Are Soil Probiotics Effective for Your Garden? Find Out Here!

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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths Myths - Learn the truth about gardeningBuying Soil Probiotics(Microbes) – Are TheyBeneficial, Effective orNonsense?By Robert Pavlis on January 29, 2022The market is being flooded by new products offering all kinds of soil microbes. Many companiescall them “beneficial” and others call them “effective”. Specialty products like mycorrhizal fungi,probiotics and bacteria for degrading lawn thatch are now available. There are even probiotics tospeed up your compost pile.The market is still sorting out the terminology for these products but I see the name probioticsused more. If they are good for your gut, why would they not also be good for your soil?What do these products really do in the garden and are they worth buying?Search this site...SearchBlog Stats17,207,350 visitorsSubscribe to this BlogJoin 4,344 other subscribersenter your email addressPress here to subscribeRecent PostsShould You Prune Pepper Seedlings?When Do Roots Grow – Spring, Summer orFall?Watering Houseplants – Top or Bottom?Which is Best?Mycorrhizal Inoculant Products – Do TheyWork?Do Plants Purify the Air in Your Home?BlogMy BooksMy CoursesList of TopicsGardenFundamentalsVideosPodcastsPublic SpeakingPartner ProgramAboutBuying Soil Probiotic Microbes – Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense?,
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths Microbes – A Quick DiveThis section alone could fill a book and in fact it does take up a significant part of my book, SoilScience for Gardeners. Here is a quick summary.The two key groups of microbes in soil are bacteria and fungi. There is no doubt that these arecritical for both soil and plant health and a gardeners job is to grow more microbes in soil. If theydo that, they solve all kinds of gardening problems.Some facts:One gram of soil, the weight of a paper clip, can contain 1 billion microbes.It is estimated there are a billion soil bacteria species and only 30,000 have been identified.There are 1 to 5 million species of fungi in soil; only a small fraction has been identified.Earth could contain a trillion microbe species, many of them living in soil. We really don’tknow.There is no doubt that existing microbes are critical for the garden and that gardeners shouldtake steps to grow more of them, but is there any benefit to adding them from a purchasedbottle?Microbe Populations are DynamicMicrobes reproduce very fast when conditions suit them, and when conditions are no longeracceptable, they die or go into a state of hibernation, allowing them to wait until conditionsimprove. Population densities change very rapidly.The species that are present at any given time are also very dynamic. If soil gets wetter orwarmer, new species start to thrive, while others die off. Food sources have a great influence onpopulations. Most species can digest sugars, but only a few can survive on the lignin in woodyplants. Oxygen levels and temperature are also important.Science is just starting to get a handle on this, so as gardeners we really can’t tell what we have inour garden at any one time. We also have no way of knowing how to manipulate the populationsto our advantage because we don’t know when and if it changes.The fact that manufacturers of products claim to know exactly which microbes you should add tosoil is quite surprising and should trigger all kinds of red flags. How can they know this whenscientists don’t?Landscape Fabric - Weed BarrierClothHomemade Weed Killer -Roundup vs Vinegar vs SaltEggshells - How Not to UseThem in the GardenDish Soap Can Damage YourPlantsFloating Seeds in Water - Is Thisa Good Seed Viability Test?Baking Soda in the Garden -Hacks that Work and Don'tWorkAre Dandelions ReallyImportant to Bees?Sunlight Calculator - AnotherProduct You Don't NeedWill Gypsum Improve Clay Soil?Corn Gluten Meal - Does it WorkFor Weeds?Is Urine Safe to Use in the Garden?Compost Science for Gardeners is ReleasedThe Myth of Clay Pot Heaters – Do TheyWork?Measuring the Number of Microbes in Soil –The Microbial BiomassLomi Electronic Composter – Are The ClaimsTrue?Is Lead in Garden Soil Killing You?Is Bone Meal Good for the Garden?Top Posts & Pagescredit Youth & Earth
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths Microbes Are Always at CapacityThanks to Chuck, one of our members in the Garden Fundamental Facebook Group for puttingthis complex concept into such a simple term.“Soil microbes are always at capacity.”What this means is that in any type of soil the microbe population is always at maximumstrength. Microbes populate an area so quickly that they are always filling any available space insoil, limited only by the conditions.In very poor infertile soil, there is limited food so the population is smaller, but it will as large asthe resources allow.Really good fertile soil will have a much higher population, but again it will be at maximumcapacity.ArchivesSelect MonthCategoriesSelect CategoryBlogs I ReadBotanyCaLee ReichRoger Brook – the no dig gardenerWebsites I LikeInternational Rock GardenerOntario Rock Garden and Hardy PlantSocietyThe World up CloseBacteria grow very quickly when conditions are right, credit: Frontiers for youngminds
