Evaluating Resumes: Critical Thinking on Job Applications

Central Piedmont Community College**We aren't endorsed by this school
DEN 106
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by LieutenantApe4781
Critical Thinking Question Chapter 11 Apply for JobsInstructions: Please review the scenario and reply to the question by utilizing your criticalthinking skills with a minimum of 5 complete sentences. Please reply in PDF format and submitfor grading.Chapter 11 Apply for JobsCritical Thinking QuestionImagine you are a hiring manager reviewing a stack of resumes for an open medicalsecretary position. One applicant’s resume has inconsistent line spacing, and you noticethat some sentences are missing periods. What would you think about this candidate?Would you hire the person if they were qualified?Discussion Guidelines:Students should recognize that a resume can be considered the bestrepresentation of a person’s skills. Perhaps the applicant doesn’t realize the mistakes, orperhaps the applicant didn’t take the time to find and fix errors. In either case, this would not bethe right person for the job.I would think this person is careless and irresponsible. Even if it was just an honest mistake theyshould have taken the time to look over their resume to make sure there were no errors. Yourresume is the potential employer's first impression of you. The resume is the most effective toolto market yourself to the potential employer. I probably would not hire the person even if theywere qualified. I wouldn’t hire them because this careless behavior could carry over into the waythey work.
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