Barbering Through the Ages: Evolution and Impact on Society

Brewbaker Tech Magnet High Sch**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 10, 2024
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THE HISTORY OFc HAP TER1 BARBERINGLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to:LOO Discuss the evolution of barbering and the origin of the word barber.LOO Describe the practices of the barber-surgeons and the meaning behind thebarber pole.LOO Identify the organizations responsible for advancing the barbering profession andexplain the function of state barber boards.LOO Recognize the resurgence of barbering in the twenty-first century and the wealthof opportunities available to the new barber.IntroductionFill-in-the-BlankIn the space(s) provided, write the word(s) that correctly complete(s) each statement.1 Barbering is one of the oldest2 Almost all cultures practiced some form ofin the world.andgiven the archeological evidence found inearly sculptures, andWhy Study the History of Barbering?Fill-in-the-Blank3 Knowing the history of your profession can help youunderstand upcomingUnderstand Ille Ilislory of BarberingLOO Discuss the evolution of barbering and the origin of the word barber.andFill-in-the-Blank4 Barbering has a rich, stretching back millennia.
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Ancient CulturesMultiple Choice/Fill-in-the-Blankor strips of hide were used as adornment, and braiding5techniques were employed in many cultures.a. Animal sinewb. Animal musclec. Cow hidesd. Animal products6 Archeologists can trace the barbering profession as far back as:a. the Industrial Revolution.b. the Middle Ages.c. the Glacial Age.d. the Renaissance period.7 What type of systems elevated tribal barbers to positions of importance, becomingmedicine men, shamans, or priests?a. Belief.b. Religious.c. Value.d. Moral.8 Many primitive cultures maintained a connection between what three things?a.b.C.9 Which ancient civilization is credited with being the first to cultivate hair and beauty in afashionable way?a. The Romans.b. The Egyptians.10 What Egyptian barber has a statue in his honor?a. Moses.b. Ticinius Mena.11 Greek-Sicilian barbers from Sicily introducedand12 Barba is the Latin word forc.d.c.d.The Greeks.The Masai warriors.Alexander the Great.Meryma' Rome between13 What word comes from the Latin tondere, meaning "to shear"?2a. Queue.b. Tonsorial.CHAPTER 1 | THE HISTORY OF BARBERINGc. Anno domini.d. Henna.
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Customs and TraditionsFill-in-the-Blank/Matching14 According to the Greek philosopher and mathematicianwas the brain's inspiration.15 Match the description with the term.Leader of the Macedonian troopsAccidentally burned his head with a torch1972 was the year the Roman-Catholicchurch abolished this practiceGrew his beard to hide the scars on his chinBelieved cutting hair decreased intellectualcapacity, the haira. Pythagorasb. Tonsurec. Emperor Hadriand. Alexander the Greate. Francis I of France16 During the nineteenth century in France, men and women showed appreciation for antiquityby wearing variations of thethe style of the early Romanemperors.The Beard and ShavingMultiple Choice/Matching/Fill-in-the-Blank17 Flint-bladed razors found in Egyptian pyramids were used by the ruling class for:a. skinning animals.b. shaving the head and face.18 A form of tweezers was in use by the year:b. 8000-5000 BC.19 Match the description with the term.Shaved with obsidian bladesClean shaven by 2800 BCFrequented local barber for servicesc.d.c.d.sacrificing slaves.weapons in battle.4000 BC.7000 BC.a. Sumeriansb. Greek men of 1000 BCc. Mesopotamians, a young man's 22nd birthday constituted a rite of passage20 Infrom boyhood to manhood. On this day he received his first3CHAPTER 1 | THE HISTORY OF BARBERING
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Trace the Rise of the Barber-SurgeonsLOO Describe the practices of the barber-surgeons and the meaning behind the barber pole.Matching21 Match the description with the term or years.Considered the father of modern surgeryYear barber-surgeons formed their firstorganization in FranceMost learned and educated people at the timePeriod in which wigs became very fashionableDuties previously performed by clergyLocation of the school of St. Cosmos andSt DomainName associated with barbers for over athousand yearsCity where The Guild of Company of Barbers-Surgeons was formedYear that barbers and surgeons wereseparated in EnglandYear barbers took over the duties previouslyperformed by the clergyThe Barber PoleFill-in-the-Blanka. Barber-surgeonsb. Paris, FranceC. 1096 ADd. Monks and priestse. Ambroise Paréf. 1163g. 1700s-1800sh. 1745i. Bloodlettingj. London, England22 The symbolic history of the barber pole can be directly related to the technical procedure Ofperformed by23 The bottom end-cap of modern barber poles represents thewas used as a vessel to catch the blood duringUnderstand Modern Barbering'sOrganizations and Stale BoardsLOO Identify the organizations responsible for advancing the barbering profession andexplain the function of state barber boards.Multiple Choice/Matchingthat424CHAPTER 1During what years did the profession's structure change and begin to follow new directions?a. The late 1800s.b. 1887.I THE HISTORY OF BARBERINGc. 1929.d. All answers are correct.