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths simply won’t find soil where microbes have not grown to their fullest potential.What Happens When Microbes areAdded to Soil?They will mostly likely die! A review of this topic concluded that, “Inoculation of soils has alreadybeen applied for decades, but it has often yielded inconsistent or disappointing results. This iscaused mainly by a commonly observed rapid decline in inoculant population activity followingintroduction into soil, i.e., a decline of the numbers of inoculant cells and/or a decline of the(average) activity per cell. ”There are two main reasons for this. The first one is that the space in soil is already occupied bynative microbes. In order for the new ones to survive, they have to kill off the existing ones sothat there is space and resources for the new ones. You can’t add another person to that phonebooth without removing one.The second reason is one of environment. Microbes are fairly fussy about where they live, whatthey eat and who their neighbors are. The chances are very good that the soil environment is notsuitable for the new microbes, in which case they die. If the soil was suitable, they would alreadybe there.Subscribe to this BlogJoin 4,344 other subscribersenter your email addresspress here to subscribeTagsantsbokashibone mealchemicalscoffeeCoffeegroundscompanion plantingcompostcompost teacucumbersDEETeggshellsfertilizerfish fertilizergarlichouseplantshumuslawnmanure teamarigoldsmicrobesmosquitoesmulchmycorrhizal funginutrientsorganicpeat mosspHphosphorusplantingpodcastpondsroundupseedsslugsSoilsoilstructureTeaming with Microbestomatoestreesvinegarwateringweedswinter-protectionwoodchipsSoil is always full of microbes
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths is very little evidence that supports the idea that added microbes will prosper and colonizethe soil.What Are Beneficial Microbes?Most academic discussions just talk about “just” microbes, but manufacturers of products like touse the term “beneficial microbes”. Gardeners seem to like the term too. By definition these aremicrobes that are beneficial to plants which includes anything that is not a pathogen. Even if amicrobe does not help a plant directly, it usually helps indirectly, by providing nutrients to soil,or improving soil structure.The term beneficial microbes tells the gardener nothing about the contents of a product – it is amarketing term that is used to make the product seem important.What Are Effective Microbes?The term Effective Microorganisms (EM)was initiated by Dr. Teruo Higa to describe acombination of about 80 different microbes which were capable of improving the decompositionof organic matter. He developed the idea that the right combination of “positive microbes” wouldimprove any media, including soil. The initial product was called EM-1, which contained threegroups of microbes: yeast, photosynthetic bacteria, and lactic acid bacteria.Since the introduction of EM-1, many other formulations of effective bacteria have beenproduced by a variety of manufacturers. When you buy a product containing effective microbes,you are buying a combination of microbes that the manufacturer considers important.Marketing departments and gardeners routinely mix up the terms, beneficial and effective.What Does the Science Say?A lot of research has been done in this area and some studies show that bacteria or fungi addedto soil improves soil and plant growth, while many others show no effect at all.The problem with many of these studies is that they don’t design the experiments to separate thecontribution of the actual organisms, from the media holding them. I have discussed this beforewith compost tea. You can’t compare tea containing microbes to water, because we know the teacontains nutrients that help plants grow. To prove the value of the microbes you have to comparecompost tea containing live microbes to the same tea containing dead microbes. Almost nostudies do that.Many of the positive studies are lab experiments that are not using native field soil. When fieldsoil is used results tend to be negative. For example, when four commercial products were added
