China's Renewable Energy Investments Transform Kenya's Future
Florida International University**We aren't endorsed by this school
INR 2001
Political Science
Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by ColonelSalamanderMaster1216
Week 14 Africa News AnalysisChina has made significant investments in Africa's renewable energy sector in recentyears, with Kenya emerging as a key beneficiary. China greatly boosted financial and technicalassistance for Kenya's wind, solar, and geothermal energy projects in 2023, according toUniversidad de Navarra’s article on China’s Belt and Road Initiative. China's Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI) is emphasized by this partnership, which represents the effort to deepen relationswith African countries while simultaneously tackling global energy transitions.The necessity for renewable energy has been highlighted by Kenya's reliance on fossilfuels and vulnerability to droughts brought on by climate change. Kenya's environmentalsecurity is improved by Chinese investment in a number of ways, including China’s help given toKenya to lessen its dependency on imported fossil fuels, which lowers greenhouse gasemissions, by providing finance for renewable energy infrastructure.1InThe Globalization of Politics: An Introduction to International Relations(Ch. 24),Vogler makes the case that environmental security is an essential component of nationalsecurity, and these advancements support that claim. China's initiatives address Kenya'secological and social vulnerabilities by reducing resource-based conflicts and promoting reliableenergy supplies. China's engagement in Kenya also advances broader geopolitical objectives.By positioning itself as a partner in sustainable development, China increases its economic andpolitical influence in Kenya.2China expands its political and economic influence in Kenya by presenting itself as a partner insustainable development. With Kenya playing a significant role in the African Union, China hasleverage in multilateral negotiations. In addition to providing economic advantages, renewableenergy projects give China access to vital minerals which are employed in clean energytechnologies. Kenya gains from more investment and commerce in exchange.China's investments in renewable energy in Kenya are an example of how geopoliticsand environmental security are connected. These initiatives not only help Kenya fight climatechange and achieve energy independence, but also give China a strategic opportunity toincrease its influence in Africa. As Vogler points out, the worldwide scope of environmentalissues necessitates collaboration while also mirroring underlying power structures. Accordingly,in the age of globalization, Kenya's renewable energy sector serves both a bridge and abattlefield for international relations.2---. The Globalization of World Politics : An Introduction to International Relations. 9th ed., Oxford ;Toronto, Oxford University Press, 20231“China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: Kenya’s Pivotal Role.” Global Affairs and Strategic Studies,