Mastering Cranial Nerves: Functions, Mnemonics, and Diagrams

Anne Arundel Community College**We aren't endorsed by this school
BIO 233
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by DukeJellyfish296
| emeemen ewm e esese— NAME (ot MeCudoin The Cranial Nerves The brain has twelve cranial nerves. you will use Roman Numerals to indicate each set of nerves. These nerves exit and enter the cranium through the foramina in the skull in order to reach various areas of the face, neck, and trunk. STEP 1 - Watch The Functions of the Cranial Nerves’ video (5 min) DRAW the cranial nerve face on this paper. Use a pencil with a good eraser! You can also get a larger piece of paper and attach your drawing to this handout. STEP 2 Watch ‘How to Remember Cranial Nerves’ video (4 min) LEARN the mnemonics to help you remember: Roman Numeral, Names, and Functions. COLOR CODE the numbers on your face: (e.g., trace over #s using blue for sensory, red for motor, yellow for both). R L WS 6 O IR e i o0f. W T A T S T T T
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Use your textbook and fill out the chart below using your own words to summarize their functions. Try to fill out the Roman numerals and names from memory, using the mnemonics you just learned. There is also a simplified reference table on the Resource Board. e Roman Name of Cranial Nerve [ Function of Cranial Nerve | Numeral | i A - CN 1[0 y | C 1‘ ( MIONGS CUCS, Con CO DUP \} | | 51 B - r (DA R ~ { QUPCribf OO\ Ui AV ‘” v minal 'fi'lvl f‘-"",.:.)f)/{r_")"\, \h".”"(){ ‘H/‘K{C\ ¢ CNNV | Apducer Movss ¢ eye . A VAl g 2 CAN VI ( al Yeng Moves Ve COC&, “\Owk’s/%a\ivou‘sfd L evies cN VN | vestipuloCochiear Werve eows , Tqlaies \anlance CN X |GloSopharynozal ierve 1034, plood Pressure, Blood PH, g Porupngeal Mmuseles Wool¥3ensovy s viscreal orguns & Fovacic & CN X Vaqus Yienve oMW cavitics, CN X) iolflj\fiffi(,j nenve Funms vead & \ifts shouviders CN X)) Htjyog\ofiol vieri oves tounop
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CRANIAL NERVES The cranial nerves are those nerves that attach to the brain, They are paired and are numbered (typically by Roman numerals) from anterior to posterior, The olfactory nerve is 4 sensory nerve that receives the sense of smell from the nose and transmits it 1o the brain. The optic nerve lakes visual impulses from the eye while the oculomotor nerve mostly takes motor impulses 1o several muscles that move the eye. The trochlear nerve takes motor impulses to the superior oblique muscle. The trochlear nerve is so named because it innervates a muscle that passes through a loop called the trochlea. The trigeminal nerve is a large nerve located laterally in the pons. It is a mixed nerve (having both sensory and motor functions) that has three branches. The ophthalmic branch innervates the upper head while the maxillary branch innervates the region around the maxilla. The mandibular branch innervates the jaw. The abducens nerve is posterior to the trigeminal and is located exiting the brain between the pons and the medulla oblongata. Itisa motor nerve 1o the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. On the anterior portion of the medulla oblongata is the facial nerve, which is botha sensory and motor nerve to the face and the tongue The vestibulocochlear nerve is a sensory nerve that reccives impulses from the ear. It picks up auditory stimuli as well as information about equilibrium. The glossopharyngeal nerve is a nerve that carries both sensory and motor impulses. It innervates the tongue and throat. A large nerve on the side of the medulla oblongata is the vagus nerve. Itis also a mixed nerve carrying both sensory and motor impulses. The vagus nerve innervates organs in the thoracic and abdominal regions. The accessory nerve is inferior to the vagus nerve and is a motor nerve to the neck muscles. The hypoglossal nerve is a motor nerve to the tongue. Label the cranial nerves and color each pair a different color. J) . vogus Nk 3DiL\QlJ,flC¢Cm5
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1._£& Oculomotor nerve (lll) 2._\__ Abducens nerve (V) 3._V___ Mammillary body 4. _ | Accessory nerve (XI) 5._(__ Optic chiasma 6._0 Pons 7._YY\ Hypoglossal nerve X 8._¢\ Pituitary gland 9._ 1\ Vagysnerve (X) 10. 4 Trochlear nerve (IV) 11. ' Vestibulocochlear nerve (Vill) 12. _\ _ Fadal nerve (V) 13. _.)__ Glossopharyngeal nerve {IX) 14. o Offactory bulb 15. __ Optic nerve (I} 16. 5 _ Trigeminal nerve (V) 17. 1 Olfactory nerve (1) Identify the craniol nerve on the right responsible for each body action below. 18. 5 Chewing a hamburger Olfactory nerve (1) 15. Increasing heartrate Optic nerve (Il) 20. _\n _Listening to a bird sing Oculombtor nerve (Il) ____Trochlear nerve (IV) ____Trigeminal nerve (V) Abducens nerve (VI) _ Facial nerve (VII) . __ Vestibulocochlear nerve (Vill) ___ Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) __ Vagusnerve (X) __ Accessory nerve (XI) __Hypoglossal nerve (X1) 21. & Watching a moving object without moving your head 22. _0__ Smiling at a puppy 2 _L Roll your eyes laterally (laterally) 24._ ) Reading a menu 25._0 Smelling perfume 26. _ | Sticking your tongue out 27. 1 Swallowing food —ET e TE e aD Ee 28. _ VM Shrugging your shoulders
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