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths tomatoes growing in field soil containing native populations of microbes, they did not improveplant growth and had limited effect on the native microbe population.When studies are properly designed, most show no benefit when microbes are added to soil.There are some very specific cases where the addition of identified microbes reduce a specificplant disease. There are also well known inoculants like rhizobium bacteria for legumes.However, the science does not support the general idea that adding microbes to soil will improvesoil health.Quality of Commercial ProductsIf you buy some soil probiotics you will get a bottle, or package that contains a liquid or powder.A gardener has no way to know what is actually in the material.Oregon Department of Agriculture has been testing products containing beneficial microbes. “Ofthe 51 products tested for bacteria, only nine met their guarantees. Of the 14 products testedfor Trichoderma, a fungi, none met their guarantees. Of the 17 products containing mycorrhizalfungi, only three met the guarantees made on the product label.” DNA testing showed that insome cases the organism had never been in the product. In other cases the organism was nolonger viable.Remember that probiotics are living organisms. They have to be produced and stored correctly,or the product is worthless.Probiotics in AgricultureIf probiotics worked, agriculture would be the most important customer for them becauseagriculture is driven by profit. Any product that can increase yield will be adopted.A recent discussion, by an industry insider, about the lack of adoption of probiotics in agriculturehighlighted two important reasons why they are not used more.A lack of scientific studies showing they work.Where they do work, they only work some of the time. “For example, in corn, yield increases… approximately 70% of the time. The reality is in a good or even average season, yieldadvantages from a microbial product may be minimal if at all.”Probiotics are only successful when abiotic soil factors such as texture, pH, temperature,moisture content, and substrate availability are critical assessment to determine if they matchthe microbes needs. This is difficult for agriculture, but impossible for gardens.The current science does not support their wide use in agriculture and there is almost noevidence they work in gardens.Do You Have a Microbe Deficiency?Companies are telling you that you need to add more microbes. Why not ask the question, “do Ihave a deficiency?”
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths can you measure a deficiency? How can you tell which microbes you have and which onesare deficient?The short answer is that you can’t find this out. Even labs specializing in this kind of testing can’tidentify the microbes you have because scientists have not even named most of them. These labscan give you some general numbers for bacteria activity or fungi populations, but what do you dowith this information?There are no guideline numbers that indicate degrees of healthy soil. No one can test your soiland give you a list of the microbes you are missing.And yet, manufacturers of these products are quick to tell you that their product will improveyour soil. They have no way of knowing this. And you as a gardener have no way to verify thatyour microbe populations improve after applying the product.Perhaps the most important point is that you never have a deficiency because microbepopulations are always at capacity.Probiotics Added to SoilOne of the claims by manufacturers is that they are adding large numbers of microbes and thatallows them to overpower existing microbes, thereby eliminating pathogens and modifyingnatural populations.How many microbes are actually added?I looked up Plant Probiotics by Micra Culture. It was the first one I found that provided thecontents of the product. A 57 g pack is enough to cover 100 sq ft and it contains 20 x 10bacteriaper gram. This adds 10bacteria/sq ft.Lower quality soil contains 10bacteria per teaspoon, or 6 x 10/cu ft.That means the product will add 1 bacterium for every 3,000 bacteria already in the top 6 inchesof soil, assuming all of the bacteria in the product are still alive. I don’t consider that a “largenumber!” Remember that bacteria can multiply very quickly. If given extra food, the 3,000natural bacteria can be 6,000 in 20 minutes. What effect do you think one extra bacterium hason the population? None.Also note that 1 teaspoon of lower quality soil has 5 times as many bacteria as one pack of thisproduct.Have Commercial Products BeenTested?I have researched a dozen different manufacturers to find a scientific study that shows theefficacy of their product. I have contacted manufacturers and asked for their evidence. Mostdon’t even try to reply. I did get this reply, “This is a bacterial treatment. No information waspublished.”7 8 811
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths have not found one published scientific paper that shows these commercial products work.Customers have to start demanding this type of evidence before they buy these products.If you find such studies please post a link to them in the comments below.Should You Buy Soil MicrobesAlthough some very specific products may be beneficial for farmers in certain cases, homegardeners should not buy microbes except in rare cases which I will discuss in another post.Your soil is already saturated with as many microbes as it will support. Any that you add willalmost certainly die.The only thing you can do is take steps to improve your soil health. As the soil gets better,microbe populations increase naturally.The Secret to Great Soil What is it and how do you impThe Secret to Great Soil What is it and how do you impIf you like this post, please share .......