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25 Match the description with the term or year.Employee groupsEmployer groupsYear and location of the formation of theJoumeymen Barbers' International Union of AmericaYear and location associated with the opening ofAmerica's first barber schoolYear the first Moler manual of barbering wasfirst publishedFirst state to pass barber licensing lawsYear and location the Associated Master Barbersof America was formedGroup the AMBBA representedStandardized the operation of barber schoolsStandardized and upgraded barber trainingNational Association of State Board of BarberexaminersAdopted barber code of ethicsa. National EducationalCouncilb. National Association ofBarber Schoolsc. AMBBAd. Journeymen barberse. Alabama1893, Chicago, Illinoisf.g. Master barbersh. Organized in St. Paul,Minnesota1924, Chicago, Illinoisi.1893j.k. 1887, New Yorkl. Shop and salon ownersm. MinnesotaConsider the State of Barbering TodayO Recognize the resurgence of barbering in the twenty-first century and the wealth ofopportunities available to the new barber.Essay26 Throughout history, the trend of wearing a beard or being clean shaven was often put inplace by a ruler or religious decree. In your own words, describe some of the factors thatmay influence a present-day gentleman, to decide to wear a beard or not? ( Many of us areinfluenced by musicians, celebrities, athletes, and our peers.)5CHAPTER 1 | THE HISTORY OF BARBERING
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627 How can wo as barbers Koop up to dato with tho demands of faohion to bogt moot ourclient's neod8?Word ReviewWord SearchAfter determining the correct term from the definitions provided, locate the terms in the wordsearch,Latin for beard.Wrote the first barbering textbook; opened the first barberschool in Chicago in 1893.A shaved patch on the head.Early practitioners who cut hair, shaved, and performedbloodletting and dentistry.I 01,
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Barber employee unions.Barber employer unions.Associated Master Barbers and Beauticians of America.Related to the cutting, clipping, or trimming of hair withshears or a razor.Egyptian barber commemorated with a statue.Most often a red, white, and blue striped pole that is theiconic symbol of the barbering profession.National Association of Barber Boards of America.Sicilian credited with bringing barbering and shaving toRome in 296 BC.PYEMRTsEEoJMEBMBLRMAPAAsRNNOMNEMANERNAsMEPRoRoGRBMosJABAMYARGEOSRsTOTRBNBERRRRMABRTRMERYMAATAERMMRABEsSMRRRARBYNoBLORGERNBARBMLTGEMRAsEBMAATRNEOABAMMBASBEAATERRANRLNAGRBoBPRRBARBsBRPEONNOMMBAoEMEAOSOREERRBRSEARRREARLTMBRBsNBEEESNTBRAoELRBAAcRAGEGEETRNAEEUsMSERRRToRNSoBIAMOMSRoGBTOBBGORB1LEEAPBTRELRUoRREGpNBsoMEsBIoBABsTNIMNALNAAEOBsEAAALERPBGsICHAPTER 1 | THE HISTORY OF BARBERINGONRELGBBMEsEcsNL7
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