Master Linux Access Control: Step-by-Step Assignment Guide

New York Institute of Technology, Manhattan**We aren't endorsed by this school
CSCI 330
Information Systems
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by CorporalPowerDragon16
Assignment 1For this assignment, please submit a single pdf document that contains your answers and screenshots.Be sure toinclude your name and student id number in your document. Please submit your document with the following filename:Csci330_M0?_last name_ first letter of firstname.pdfE.g.: If your name is John Adams then you should submit csci330_M01_adams_j.pdf.Your objective for this assignment to perform severalaccess control tasks on Linux machine. This will allow you to gain experience with virtualization, accesscontrol mechanisms, and theGNU/Linux environment. Whenever you are confused about how a command works, simply type "mancommand"tosee the manual page for that program or command.For this lab you need to download Ubuntu Linux on your machine (i.e., Windows or Mac). You can find online Installation resources.Note: for Mac users, please follow instructions based on intel, M1 or M2 chip on your machine. To Install Ubuntu 22.10 On M1 or M2 Mac || RUN NEW Ubuntu On ANY Mac W/ Apple Silicon Using UTMUpon successful installation, you are all set for your assignment, below! Lab instructions1.Open a terminal and run the unamecommand with the mflag to verifymachine hardware. [5 point]$ uname –m2.Crete a new file and verify its existence and content. [5 point]$ echo “Hello World” > filename$ ls filename$ cat filename
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3.Check the permissions of your file using the long list format. Explain whateach character in the permission string means. Make sure you understandbefore moving on to Step 4.[15 pts.]4.Use the chmodcommand to modify the permissions of the files to removeread access outside your user and group. Verify the permission are correctwith the command in Step 3.[5 pts.]ls5.Try to create a new groupwith the addgroupcommand. After it fails, try again with sudo. In Linux sudoallows you to execute a command with root privilege. Explain the differences in the outcome of the two commands.[15 pts.]6.Add yourself to the new groupyou just created.[5 pts.]$ sudo gpasswd –a usernamegroupname7.Verify you have been added to the group. Group information is updated on login.[5 pts.]$ groups 8.Change the group ownership of your file to the new group. Explain what has changed. [5 pts.]$ chgrp groupname filename9.Add a new userwith the addusercommand. Launch a terminal and login to that user and navigate to the first user’s home directory, navigate to the file using the cd ..and ls commands to reach the file created in Step 2. Verify you are in correct directory with pwdcommand. Read twice for better understanding. [10 pts.]cd.. takes you one step above in the directory.10. As a second user attempt to read the file you created from Step 2. Explain the outcome. [10 pts.]After adding the user to the group, navigate to the file using the "cd.." and ls commands to reach the file created in Step 2.11. Add the second user to the group you created from Step 5.[5 pts.]12. Repeat Step 10and explain why the outcome is different. [15 pts.]
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