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Dec 11, 2024
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TABLE OF CONTENTCONTENTSPAGESACKNOWLEDGEMENT2INTRODUCTIONi. Company Backgroundii. Levels of Managementiii. Types of Managers & explain theskillsinvolvedforthedifferentmanagers.345MAIN BODY OF THE REPORTi. Planningii. Organizingiii. Locus of Decision MakingV. motivationVi.leadershipVii. controlling67-910-1112-1314-1617-18CONCLUSION191
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTGreetings, I want to start by expressing my thanks to Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful.Without His blessings and permission, we wouldn't have been able to start this project and worktogether as a team. I am truly grateful for this opportunity.Next, I would like to extend my appreciation to our MGT162 lecturer, Madam Norlela. Herguidance, advice, and support were crucial in helping us overcome challenges and successfullycomplete this assignment. Her dedication to our learning has been a great source of motivation.I also want to acknowledge the collaborative effort of my group members. Working together, wewere able to face difficulties and accomplish our goals. Their cooperation and hard work wereessential to our success.Lastly, I want to thank everyone who contributed in any way, whether through encouragement,advice, or assistance. Your support has meant a lot to us and has helped us stay focused on ourobjectives.Thank you once again to Allah, Madam Norlela, my group members, and everyone elseinvolved. Your support has made a difference.2
INTRODUCTIONI.COMPANY BACKGROUNDOur zenfit Company is one of the local companies that come to provide stylish , high quality andfunctional fitness apparel that empowers individuals to reach their fitness goals as the key part ofour brand. First, our mission is to build a brand that is suitable for all genders and all ages but astime goes by we finally agree to come with another more stylish with high quality design toattract more customers in this new generation. Our company is based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.We started our small business in early 2023. Our dream began when we figured out that we sharethe same interest in sport but didn't find a suitable brand that give fitness apparel and come withstylish design so we planned to open a small company and discussed what product we’ll bemaking first at the time. When we launched the first products, we didn’t get that much responsebecause of our low quality . But we didn’t give up and tried again. After doing a lot of researchabout fashion and the type of clothes that attract and suit people's expectations, we createdanother design that is suitable for this generation. Once the product came out, our first fewcustomers liked them very much and due to thatour product is starting to generate buzz amongpeople. That’s where we actually gain acknowledgement in our products.3
II.LEVEL OF MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT SKILLSZenFit has its own company representing a hierarchical structure that defines the chain ofcommand and responsibility. These levels are essential for ensuring that tasks are delegated,decisions are made efficiently, and goals are achieved. Understanding these levels is fundamentalto managers and employees, as it clarifies the organizational structure and helps in effectivecommunicationWe have our own founder at the topmanagement level who will develop an effectivebusiness plan, outline the business story, market research, the product we provide, or the serviceit will offer, and the sales strategy. Accordingly, the founder will determine the target productshirt production level and the best strategy to advance the shirt manufacturing process byintroducing shirt design printing tools in the factory to facilitate operations for both employeesand the company. As well as creating the goals and vision of the company. In addition, with abalanced and organized strategy we will ensure that our products grow day by day to obtainhigher profits and quality.Following that, in the middle level of management, other managers participate includinga marketing manager, a financial manager, and an operations director. They will carry out theirresponsibilities as someone who will establish and motivate the sales organization. Managerswill motivate employees who have problems or employees who lack skills. Managers also needto play a role in providing activities or creating events to further increase the skills of theiremployees in certain sectors so that this business can establish harmony between the employeesand the managers. It will also set a schedule for the business and the workers.Furthermore, there are active staff and employees at the lower management level whowill ensure that the business runs smoothly and achieves success in the future. In conclusion, wenavigate an ever-evolving business landscape, technology and the changing nature of work willcontinue to affect how management works at all levels. By staying informed and adaptable,managers can lead their organizations to continued success in the future.4
