Nursing Interventions for Common Postoperative Complications
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Dec 10, 2024
Uploaded by CoachFieldAlbatross42
Complication NursingAssessmentsPrevention Interventions Treatment Interventions PNA Assess RR Auscultate lungs O2 sats Turn/Cough D Breathe Incentive spirometer Early ambulation Same as prevention Nebulizers Antibiotics Oxygen Atelectasis Assess RR Auscultate lungs O2 sats Turn/Cough D Breathe Incentive spirometer Early ambulation Same as prevention Oxygen Chest physiotherapy Hypoxemia Assess for restlessness Cap refill O2 sats RR, depth P, BP Turn/Cough D Breathe Incentive spirometer Early ambulation Oxygen Close monitoring PE Assess for restlessness, chest pain, sense of impending doom O2 sats RR, depth Same as above Antiembolism stockings Pneumatic boots Leg/ankle exercises Oxygen Elevate HOB Notify physician Standby for anticoagulant therapy Hemorrhage Restlessness Check dressings & drains for increased drainage Monitor BP, P Monitor for abdominal distention (abd sx) Close monitoring Notify surgeon Pressure to site if bleeding is external Standby for fluid resuscitation or blood products as ordered Hypovolemia Monitor I&O BP, P Encourage fluids Monitor IV fluidsNotify MD IV fluids Foley catheter for close monitoring Thrombophlebitis/ Thrombus Assess for calf tenderness, edema, enlarging calf, Homan’s sign, temperature Early ambulation Antiemolism stockings Pneumatic boots Adequate fluid intakeElevate leg w/out pressure on popliteal space Anticoagulation Bed rest
Ileus Check bowels sounds Assess for abdominal distention Early ambulation NPO IV fluids NGT to low suction GI stimulants Abdominal distention Check bowels sounds Assess for abdominal distention Early ambulation Urinary retention Monitor I&O Assess bladder distention Assist male pt to stand with urinal Offer toileting frequently Run water in sink Straight catheter as ordered Possible Foley insertion for retention UTI Assess for pain, burning with urination Assess temperature Aseptic technique with Foley insertion, care Encourage fluidsAntibiotics as ordered Wound infection Assess temperature Monitor wound drainage for color, odor, increased pain Aseptic technique with dressing change Adequate nutritional intake Dehiscence Monitor for increased drainage Monitor wound, sutures or staples Teach to splint incision when coughing, moving about Abdominal binder Notify MD Low Fowler’s w/ knees bent Cover w/ sterile moist (NS) gauze Antibiotics as ordered