You know class, the story “Sinigang" reallyshows that understanding and compassion areessential in resolving family conflicts. Just likewhat your classmate said a while ago, despitethe pain Liza feels because of her father’s affair,she learns to understand the complexity of thesituation, especially after meeting herhalf-brother. This understanding helps herrealize that forgiveness and compassion are keyin healing and accepting her family’s flaws. Thestory teaches that even in difficult times,empathy for others can help mend brokenrelationships.06. ApplicationIf you were in Liza’s shoes, how would youhandle meeting your half-sibling and dealingwith your father’s betrayal?(call students)For me Ma’am, being understanding andcompassionate really is a game changer.Despite all of the hurtful things that Liza’sfather has done to her, she still manages togive forgiveness just because she met herhalf-brother. With the help of that, Lizalearned how forgiving causes her to seethings in a more positive way.Students are clapping or the student whoanswered the question.If I were in Liza’s shoes, I would likelyfeel a mix of anger, confusion, and hurtupon meeting my half-sibling anddiscovering my father’s betrayal.
If I were in Liza’s shoes, I might strugglewith feelings of resentment toward myfather, but I would try to understand thatmy half-sibling is innocent in thesituation.If I were in Liza’s shoes, I would probablyneed time to process my emotions beforetalking to my family about how I feel. Iwould also try to show compassion to myhalf-sibling, since they have no controlover the situation.If I were in Liza’s shoes, I would notforgive my father because of what he didto my mother. And as for my half-brother,I think it would take time before I couldaccept him.07. EvaluationDirections: Read the statement carefully:"It is ordinary in our Filipino culture for husbands tocommit adultery and look for another woman who can satisfy their desires simply because theyare men and not saints."Write 3-5 sentences explaining whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Providereasons for your answer based on your perspective or cultural understanding.Grading Criteria:●Content & Development- 4 pts●Organization & Structure- 3 pts●Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling - 3 pts○Total- 10 pts
08. AssignmentPerformance Task : Ingredients of My Ideal FamilyDirections:1.Form Groups: Form a group consisting of five (5) members.2.Choose a Food Theme: Think of a food dish that can symbolize an ideal family, thenidentify specific “ingredients” in this dish to represent the qualities essential in a strongfamily.3.Gather Visuals: For each “ingredient”, draw or find a picture from magazines,newspapers, or printouts. Label each picture with the quality it represents (e.g., "Salt =Patience").4.Assemble the Collage: Arrange and glue these ingredients creatively onto a piece ofcolored cartolina.5.Add Creative Touches: Make your collage unique by adding a title, decorative borders,or any other creative elements.6.Present & Explain: Prepare to present your collage on November 21, 2024. Discuss howthe chosen food dish symbolizes the ideal family and how each ingredient represents aquality you value.