III.TYPES OF MANAGERSThree managerial techniques have been applied by ZenFit in our organization. Human skills,conceptual skills, and technical skills are the three skills we have chosen to apply in top, middle,and lower-level management.As mentioned above, the highest level of management is the founder, who has full controland monitors all the progress of the business. They are responsible for managing variousscenarios, from dealing with problems and issues within the company to finding efficientsolutions. They must be highly skilled to perform their role well. As visionary leaders ofcompanies, founders need strong conceptual skills to develop long-term strategies, set objectivesand make plans to achieve them. This includes formulating the company's mission and visionstatements and making strategic decisions that will impact the long-term success of the business.They must also set objectives and create plans and tactics to achieve them. The long-termeffectiveness of a business will be significantly affected by all of its choices.At the middle level of management, including marketing managers, financial managers,and operations directors. Middle management is responsible for organizing staff across divisions,directing, and developing excellent relationships, and encouraging teamwork. As operationsdirector, we create partnerships with others outside the company (suppliers). We expect that theimpact of this collaboration will help the company win more customers. While implementing theorganizational plan according to the instructions provided by the top management, they alsomotivate the sales organization.At the lower management level, several employees are responsible for processing andpackaging our products. Employees also take care of cleaning the workshop and managingproducts that need a particular number of goods. Employees are accountable for responsibilitiesassigned to and controlled by their employer or manager.By applying these managerial techniques at different levels of the organization, ZenFitcan effectively manage its human resources, strategic direction, and operational processes toachieve its goals and objectives.5
MAIN BODY OF THE REPORTI. PLANNINGVision :to become the trusted companion of every athlete, inspiring them to push theirlimits,archieve their goals, and conquer their challenges with our premium sportswear.Mission:toempowerathletesofalllevelstoreachnewheightsbyprovidinginnovative,high-performance sportswear that enhances their performance and confidence on andoff the field.There’s two types of planning that our company uses which is standing planning and single useplanning. It’s important to have types of planning in a company for it to be successful in terms ofits management.In this case, our company used standing plans for everyday tasks.They’re set up to handlerecurring issues and make sure things run smoothly day in and day out. For example, we have apolicy for returns,where customers can bring back unworn clothes within 3 days for a refund.Then there are procedures and also rules wheres customer need to brings the item along with theoriginal receipt to any ZenFit for return .Next, our staff will ensure it is unworn and in originalcondition with all original tags attached so if the item meets the criteria our ZenFit store willrefund with full purchase via original payment method and our company will update theinventory system. These standing plans ensure consistency and clarity in handling customerreturns with efficiency.Beside that, we also used single use plan like one-time purchase focus. Objectives of this planare to attract customer to make a one-time purchase and provide an exceptional productexperience to encourage repeat purchases .For instance, we launch promotions or offer specialdiscounts for first-time buyers to incentivize initial purchases and utilize customer teatimonialsand reviews on product to built trust .This plan only allowed for first-time customer purchaseonly. So these single-use plans help our company to attarct customer to try for the first-time thatprovide experience and repeatly purchases.6
II. ORGANIZINGMANAGEMENT TEAMZenfit Company Organization StructureORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN ELEMENTSDEPARTMENTALIZATIONType of departmentalization available in the organizational chart in Zenfit Company is afunctional structure. According to the function carried out, personnel or associated workactivities are grouped into functional structures. Even though there's no website showing theposition of each director above other than having different functions, we can see that the topleader of this management team is the Founder and also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)herself, Miss Arfah. Miss Arfah is the founder and also the CEO and she has subordinates whichare the Marketing Manager, Financial Manager, Operation Manager and also a staff.Within the scope of authority authorized by the Board of Directors, the founder hasfullcontrol and monitors all the progress of the Zenfit Company. She is also responsible formanaging various scenarios, like dealing with problems and issues within the company and alsoto find efficient solutions to solve them. It can be seen when she set objectives and created someplans to make it easier for her to monitor and run the company smoothly.7