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths entry is filed under Soil and tagged soil microbes, Soil Probiotics.31 Responses to 'Buying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) –Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense?'Daryl says:June 14, 2022 at 3:57 pmHow do you feel about products that contain multiple strains of bacillus that usehumic acid as a carrier? Wouldn’t the humic provide the organic matter needed for the microbesto survive and flourish upon application?ReplyRobert Pavlis says:June 27, 2022 at 9:32 pmshow me a study that concludes bacillus lives on humic acid?Let me expand your point. What happens if you add bacteria along with a food source –would they then live?We, yes, until the food runs out. Then you are back to the same starting point.Adding compost, for example, along with the microbes in it, gives them a chance to establishthemselves in the soil. But if you add sterile compost (ie no microbes) you accomplish asimilar end goal. Native microbes will grow in numbers. So it is the compost, not themicrobes, that add the value.Humic acid is not a natural material found in soil. It is man-made.ReplyJ.R. says:May 8, 2022 at 8:04 pmif you were to debate Elaine Ingham on any soilm/icro-organism issue whe wouldcremate you!!Reply
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths Pavlis says:May 8, 2022 at 9:15 pmI doubt it – I have actual scientific references to support my views – she doesn’t.ReplyLouis says:March 10, 2022 at 6:58 pmHi Robert, in your opinion, how long do you need to air rate worm tea before using,and then is it better to use immediately thereafter without closing the thanks in advance.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:March 11, 2022 at 11:04 pmThere is no point in making compost tea – it does not work better than compost. says:February 1, 2022 at 4:31 pmIt’s totally fine to share your opinion. And you are making some valid points, butplease don’t misuse science. Please don’t first refer to science to increase your credibilty, and atthe same time question its integrity.If you want to refer to the scientific knowledge in this area, why not be objective about it andstate the current obstacles and knowledge gaps, while also acknowledging that the majority ofscientifically sound studies show a positive effects of microbial additions?While some scientific studies have their flaws, most of them get published via a thorough peer-review process where aspects like fertilisation effects are taken into account.I understand that you want to help growers and warn them about false promises of availableproducts. I’m with you. But as a scientist myself, I couldn’t leave your misleading reference toscience uncommented.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:February 1, 2022 at 5:43 pm“why not be objective about it and state the current obstacles and knowledgegaps” – that was not the goal of this post.“the majority of scientifically sound studies show a positive effects of microbial additions” –if that is the case then why not give us some links to these studies?ReplyPierre says:
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths 3, 2022 at 8:39 amHere you go: meta-analyses covering several hundred studies.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:February 3, 2022 at 7:55 pmThe first link is a meta data study that looks at the use of probiotics(biofertilizers) in Agricultural settings. They looked at the aggregate result of yieldsand found a 10-20% increase in yield. There conclusion is that “Our results givestrong indications that microbial inoculation is more successful in dry regions.”Almost none of the studies were done in North America – most were done in Indiaand middle east.– there is no indication of the number of studies that found no increase in yield – justan aggregate average.– yield increases in non-dryland conditions were under 10%.– there is no indication of the source of the inoculants – they might be commercialproducts, or laboratory cultures.– the study looked at N and P levels but not at other soil improvements– no indication of changes in microbe populations in soil– higher organic matter levels had lower yields.– lower yields with increased irrigation.– no indication of soil condition before inoculants were appliedIt does show that some inoculants are useful in agricultural settings, in certainconditions, which was acknowledged in the post. It says nothing about the use ofcommercial products.The problem is trying to take this information and extrapolating it to gardens, whichtend to have higher levels of both organic matter and water. It is unlikely that any ofthe studies were done in garden-like settings. We don’t know if they were done withcommercial products that are available to gardeners. The actual microbes involved aregrouped into larger categories making it impossible to know which organisms wouldbe the best choice for gardeners.The second study is a meta data study looking at the use of biofertilizers for maize. Itconcluded that, “Yield increases tended to be slightly higher and more variable ingreenhouse studies using field soil than in the field” and “We found greater efficacy ofAzospirillum spp. and lower efficacy of Bacillus spp. and Enterobacter spp. under fieldconditions. Surprisingly, biofertilizer strains with confirmed plant-growth-promotingtraits such as phosphorus solubilization, nitrogen fixation and phytohormoneproduction in vitro were associated with lower yields in the field than strains notconfirmed to possess these traits. These results indicate the need for a novelbiofertilizer development framework that integrates information from native soilmicrobial communities and prioritizes field validation of results.”
