Master Data Analytics: Survey Design and Business Insights
Colorado State University, Fort Collins**We aren't endorsed by this school
MKT 650
Dec 11, 2024
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MKT650: Fundamentals of Data AnalyticsFall 2024, Second 8 WeeksInstructor:Lisa WellingtonLisa.Wellington@colostate.eduInstructional CoordinatorSam WatkinsSamual.Watkins@colostate.eduInstructional CoordinatorNate ChildsNathan.Childs@colostate.eduCourse Description:This course will introduce you to quantitative marketing research. A significant amount of the class is designing, executing in Qualtrics (online survey platform), analyzing in SPSS (statistical computing software), and crafting insights and business recommendations from a survey. Students are encouraged to execute a survey that will inform a real business challenge they are facing in their work. Additional topics include experimental design and causal inference, sampling, the marketing research industry, and marketing research code of standards. Note 1: Students are expected do most assignments via teamwork. Team formation will be coordinated and facilitated the first week of class.Note 2: Some video instruction will be given for both Qualtrics and SPSS, customized to this class. Students are expected also to spend some time with the software vendor published introductory online tutorials for both pieces of software.Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:1.Design, execute, analyze, and draw business insights and recommendations from a survey.oCode a survey in Qualtrics.oPrepare and clean survey data for analysis.oPrepare tabulations and cross-tabulations of survey data in SPSS.oCompute and interpret statistical tests on survey data: comparing means, comparing proportions, confidence intervals on population parameters, and ANOVA.oPrepare a polished and professional presentation of survey insights and recommendations.2.Articulate types of sampling and calculate sample sizes needed or desired for informing different types of business decisions.3.Design an experiment to answer a business question.4.List and describe several ways marketing research can be useful to business decision making.5.Demonstrate awareness of the marketing research code of standards6.Understand the scope and size of the marketing research industry. Be aware of the types of jobs available and form an opinion as to whether a career in marketing research is a path they’d like to pursue.Required Course Materials: All materials available at no additional cost to students. Textbooks available for no fee to CSU students via SageMcQuarrie, E. (2016). The market research toolbox. SAGE Publications, IncEkinci, Y. (2015). Designing research questionnaires for business and management students. SAGE Publications Ltd, readings and audio podcasts posted to canvas each week.SoftwareQualtrics. The College of Business offers students a free Qualtrics account. Copy this text and paste it into a browser window: https://colostate.az1.qualtrics.comThis is an online platform you will use to create or code a survey.
SPSS. CSU students may access free of charge via eLab, instructions here. eLab is slow for some. It is recommended that you purchase a 6-month license to STANDARD edition. Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint or G-Suite equivalentsClass Lectures & Readings: Class lectures are supported by PowerPoint sides. Readings are resources that reinforce and provide added value to class lectures. Both are required. Communication: Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and comments.1.Open office hours in MS Teams. See course announcements in Canvas for times and days.2.Message an instructor in MS Teams.3.Send an email,, Lisa.Wellington@colostate.edufrom your CSU email address. We will respond within 24 hours on business days, within 48 hours on weekends and holiday times. 4.Coordinate an appointment outside of office hours. Class Organization: The course is comprised of eight modules corresponding to the eight weeks of class. Every week has readings, online video lectures, and graded activities. Prior to participating in the online lectures, students are expected to complete the assigned readings and activities. Projects. You are welcome and encouraged to work in teams of up to 4 people for the two big projects.Exams. Two exams will be mostly auto-gradable, i.e. multiple choice, matching, true/false, calculate a number. Students are free to use class materials to answer the exam questions, e.g., lecture slides, significance calculators, previously submitted and graded quizzes and papers.Video Interactions. PlayPosit is used to intersperse questions in most of the videos. These are intended to help you stay focused and interested in the content. Many are polls with no wrong answer. Some are multiple choicewith one correct answer, and a chance to re-do the question a few times in case you get it wrong on your first try. It is expected that most students will earn 100% on these.Quizzes, Short Papers, Discussions. Every week there will be some. Pay attention to due dates as they vary by week. Some quizzes ask how much time you invested in various course components. These are extra credit for you and very helpful to future students. We hope you take a minute to share your experience each week.Due Dates, Late, Early Work. Due dates are mostly Saturdays at 1159pm. Two exceptions are the first weekwhen we need you to complete a survey to facilitate team formation, and then at the end of the semesterbecause a Friday is the last official day of the semester. We are not super strict about deadlines except for exams and all deliverables in the last 2 weeks of class. If youneed an extra day or two, take it with the understanding that it will have an impact on our ability to give youtimely feedback. Exams and all deliverables the last 2 weeks of class must be completed by the days specified inthe syllabus unless prior arrangements are made. Students may do work early if desired. We’ll do our best tograde quickly after assignment submissions, and always within 1 week of the due date.
