Mastering Summarization and Paraphrasing Skills: Butterfly Life
Stephen F Austin State University**We aren't endorsed by this school
GEO 504
Dec 10, 2024
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Formal Assessment: Summarizing and ParaphrasingObjective:Students will demonstrate their ability to summarize the main idea of a text, identify supportingdetails, and paraphrase a specific detail, in alignment with TEKS 4.6(B).Passage for the Assessment: The Life Cycle of a ButterflyA butterfly begins its life as an egg. The egg hatches into a tiny caterpillar, also known as alarva. This caterpillar eats leaves and grows quickly. After some time, the caterpillar forms aprotective shell around itself called a chrysalis or pupa. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillarundergoes a transformation. This stage is called metamorphosis. After a few weeks, the adultbutterfly emerges from the chrysalis. The butterfly has large, colorful wings and is ready to fly.The butterfly spends the rest of its life finding food, mating, and laying eggs to start the cycleover again.Instructions for Students:Read the passage carefully. Then, complete the tasks below.Task 1: Summarize the Main Idea●Instructions: In1-2 sentences, summarize themain ideaof the passage. What is theoverall point the author is making about the life cycle of a butterfly?●Rubric Focus: Did the student provide a clear, concise, and accurate summary of thecentral idea?Task 2: Identify Supporting Details●Instructions: List3 supporting detailsfrom the passage that explain how a butterflychanges through its life cycle.●Rubric Focus: Did the student identify at least three relevant details that support themain idea? Are the details accurate and directly related to the main idea?Task 3: Paraphrase a Supporting Detail●Instructions: Chooseone supporting detailfrom the passage andparaphraseit inyour own words.●Rubric Focus: Did the student rephrase the detail effectively, keeping the originalmeaning but using different words?Assessment Rubric:
Criteria4 (Excellent)3 (Proficient)2 (Basic)1 (NeedsImprovement)Main Idea(Summary)The summary clearlyand conciselycaptures the mainidea of the passagewith no unnecessarydetails.The summary ismostly accurate butmay have someminor details thatare unnecessary ormissing.The summaryis somewhatunclear oromits keyinformation.The summary doesnot capture the mainidea or is incorrect.SupportingDetailsLists 3 or morerelevant, accuratedetails that clearlysupport the mainidea.Lists 2-3 relevantdetails, mostlyaccurate, but maymiss one keyelement.Lists only 1-2details orincludes someirrelevantinformation.Does not list enoughor any relevantsupporting details.ParaphrasingThe paraphrase isaccurate, distinctfrom the original,and keeps theoriginal meaningintact.The paraphrase ismostly accurate,with only a fewminor issues inwording or meaning.Theparaphrase issomewhatunclear or toosimilar to theoriginal text.The paraphrase isunclear or does notretain the originalmeaning.Clarity andOrganizationWork is clear,well-organized, andeasy to follow.Work is mostly clearwith minororganizationalissues.Work issomewhatdisorganizedor difficult tofollow.Work is unclear ordisorganized,making it hard tounderstand.