Impact of Nightingale's Theory on Modern Nursing Practices
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C304 PROFE C304
Dec 11, 2024
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C304 Task 1A.A nursing theory that has influenced my values and goals is thatof Nightingale’s environmental adaptation theory. This theoryencompasses everything from the environment/surrounding, tothe patient’s diet; to the way family/friends talk to patients, andto the cleanliness of both environment and caretaker. 1. Nurses apply the environmental adaptation theory toimplement excellent nursing practices by making sure thatthepatient’sroom/environmentisclean/clatterfree/unnecessary noise-free to improve the patient’s thoughtand healing process. Room lighting is also important as itbrings life to the room/patient. Patient’s diet needs to bewatched as it helps improve and prevent co-morbidities fromworsening. Sometimes, having a calming music can bebeneficial for patients and even the staff as well. 2. The environmental adaptation theory fits my professionalpractice as an ER nurse since it helps me implement practicesthat help patient recovery. None of these practices has everbeen tested harmful for any patients as well so it only doesthem good. It even helps staff as well by making them feel
they are doing everything they can for their patients, from themedical side to the environmental side.B. Florence Nightingale contributed the environmental adaptationtheory. And Dorothea Orem contributed the self-care deficitmodel.1. FlorenceNightingalecontributedtheenvironmentaladaptation theory wherein she looked at all environmentalaspects that can promote health such as the concept ofventilation,cuttingoffunnecessarynoise,propernutrition/diet, lighting, and cleanliness. Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit model aims to get a patient back into theirprevious level of function through purposeful nursinginterventions. 2.The contributions of Florence Nightingale and Dorothea Oreminfluence my professional nursing practice by making meaware of both their theories. Both theories taught me howthere are other things/practices to keep in mind in helping apatient successfully heal and be healthy.
C.The State Board of Nursing is a government agency that protectsthe public by regulating the practice of registered nurses. Theyare responsible for the implementation and application of theNursing Practice Act: the laws related to nursing education,licensure, practice, and discipline. The American NursesAssociation (ANA) is the voice of nursing. It is a professionalorganization that represents the interests of registered nurses.1. The State Board of Nursing makes sure that nursingeducation is properly provided and following accreditationregulations and that licensure of registered nurses are upto date and proper.The ANA protects the interests ofregistered nurses and hears their problems/issues andtakes care of them. 2. The BRN and ANA influence my nursing practice bykeeping me knowledgeable of my responsibilities as aregistered nurse, my scope of practice, and my rights as anRN.3.Explain the requirements for professional license renewalin your state. The requirements for professional licenserenewal in California are mandatory continuing education
(30 units per 2 years) and to have a clean backgroundcheck. a. Discuss the consequences of failure to maintainlicense requirements in your state. Failure tomaintain license requirements in California cancause your license to be revoked or be onsuspension wherein you cannot practice as an RN. 4.The differences between registered nursing licenserequirements in a compact state versus a non-compactstate are: For a non-compact state, they only need toknow the regulations in their specific state. As for acompact state, RNs are allowed to have multi-statelicenses wherein they still have to have a good standinglicense in their own state and once they begin practicing ina state outside of their main residence, they will beexpected to follow the laws and regulations of the state inwhich they are working at. D. The FDA protects the public health by assuring that foods aresafe, healthy, sanitary and properly labeled and ensures thathuman/veterinarydrugs/vaccines/cosmeticsanddietarysupplements, and other biological products and medical devices
intended for human use are safe and effective. The FDA alsoregulates tobacco products. The Center for Medicare andMedicaid Services provide medical insurance/prescription drugcoverage for qualified people: the disabled, people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis or kidneytransplant, people 65 or older, low-income families, pregnantwomen, people of all ages with disabilities, and people who needlong-term care.1.FDA and CMS do not really influence the care I give topatients. It influences it when the hospital needs to knowthe scope of coverage of a patient’s insurance so we cantell them what their responsibilities are and what theinsurance responsibility is as far as payment for servicesgoes.a.When a patient requested alternative therapy, as apatient advocate, I can give them education on thedifferences between what is the suggested therapyby our doctor versus their alternative therapy, I cantry to get them a second opinion as needed, and Ican have the doctors/educators, whoever is more
knowledgeable of the case give them additionalinformation/teaching.E. The NPA explains the scope of practice for nurses within astate. It outlines the activities nurses may legally perform withinthe jurisdiction. NPA has a big impact on my professionalpractice as it dictates my responsibilities as an RN; it dictateswhat I can and cannot do when it comes to patient care. 1.The scope of practice for an RN in California includesbasic health care which helps people cope withproblems in daily living which are related with patients’actual or potential health issues or illness. It alsoincludes providing treatment for such health problems,which require a significant amount of scientificknowledge or technical skill.2. The CA RN follows the Five Rights of Delegation asfollows: 1. The right task, 2. Under the rightcircumstances, 3. To the right person, 4. With the rightdirections and communication; and 5. Under the rightsupervision and evaluation.
F. •a scientist : The RN uses evidence-based practices to patientcare and makes healthcare decisions using methodical inquiries.•a detective: The RN uses her nursing knowledge to detect anychanges in patient’s acuity to prevent or control any adverseconsequences. •a manager of the healing environment: The RN, with regardsto healthcare policies and regulations, advocates for a respectfulexperience in promoting health improvement/well-being. G. Provision 1: The Nurse Practices with Compassion andRespect for the Inherent Dignity, Worth, and Unique Attributes ofEvery Person. Provision 5: The Nurse Owes the same duties to self as to others,including the responsibility to promote health and safety,preserve wholeness of character and integrity, maintaincompetence, and continue personal and professional growth. 1. The two provisions influence my professional nursingpractice by making sure I respect every patient nomatter the race, the belief, and the gender. Treat every
patient equally and justly. With these provisions, ImakesurethatIkeepmyselfmentally/physically/emotionally healthy as well so I canmaintain my capabilities and grow personally andprofessionally as well. 2.One popular nursing error that may occur in a clinicalpractice would be a medication error. a.The provisions can be applied to the medication error aswith respect and compassion for patients, the nurseshould check the patient and the medication and knowthe patient story to make sure a medication error doesnot occur. And if the RN is overall healthy, notfatigued/stressed, the RN would be doing her jobcorrectly, no distractions, avoiding a medication error. H. Four leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence innursing would be being a good team player, being responsible, amulti-tasker, and having good critical thinking skills. 1.
•a leader at the bedside: The RN would be a good leaderat bedside with the traits stated as it will assist in handlinga situation smoothly and in a smart/right way. The traitswill assist the RN in coming up with a solution for aproblem effectively. •within a nursing team or interdisciplinary team: The RNwith such traits stated would work good with a team, theRN would know how to work with different points of viewand difference in opinions amongst a team. 2. •nursing leadership: The work environment can impactnursing leadership in a way that it can either bring it downor up by the support management/staff shows. •decision making: The work environment can impact anRN’s decision making by promoting independence and yetproviding health criticisms.
•professional development: The work environment canimpactprofessional developmentbyprovidingopportunities to excel for in their profession. REFERENCES: An Explanation of the Scope of RN Practice Including StandardizedProcedures.(1/2011).Retrievedfrom’ProgramHistory.(n.d.).Retrievedfrom
Conceptual Model, Nursing Programs. (2013). Retrieved from!/4/2/2@0:0Sanders. (n.d.). Ethical and bioethical issues in nursing and healthcare.Retrievedfrom!/4/2/2@0:0WhatdoesFDAdo?(n.d.).Retrievedfrom