Comprehensive Digital Media Project Grading Rubric Explained

Liberty University Online Academy**We aren't endorsed by this school
STCO 307
Dec 10, 2024
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CriteriaRatingsPointsDigitalMediaVideo35 to >33 ptsAdvancedAll four requirements (below) areskillfully met, with care to payattention to details.1. Writes a brief including goal,audience, topic, takeaways, andaction.2. Writes a script that adds valueto the target audience.3. Integrates tagline in the video.4. Records and edits video,considering the horizontal view,good lighting, and background,or/ Uses a video creation app, suchas Lumen5.com33 to >25 ptsProficientAll fourrequirements(below) aresatisfactorily met,but not all detailsare included. 1. Writes a briefincluding goal,audience, topic,takeaways, andaction.2. Writes a scriptthat adds value tothe targetaudience.3. Integratestagline in thevideo.4. Records andedits video,considering thehorizontal view,good lighting, andbackground, or/ Uses a videocreation app,such asLumen5.com25 to >0 ptsDevelopingTherequirements arepoorlydeveloped. Thevideo does notadd value or isproduced poorly.0 ptsNot PresentThe requirementsare missing.35 ptsGrammarandSpelling7 to >6 ptsAdvancedCorrect spelling and grammar areused. There are 0–2 errors ingrammar or spelling that distractthe audience from the content.6 to >4 ptsProficientThere are 3–5errors ingrammar orspelling thatdistract theaudience fromthe content.4 to >0 ptsDevelopingThere are 6–10errors ingrammar orspelling thatdistract theaudience fromthe content.0 ptsNot PresentThere are more than10 errors in thegrammar or spellingthat distract theaudience from thecontent.7 ptsCurrentAPA FormatCompliance8 to >7 ptsAdvancedThere are 0–1 minor errors in thecurrent APA format in therequired items: title page, runninghead, font type and size, linespacing, heading, in-textcitations, and references.7 to >5 ptsProficientThere are 2–3minor errors inthe current APAformat in therequireditems.APA5 to >0 ptsDevelopingThere are morethan 3 errors inthe current APAformat in therequired items.0 ptsNot PresentA title page is notpresent and/or thereare more than 5errors in the currentAPA format in therequired items.8 ptsMini–Project: Digital Media Grading Rubric | STCO307_D01_202440
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CriteriaRatingsPointsTotal Points: 50Mini–Project: Digital Media Grading Rubric | STCO307_D01_202440
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