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths short it says, there are some cased where there are positive results and some thatare not positive – more testing needs to be done.The third link is also a meta data study looking at Plant growth promotingrhizobacteria. The search criteria was for “BPGPR and drought and rhizobacteria anddrought”. It does conclude that “that PGPR are highly effective for improving plantgrowth, with a greater effect under drought for above ground traits. ” “The majority ofthe observations in this meta-analysis were conducted in the greenhouse” – not fieldstudies.As mentioned in my post there are some special cases that gardeners might consider.But how do these results relate to gardens that are rarely in drought condition becauseof access to water?A review of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria had this to say, “Under fieldconditions, other external factors come into play and the ability of soil bacteria toelicit positive effects on plant growth can be impaired and so that the effects ofapplying specific PGPM can be variable (Nelson, 2004b). The plant rhizosphere iscolonized by microorganisms from the soil and the seed. The determinants of soilmicroorganisms are based on properties such as C and N availability, organic mattercontent, water availability and pH (Bossio et al., 1998; Drenovsky et al., 2004; Garcia-Pausas and Paterson, 2011) as well as biogeographic patterns including soil type andseasonality (Kristin and Miranda, 2013). Hence it is necessary to develop strategiesfor effective inoculation methods, so that bacteria of interest gain advantage incolonization efficiency over others. Product quality, compatibility, and stabilitydetermine effective colonization and consistent performance of the inoculum underfield conditions (Lee et al., 2016).” is clear from this is that there are many variables that affect the efficacy of anyproduct and that these variables have yet to be worked out.ReplyPierre says:February 4, 2022 at 4:53 amYes, it’s complicated. And I agree that commercial products cannot betrusted blindly. All I am asking is to not ignore the overall conlusion of the currentstate of scientific knowledge on probiotics, which is: on average, they do provide asignificant positive effect on crop yield (some more than others), also in non-drought conditions. As for gardens, I think it is worthwile testing your garden’sstate of soil health (surely, Robert can tell you Canadian services that conduct suchtests) and, besides other, more important management practices, try out someprobiotics, especially if you encounter a disturbed soil or if you are interested inreducing synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and/or irrigation.With “try out”, I mean observe if you can actually see a positive effect. The positiveeffect can be yield increase or maintaining yield while reducing/replacingfertiliser/pesticides, or improved stress tolerance of your crops. And if you do tryout probiotics, let us know here!At the end of the day it comes down to ones mindset/philsophy: Sustainablegardening doesn’t need much external inputs, but if you are used to quick fixessuch as mineral fertilisers and pesticides, why not try solutions that are less
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths to your soil, the ennvironment and your own health.Especially for gardens, I highly recommend the use of composts (yes, it’sprobiotics too). This way you are introducing a whole community of beneficialmicrobes, while promoting native ones and improving soil structure and humuslevels. If you make compost yourself, it’s free and recycles your kitchen and yardwastes.baledog says:February 4, 2022 at 8:48 amHappy to be working them out, field scale and at my expense. I thinkthe science of microbes in agriculture/ food/ health is a dynamic emerging study.Science is Always up to a new challenge, or it’s not science.Dave says:February 1, 2022 at 10:40 amI’ve sent this article to multiple soil scientists and plant pathologist that I know. Gladarticles like this are coming out. Microbes are always at capacity and plants don’t read books.Replyhemachandra manamperi says:January 31, 2022 at 9:07 amSoil microbe interaction with plants – is their difference between soils temperate andtropical regions soils. Thanks for educating me about that EM business.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 31, 2022 at 9:15 amBoth soil type and temperature can make a difference. I am not sure how much ofa difference there is in soil, at a 6″ depth, between temperate and tropical, in summer?ReplyJo says:January 31, 2022 at 7:27 amSurely you help the microbes and fungi already in your soil flourish by addingcompost regularly?ReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 31, 2022 at 9:19 amThat is true – but not something discussed in this post. The solution to healthysoil is adding organic matter to cultivate the microbes you have.
