Analyzing Gender Pay Gap: Insights from Executive Earnings
Toronto Metropolitan University**We aren't endorsed by this school
ECN 627
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by ChiefHeron4856
Assignment / Monday, November 25, 2024 1:18 PM ..@[a)(i) Ehe esfimatec! coetbictent —O.44 on Female means all else being equal Female exelutives earn arovng HH%% leSs ta earn:nqd‘ bhan male fop executives, (u) The SEL of RA.65 means that the typical deviatron OF the loga ot earntngr £ tre predicted volrve s .65, SER ndrecaiq b average difftonce thot +he 0 valves foil From ‘e (egresscon line. (Fir) Ves the regression sVggests tnot female lo,y exllufives earn less tnan the + male execvtrves, The negative Coeffictent n —O8Y Svggosts tors. («v3 AUthovgh the regressovon Svggests that femalec earn (ess bhan maleS cf ol dlrecf[tg tmply JSex olescrimin a€ron, The negative coetticlent 0n tae Femad Showe a gencwr gap tn earnings but no ynclniyrng cavses lile recponsi Or worh esxperiénce, Fyrthwn analysis neecls 10 be conducte, :(b)lc) The coefficcent 0.271 on Moruet (ot INOicates o |7, inCrease in the mor _ oF the fivm gssocrated with 0 0.37 % (Ncrease M eavnings of rop exece ) The coefbicient of —p.4tl chanqeq o —0.28 becavse buwre covid be a in firm Charactertstrce seen by Lalmorkefyalve) ard Firm performanc aololrnq nese yriasies Correlates with gencler goap earnmq Ieololinq to ti :(,c) (£ lorger howe higher eornin 9§ and Ln (Maruet valved vedvces Hu gender gop, female execvtes ean be represented more in smaller frrms. 0r their tn (avger firms ¢ More comporable t0 male evecvtivag when Con&icleri ng More onalysts neeots to be conolucfed o the reqression does not Fully answn gendun oictribdisan.
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