Method of Evaluation: Below are points assigned to the various graded components of this class and how the total points you earn translate into a final course grade. WeekTopic of Lecture & ExercisePointsLetterGrade% ScorePoint Range1Intro to Class, Quant MR, Surveys20A >=93 <=1005004652Survey Design20A->=90 < 934654503Survey Execution20B+>=87 <90450435Project 1: Design and Execute a Survey100B >=83 <874354154Sampling20B->=80 <83415400Exam 175C+>=77 <804003855Data Prep & Initial Analyses22C>=70 <783853506Statistical Analyses of Survey Data18D>=60 <703503007Experimental Design20FBelow 60Below 300Project 2: Analyze Data from a Survey1008Marketing Research Industry10Exam 275Total500Time Estimate: Total time commitment expected for students is between 75 and 85 hours. This is on the low end of CSU Instructional Services team guideline 80 and 105 hours for a 2-credit class. Please pay attention to the time estimates for the various activities by week and plan your schedule accordingly. In the 7th, a large project requiring a significant time investment is due. Pace yourself, plan ahead, and begin work on this big project before the 7thweek.Learning Accommodation: CSU faculty and staff are glad to support students needing accommodation based on eligible disabilities. Students can contact the CSU Resources for Disabled Students office at this link or call to make an appointment (970) 491-6385 to inquire about possible accommodations, for example, alternative testing or note-taking support, etc. Students are responsible for obtaining the appropriate documentation and providing it to the instructor as early in the semester as possible and several weeks in advance of any exams.Technical Support: The College of Business employs its own student support team for out online MBA programs. Pleasecontact our technical support team for assistance: Technical questions will be answeredwithin 24 hours.Policy on Reviewing Grades: Consistent with CSU policy, you have one week once exam or assignment grades areposted to make an appointment to discuss your grade with me. Should you disagree with my grading, you will berequired to provide an explanation in writing, with appropriate references to lecture, reading, or textbook material.Remember that your final grade is being formed throughout the semester. If you are having difficulties performing well,please discuss this with me as early as possible. It is too late to ask for extra points in the final weeks of class. Generative AI. You may use AI programs e.g., ChatGPT to help generate ideas and brainstorm, to coach you in use ofQualtrics or SPSS. These tools can be helpful coaches, explaining concepts in a different way or giving examples toconsider. However, you should note that the material generated by these programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, orotherwise problematic. Beware that use may also stifle your own independent thinking and creativity.You may not submit any work generated by an AI program as your own. If you include material generated by an AIprogram, it should be cited like any other reference material (with due consideration for the quality of the reference,which may be poor).
Student Professional Code of Conduct, Department of MarketingThe Department of Marketing has created this Student Code of Conduct to support a productive and stimulating learning environment in all marketing classes. The code is designed to help ensure a positive atmosphere for the vast majority of students who currently exhibit the professional standards detailed below. Students should exhibit professional classroom values and behavior by:oEngaging in appropriate communication and interaction.oDemonstrating trust, respect and civilities.oApproaching course content as important and necessary for success in business.oEngaging in responsible classroom activities such as:turning off cell phonesnot using electronic devices to send or receive messages during classavoiding unnecessary talkingnot reading outside material or doing other work during classStudents should contribute to a positive learning environment by:oArriving, attending, and departing class in a professional manner.oTaking responsibility for team and individual assignments.oDeveloping cooperative relationships with other students and faculty. Students should support a professional environment within the College of Business by:oAvoiding inappropriate language in and near classrooms and offices.oRefraining from unrealistic expectations in dealing with administration, faculty, and staff.Students must uphold the academic integrity standards as explained in the university’s 2023-2024 General Catalog(Academic Integrity). Academic integrity is conceptualized as doing and taking credit for one’s own work. Violations of the university’s academic integrity standards include, but are not limited to:oCheating in the classroom. “Cheating includes using unauthorized sources of information and providing or receiving unauthorized assistance on any form of academic work.” oPlagiarism. “Plagiarism includes the copying of language, structure, ideas, or thoughts of another, and representing them as one’s own without proper acknowledgment.” oUnauthorized Possession or Disposition of Academic Materials. “Unauthorized possession or disposition of academic materials includes the unauthorized selling or purchasing of examinations or other academic work; stealing another student’s work; unauthorized entry to or use of material in a computer file; theft or mutilation of library materials; and using information from or possessing exams that an instructor did not authorize for release to students.”oFalsification. “Falsification encompasses any untruth, either verbal or written, in one’s academic work.” oFacilitation of Cases of Academic Dishonesty. “Facilitation of any act of academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism, and/or falsification of documents also constitutes violation of Colorado State University’s academic integrity.” Violations of Colorado State University’s academic integrity policies will be handled in accordance with the procedures discussed in the 2023-2024 General Catalog. Please note that faculty members and administrative professionals at CSU must also abide by a Code of Ethical Behavior. This code isincluded on the CSU website ( and states among other things that faculty members are expected to “maintain a high level of discretion and respect in personal and professional relations with students, staff, and the public.” This code also notes that faculty must eschew academic misconduct such as fabrication, falsification,and plagiarism.