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths Michaels says:September 10, 2022 at 2:41 pmJust found Garden Fundametals and this site. I have been excited by the claims ofregenerative agriculture that if its practices were adopted worldwide, we could be back topreindustrial levels of carbon, while storing clean groundwater, deacidifying the oceans,making food more nutritious and delicious, and farming cheaper and safer( Do you agree with that idea? What seems to me to be missing fromthe “to add microbes or not” discussion are the ways the soil is treated: is it covered? arethere commercial chemical inputs? is there minimal disturbance (no till)?ReplyRobert Pavlis says:September 23, 2022 at 10:02 pm“regenerative agriculture that if its practices were adopted worldwide, wecould be back to preindustrial levels of carbon, while storing clean groundwater,deacidifying the oceans, making food more nutritious and delicious, and farming cheaperand safer” – pipe dream that is completely unrealistic.Not all, but much of the information provided by soilfoodweb is not science based nor is itsupported by most scientific groups.That does not mean some of the ideas in regenerative agriculture are not valid or useful incertain situations.ReplyAj says:January 30, 2022 at 12:54 pmJust here to say I adore you Robert for this and other replies and your skepticsresearch. Keep doing it friendReplySteven J Gingerich says:January 30, 2022 at 5:41 amIn a world awash in soluable fertilizers, and the inherant expense and pollution, whatis the harm in the clumsey pursuit of effective innoculation of soils? You can reference Johnson-Su BEAM Reasearch and Bioreactor studies, at New Mexico State University.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 30, 2022 at 9:09 am
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths is the harm?People wasting time and money on products that don’t work.Companies polluting the environment and contributing to global warming making uselessproducts.Wasting natural resources shipping them all over the world.ReplyA2Z says:January 31, 2022 at 4:51 amJust the tip of a very BIG iceberg, I’m sure you probably know.I just watched a vid on yt of giant lettuce, squash, watermelon, ect.They must have some secrete recipes. Course aquaponics is a completely different animal.But it’s all food for thought. Great info! ThanksReplyBaledog says:January 31, 2022 at 9:02 amI find the clumsey/ infant pursuit of innoculants,to be well worth the expensegiven the verifiable response documented by David Johnson’s work at Mew Mexico State.Google it, thats freeThe expense and effort wasted in manufacture/distribution and pollution involved ininnocculants is pale compared to the clumsey application of fertilizer with it’s inherantwaste of the same resources..I think there is a lot to learn.ReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 31, 2022 at 9:17 amIf this document is so easy to find – why not put a link here so we can seeit??ReplyBaledog says:February 1, 2022 at 7:45 pmYou are right! I can’t document it. I find only anecdotal evidenceNot double blind replicated published and reviewed documentation.I am a skeptic myself but I remain intrigued with innoculants.As you state in your opening, can you document that soils or any medium areinherantly at mirobial capacity?ReplyMike S says:January 29, 2022 at 8:24 pm
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths let me know what you think - Leave a Reply -You can also comment on our Facebook Group calledGarden FundamentalsI’m confident my soil has all the fungal & bacterial properties necessary for my needs, as mycomposting regime ensures I have sufficient to add a 2″ layer of organic matter to the surface ofmy beds every year.I’m happy to spend what I’ve saved on worthwhile items, such as decent wines…ReplyJ.R. says:January 29, 2022 at 7:21 pmseems you differ with Elaine Ingham..THE soil expertReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 29, 2022 at 8:19 pmWho says she is a soil expert? Her followers.When someone’s ideas go against those of main stream science that person is not longer anexpert. She is popular because it is her business to sell courses and promote her company.That does not make her an expert.I have contacted her before, asking her for scientific studies to support some of her ideas –she was unable to do that.But if you disagree with anything in this post, please feel free to add links to studies thatprove me wrong.ReplyRalph says:January 29, 2022 at 5:50 pmI’d be happy to provide you with our microbial product s Robert and you can testthem against straight fertilizer. Farment.caReplyRobert Pavlis says:January 29, 2022 at 7:19 pm1) Why would anyone test microbial products against fertilizer?2) If you are selling such products, you should already have done some testing to show theywork. So can you provide links to these studies?Reply
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4/19/23, 8:58 PMBuying Soil Probiotics (Microbes) - Are They Beneficial, Effective or Nonsense? - Garden Myths
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