Understanding the Lawmaking Process: How a Bill Becomes a Law
Kenmore Junior High**We aren't endorsed by this school
Political Science
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by MagistrateSteelSalmon30
!)esson:°ow EO ±ill ±eXcomes EO !)EOw2/27/24
°nit ±ssential ²uestion:@JhEOt does the joMWb oaf the lebgislEOtive MWbrEOnXch entEOil EOt the loXcEOl, stEOte,EOnd nEOtionEOl levels EOnd how does thEOt joMWb impEOXct the afunXctioninbg oaf²meriXcEOn bgovernment?
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7ºqCCb4m? ¾1| ± ¼f8i;i; f8pB ¹k=qCoAl>Ba3rDA`2Cb4Ba3Where do ideas for bills come from"DsT tWTWXVW[XVWt UTPtuarT ± XST]ntXUy y^ouar arTs_p^o]nsT²)),Describe the difference between introducing a bill in the--0House versus the Senate° What might be the reason for thisdifference$$'BD^^`UUU YYXYN^S[PYN^SW XUWWU)(The difference between introducing a bill in the --0Houseversus the Senate is that a bill in the house is introducedwithout the need for any formality by simply being droppedinto an hopper° 25Meanwhile to introduce the bill to the senateit requires a senator to formally present the bill° ..1I think thereason for this difference is the fact that the senate is a moreexclusive group of the legislature composed of only ±±members meanwhile the house of rep has #"$representatives°3]]SUWW`UUYY VWW_T]R;S5WWQ\\ 6YN\Q\QBDU]]YYR_T_T[P
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