Key Events in Japanese History Across Five Important Periods

Poinciana High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by LieutenantMoleMaster1203
Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source.East AsiaName: Date: 11/18/24Step 1: Identify at least one significant bit of Japanese history for each of the five Japanese periods.1. Heian-During this period families fought for power in Japan, some Japanese emperors ruled peacefully while others were overthrown forcefully. When Kammu became emperor, he brought peace though Buddhism. But he was no pacifist, he assembled an army to destroy the Jomon people.2. Kamakura-During the Kamakura Period, Battles were all throughout Japan. They started due to powerful clans, governments, and the royal family waging wars against others. Due to the constant conflicts, over decades the central monarchy began to weaken and as a result they lost control of the nation.3. Ashikaga-During the Ashikaga period, the shogun decided to split the imperial court into 2 rival groups to bring stability to Japan. This proposal worked for a couple decades until Emperor Go-Daigo decided to take allthe power for himself, the system broke starting a civil war. After the second civil war, Go-Daigo was overthrown and Ashikaga became leader of Japan.4. Azuchi-Momoya- The Azuchi-Momoyama was a period when persecution was encouraged towards people practicing Christianity. And Christianity practice was prohibited. This period was a transition from medieval times to the modern era. Trade flourished in this era and the Japanese tea ceremony grew.5. Tokugawa- The Tokugawa period consists of Constant wars; The most powerful shogun Nobunaga defeated the Ashikaga daimyo but was later assassinated. This led to Hideyoshi taking over, he was a ruthlessdictator and tried to conquer China with his army but was defeated by the combined forces of Korean and Chinese army. Though he failed he later tried to invade Korea which ultimately led to his death.Step 2: Choose ONE option:Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2024 Florida Virtual School.FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source.Heian period- This image shown above is an image of Emperor Kammu. He represents the Heian period because Emperor Kammu ruled during this period bringing peace through Buddhism.KamaKura Period- The image shown above shows a war. The reason this image represents this period is because during the KamaKura period, there was constant uproar of wars all throughout Japan.Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2024 Florida Virtual School.FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source.Ashikaga Period- This is a portrait of Emperor Go-Daigo. Go -daigo represents this period because he broke the system starting a civil war because he wanted all the power to himself.Azuchi- Momoya Period- This image shows Christian persecution. The reason this image represent this periodis because the practice of Christianity was prohibited and people practicing Christianity still were being persecuted.Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2024 Florida Virtual School.FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source.Tokugawa Period- This is an image of Hideyoshi’s army attempting to invade Korea. The reason why this represents The Tokugawa Period Is because during this period, Hideyoshi attempted to invade China and Korea but failed both leading to his death.Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2024 Florida Virtual School.FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
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