Cultural Influences on CEO Leadership Behaviors and Success

TSM Business School**We aren't endorsed by this school
HRM 2678
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by PresidentOctopusMaster1194
a) How does national culture influence the kinds of leadership behaviours expected in a society?Cultural values indirectly shape CEO behaviour through culturally accepted leadership expectations. This means that societal values don't directly dictate how CEOs act but they create a set of expectations within a culture, and CEOs then adapt their behaviour to meet these expectations. For example, in cultures that highly value performance, such as the United States and Germany, there's an expectation for leaders to be participative. This highlights the importance of cultural awareness for global leaders, as understanding local leadership expectations is crucial for effective leadership across different cultures.b) What CEO Behaviors generally lead to success?Among the six global dimensions of CEO leadership behavior, Charismatic leadership behavior is consistently the most impactful leadership behavior regarding TMT Dedication and Firm Performance. CEO Team-Oriented behavior is the next most important global leadership behavior followed by Humane-Oriented leadership. Participative leadership is moderately related to TMT Dedication but not Firm Performance. Autonomous and Self-Protective leadership are generally ineffective.c) What are some distinctions between the high-performing CEOs (i.e., superior), and underperforming CEOs (i.e., inferior)?They can be differentiated by their leadership behaviours. The high-performing CEO is more visionary and performance oriented. As a group, inferior CEOs still perform these critical behaviors to some extent, but not nearly to the degree of the superior CEOs—the key to success is the degree to which CEOs enact these behaviors.
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d) How important is it that CEO leadership behaviors match the leadership expectations within a society?A CEO’s behavior and his/her society’s leadership expectations will predict the level of TMT Dedication and Firm Competitive Performance. Superior CEOs exceed their societies’ expectations on most global leadership dimensions, especially in terms of Charismatic and Team-Oriented leadership. Superior CEOs also exceed their societies’ expectations regarding administrative competence. Inferior CEOs fall short of expectations on most dimensions yet are more autonomous than expected.
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