Understanding Nationalism: Italian and German Unification

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Chapter 24: Nationalism in Europe Chapter 24-1: Italian Unification1.What is nationalism? A strong sense of devotion to one’s own people territory.2.What are the primary elements of nationalism? Culture, history, religion, language, and territory.3. What was done to Italy at the 1815 Congress of Vienna? Most Italians were reconstituted.4. Who ruled the three separate parts of Italy? Napoleon5. What did Italian nationalist Giuseppe Mazzinicall for and what was his organization called? Giuseppe Mazzini called his organization Young Italy; he argued that the line of Congress of Vienna Should be redrawn.6. What were some of the beliefs of Italian nationalist Camillo di Cavour? Rome should remain the seat of a “free church in a free state”.7. Who did Cavour employ to lead the fight to free part of Italy from Austrian control? Giuseppe garibaldi8. What military tactics did Garibaldilearn while living in exile in South America? Guerrilla warfare 9. Who were the Red Shirts? White Supremacist that was active in late 19thcentury after the end of the Reconstruction.10. To whom did Garibaldi offer Italy, after he had united much of the country? King Victor Emmanuel 11. What role did Prussia play in aiding the complete unification of Italy? Prussia defeated Austria and France.12. What caused millions of Italians to migrate to the Americas in the late 1800s and early 1900s? Economic issues and high unemployment.13. What alliance did the new Italy join in 1882 and who were its members? Military alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany.14. What country in Africa did Italy try but fail to conquer? Ethiopia
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Chapter 24: Nationalism in Europe Chapter 24-2: German Unification1.Describe the German Confederationwhich was formed at the Congress of Vienna.An association of 39 separate states with a common language and culture.2. What did Prussian liberals all agree upon about the German Confederation? The idea that all German states should unite as a single, unified Germany.3. How did Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm IVreact to calls for democracy? He banned any pro-democracy attempts.4. What was the Zollvereinand how did it play a role on German unity? An economic agreement that eliminated tariffs between German states and promoted German unity.5. Who did the Prussian king make prime minister in 1862? Otto Von Bismarck6. What were Otto von Bismarck’sprimary beliefs? Prussian should lead the unification of German States.7. What is realpolitik? To put Prussia’s interest first.8. Explain Bismarck’s “blood and iron” policy. Things will be settled by “blood and iron”.9. Briefly describe the Austro-Prussian warand the result. Prussia defeats the Austrian army which resulted in the exclusion of Austria from Germany.10. Who joined with the northern German states to help Prussia defeat France in the Franco-Prussian War?Southern German States11. What was created in the peace treaty following the Franco-Prussian War? Treaty of Frankfurt12. What type of government was created in the new German empire? Why?A federal government was created so that smaller states could retain power.13. How did Bismarck feel about the Roman Catholic Church and what did he do about it?
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Chapter 24: Nationalism in Europe 14. What became known as Kulturkampf?15. Describe the growth of steel production in Germany between 1890 and 1913.16. What social legislation did Bismarck pass to discourage calls for socialism and unionization?Chapter 24-3: Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman EmpireThe Austria-Hungarian Empire1. What were the Carlsbad Decreespushed by conservative Austrian Prince Metternich?2. Who became king of the Austrian empire in 1848?3. What other revolutions would set off revolutions within the Austrian empire itself?4. What made the Austrian empire very vulnerable to revolt and revolution?5. What group rebelled against Austrian rule in 1848?6. What was the Dual Monarchy?The Ottoman Empire7. List some religious and ethnic groups that were under Ottoman control.8. What was “The Eastern Question?”9. Why did Russia want control of the city of Constantinople and who had great objections to this?10. Briefly describe the Crimean War.11. Who was Florence Nightengale? (723)12. Which groups wanted independence from the Ottomans in the Balkans?
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Chapter 24: Nationalism in Europe 13. How did Austria-Hungary benefit from the Congress of Berlinin 1878?14. Who were the Young Turksand what were their goals?Chapter 24-4: Unrest in Russia1. What kind of government did Russian czars believe in and describe it?2. How was early 19thcentury Russia’s economically different from much of western Europe?3. Who were serfsand what were their lives like?4. Describe the Decembrist Revolt.5. How was Russia’s defeat in the Crimean War a wake-up call to Russian leaders?6. What serfdom reforms did Czar Alexander II(ruled 1855-1881) institute?7. What other reforms did czar Alexander II enact?8. What happened to Czar Alexander II in 1881?9. How did Czar Alexander III(ruled 1881-1894) “react” once assuming power?10. Describe the pogromsunder Alexander III.11. What did Czar Nicholas II(ruled 1894-1917) immediately focus on once in power?12. Describe the Tran-Siberian Railroad.13. Describe the Russo-Japanese Warand the aftermath in Russia itself.
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Chapter 24: Nationalism in Europe 14. Describe the events on Bloody Sunday1905.16. Describe the unrest that followed Bloody Sunday.16. What was the October Manifestoand why did Czar Nicholas II issue it?
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