Understanding Ecology: Types, Species, and Reproductive

Michigan State University**We aren't endorsed by this school
BS 162
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by ProfHeatHamster42
Q1. Which of the following types of ecology are listed below?A. The nitrogen cycle in Northwest Pacific rivers →Ecosystem (cycling ofsome kind of element, typically going to be an ecosystem).B. Mating behavior in anemone fish →Organismal (thinking about what arethe individual fish in this population doing)C. Change in number of spring peepers since 2000 in Michigan →Population (dynamics of how many individuals there are in this group and what ishappening at a group level)D. The effect of reduced lion numbers on antelope populations in S.Africa →Community (how multiple species are interacting together)Oceans: Regional Effects on ClimateCalgary, Canada51 N Lat126 cm of snow each yearLondon, England51 N LatSnow is uncommonThames river hasn't frozen for >200 yearsQ2. Where is Calgary? Why is there such a difference between snowfall inthese 2 cities?Calgary is in Canada. They experience very different winters (Calgaryexperiences harsh winters but London gets milder winters). This is primarily due todifferences in water temperatures (The water in the Atlantic near England is warmer,whereas the water in the Pacific near Calgary is very cold) meaning it gets colder fasterin Calgary (resulting in more snow).Q3. When is the longest day of the year in Michigan? When (generally) isthe hottest day of the year? Why aren’t they the same?June 21st is thelongest day of the year (summer solstice), the hottest day of the year is sometime inearly/mid July. These are not the same because it takes some time to melt all the snowand ice and start warming the earth.Q4. Where would Mango go on this continuum? Dandelions?Mangoes moreto the right because it is invested more into each of these fruits. Dandelions more to theleft.
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Write down two other species – one that would go on the left side, and oneon the right.Turtles to the left. Humans higher to the right, invest more into individualoffspring and live longer.Q5. Why would an individual lay more eggs when the probability of survivalis low?If you have a low probability of survival, you want to invest more energy intohaving more eggs in one go because you are not going to have those multipleopportunities to reproduce. These individuals are hedging their bets that at least someof their offspring will survive.Q6. Classify the organisms (salmon, apple tree, pig and spider) assemelparous or iteroparous.
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Salmon →SemelparousApple tree →Iteroparous → able to reproduce multiple times, relatively smallernumber of offspringPig →IterparousSpider →Semelparous
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