Understanding Salary Distribution: Histograms and Frequencies
California State University, Los Angeles**We aren't endorsed by this school
EDFN 1092
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by EarlTurkey4748
UMY R ™ B AW LW \J u \J7 (J lJ LJ ,\J Topic 2 EDFN 1090/1092 (ESM 1090) Assignment #2 1. A histogram of the distribution of salaries of non-administrative personnel of acompany is given in the figure below. 0.28 0.26 0.24 ocoo (=] e N A AP =R ® o Relative Frequency oS 7 990 _o oo OSNE — 20 - 21 22232425 - 2627 28- 29 30 Salary (in Thousands of Dollars) Source: Deborah Oh What percent of the salaries are between $23,500 and $24,500?2 ey ) /0 b. What percent of salaries exceed $ 26,5002 9 () O/nj VA Assuming the histograms is based on 400 people, construct the frequency distribution that corresponds to this histogram. - ! Salary ' Rel. Frequency Frequency (f) (Rel. f) ‘ 29,500 - 30,500 ] .06 e [ 28 soo - 24,500] pb o 8 [ 219,800 - 2699 X Al < ,00 29 1% =519, .28 1) . 04 G 06 ki) .18 3(12 . 04 | T L0 8 N=1oo0 2024-2025: (Circle One) Fall, Spring, Summer. Initial _
Topic 2 d. i a. TR O ot s Q666666 a 5 SWBISPBA A4 If 14 Using the table below, construct a frequency distribution, b. Compute the relative frequencies, and ¢. Compute the cumulative frequencies. Again, assuming 400 people, how many employees had salaries between $25,500 and $26,500? Given below are a collection of scores on a spelling test: Spelling Test Frequency Rel. Frequency Cumulative Scores () (Rel. £) Frequency (cf) 10 1 e K —~ U ‘e 4 1 2 . 0% 29 08 0 ’) @ 9 \ > 1S \9 o 3 209 G E G S ] 7 Y z A [ ~ > o5 = | N- Za 3. Construct a frequency polygon for the distribution shown below. Table: Frequency distribution X ] 9599 3 2 A 1 90-94 4 151 \ "85-89 6 2t [ e R P i » ' 80-84 8 pa / \ 57579 11 - \ L 70-74 12 L / 3 7 65-69 s b / \ 7 60-64 10 s+ X 4 55-59 5 Yy » 50-54 4 37 11 45-49 0 2, “ S 3 REE 40-44 2 Yo_ 4 l:a lg,: I\!;, !7'0 ¥ !‘4 3; 3\0 5| N =80 44 w4 3 : ) o B5 46 54 54 Y gq ¥4 79 91 84 ay - Frequency Polygon 2024-2025: (Circle One) Fall, Spring, Summer Initial AOOOOOO000SKS annNOn 297050 0\ J) IA ARV - FY UAU L) a J‘J'J'J'J')UUUUUUU BB 10 b8 B8 00 b 3333333599 e = EE Topic 2 E 3 3
s TR O W W W W W W W W W W W W WP WP N P P PN NN PP P NP o 62 Topic 2 45 4. For the table of frequency below: ) X ! 45-47 2 42-44 L 39-41 3 (q , 36-38 14 G 2 33-35 15 30-32 12 94 op v 2729 9~ 20 : 24-26 ] | 21-23 4 \ a. Whatlslhepercenulerankotaperson\\f\lthascoreo“]q p \ \ =4 L (12) 7z ( g = ‘J") fi]r/"'(r;}dl\ ) VgD il Y0 i 3 ' . AN e o A\ T { LN o) = g AN (], S (L YWiop) ° 104+ - @Q) g o0 \ (00) —3 — =7, . ' (2 G2 % A 36( 7/ ” ( v &/ b. What is tl;e percennle(rank ofa person with a score of 427 —— rvfi\__,,,// eay(y) — . - ’_' t (42 4 }W/\c@)_ (L.HL)(‘“B“OO} \ > e e - s (’( Gud 167 g ) 402 ey Qth Pr'cw file vqnke\ c. What is the percentile ran of'a person wn\hascorg of 262——— \ LY+ (26 :E:J.;_j M) )(tee) - (TUH23) () = Q. gsi /oawm %3 4.7 ISJ\f\ fh(e/\ e VQW\K d. What is the percentile rank of a| person wnh ascore of 417 (Ul C‘l e R V)Ue) = [ Cold 13 (333Ue) — _-.M_,xzi_ TS +H. g (Cal} 33)/00 91@4 2 ’00)/ ¢2-5 (1“/4'.433:‘9 o ! C{},B«H’\ Pfufic'fl‘u(f van K e. Whatis the percemlle rank of a person with a score of 23? ~ 7~ &o 4( %~ 20.5 )u 3 ) e (Lot 2. e e ,—-—-“—'\- ") ¢ F - ,050 (tece) -5 (Co ¥ .9sz I e Ce / 5th (/6 cetile ik ) 2024-2025: (Circle One) Fall, Spring, Summer. Initial _ o o = —