Defending Affirmative Action: Why Berkeley's Policy is Justified
Park Center Ib World School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by ConstableSummer15992
Position Paper #3Write a 1-2 page draft argument fully explaining your position on the case you discussed in yourgroup. Be as clear, specific, and logical as you can. Consider this a draft for a possible finalargument right now -- you may be asked to revise it later.Start with an intro paragraph that givesyour thesis (your position). Beyond that, consider how to organize your argument to convinceyour audience best. You need to cover the basic “moves” of argument (supporting arguments,supporting evidence, counterarguments, and challenging the opposition), but do so in whateverorganized way makes sense – you might mix supporting arguments with their counterargumentsand your responses, for instance. Also, try to consider the ideas of qualifying your points as wediscussed in class.A 24-year-old man named Harris Knowel applied to Berkeley Law School. Because theuniversity had a policy that saved 16% of the space in their school for minority students, Harris’application was denied because he is white. Harris shouldn't have been admitted, and the policyis acceptable.It is true that Harris could have worked hard to get into Berkeley. He has better grades and testscores than some of the minority students who were admitted before him. It is alsounderstandable that he would file a suit against Berkeley because he is upset that he didn't get indespite the fact he was told to apply there.However, Harris didn't deserve the spot just because he worked hard, while his frustration wasunderstandable the lawsuit wasnt. Harris may have had better test scores than some of theminority students, but as a white man with good test scores and good grades, he has a greatchance at getting into many schools just like Berkeley. Minorities struggle more to get into goodschools just because they are minorities. Berkeley wanted to advocate for minority students justto give them a better chance and avoid their minority admittance rate from dropping below 1%which is extremely low. harris filing for a lawsuit just because this single policy affected his
chance of getting in was dramatic. Colleges are not obligated to accept someone just foracademics. Berkeley wanting to diversify their school might exclude some, but it's for the greatergood that their school wants to achieve.In conclusion, Harris shouldn't have been admitted just because he felt he deserved it, and thepolicy Berkley has is acceptable because it meets the goals their school wants to achieve.