Other than that, Miss Aina who’s worked under the Founder as Marketing Manager isresponsible for managing online marketing and promoting the product that was produced byZenfit Company like planning and overseeing many different activities like go-to-marketlaunches, advertising, events and social media by creating some videos content. She also focuseson gathering information and analyzing data about competitors and market conditions to improveour marketing strategies. Other than that, she also handles the company’s communication likecustomer interaction, feedback and engagement across various platforms.Besides that, the Financial Manager, which is a position that is possessed by Miss Sufiah,is responsible for bookkeeping, financial reports and compliance with accounting standards. Shewill manage the preparation of budgets so there will be no issues in budget loss or debt. She alsotook care of the financial forecasts and also tracked performance against financial targets. Shemainly focused on cash management, banking relationship and investment strategies . Other thanthat, she takes care of tax planning, compliance and management of tax liabilities.Next, the Operation manager is in charge of managing the manufacturing or productionprocess, ensuring products are produced efficiently and meet the quality standards. Most of thetime, Miss Aisyah will focus on maintaining product quality, conducting inspections andimplementing quality improvement initiatives. As a really hard working employee, she alsohandles procurement, inventory management and logistics. To make sure the product is beingproduced safely, she is responsible for the upkeep of equipment and facilities ensuring minimaldowntime and optimal performance. Other than that, she also ensured workplace safety andadherence to regulations.Finally, our staff, Miss Iffah, will work on taking care of the workshop like managing thesafety and also making sure the workshop is kept clean so there will be no issues with theworkshop and they can work comfortably. She also will be doing other jobs like packaging theproducts for sale and also helping in the process of producing the products.CHAIN OF COMMANDAt Zenfit Company, the chain of command is clear and efficient. Miss Arfah, thecompany's CEO, oversees the entire operation and sets the overall direction. The MarketingManager, Financial Manager, and Operations Manager all report directly to the founder. Each ofthem is responsible for their own sectors. The Marketing Manager is in charge of marketing andsales, while the Financial Manager is in charge of all financial concerns. The OperationsManager is in charge of production and logistics. Below these supervisors is a staff member whoassists all three managers with various tasks as needed. This clear chain of command supportssmooth operations and good administration throughout the organization.8
SPAN OF CONTROLThe span of control at Zenfit Company, which focuses on trendy and high-quality clothes,is designed to enable efficient oversight and successful management. The CEO has direct controlover the Financial Manager, the Marketing Manager, and the Operations Manager. This meansthat the CEO directly supervises and coordinates the activities of these three managers. Each ofthese supervisors is directly responsible for one staff member who supports their respectivedepartments. This structure enables clear communication, quick decision-making, and effectiveoversight, ensuring that all sections of the business run smoothly and are aligned with thecompany's objectives.9
III. LOCUS OF DECISION MAKING.Decision-making in a clothing brand like ZenFit involves many steps to figure out the best thingsto do. In today's fast-changing world, making good decisions is super important for brandmanagers. To make good decisions, you need to think about what might happen and choosewhat's best based on different things. There are two types of decision-making which areprogrammes and non-programmed.Programmed decision-making is a structured and repetitive decision that can be focused on usinga routine approach. As an example, consider typical duties like inventory management, pricesetting, and production schedule planning. Our company established guidelines and processes formaking these decisions, which makes them easier to manage.These routines are necessary toensure consistency and efficiency in our day-to-day operations. For example, by followingestablished inventory management methods, we may avoid stock outs or overstocks, ensuringthat our clients always have access to the products they require.Non-programmed decision-making is unstructured, occurs less frequently, and can reoccur inresponse to unexpected events. Non-programmed decisions require creative thought and strategicanalysis. For example, when our company releases an innovative line of clothing or responds tounplanned disruptions, we need to perform market research, look at trends, and consider avariety of aspects before making solid decisions.When addressing decision-making, we frequently use brainstorming in group decisions. Thisstrategy invites everyone to offer as many ideas as possible about a specific issue withoutimmediately evaluating them. This helps to develop a variety of thoughts and opinions.During a brainstorming session, people who are part can openly express their ideas without fearof being judged. At this point, quantity takes priority over quality. The purpose is to collect alarge number of ideas, which can then be evaluated later. Employees who are participating in abrainstorming session can come up with multiple concepts using strategies such as mind maps orquick idea innovation. Once all ideas have been collected, the group can analyze them and selectthe best ones to pursue further or apply.10
In conclusion, brainstorming is an excellent technique for groups to collaborate and come upwith unique solutions. It promotes collaboration, innovation, and consideration of alternativeideas, resulting in better overall decision-making.Finally, ZenFit makes decisions using both programmed activities for typical operations andnon-programmed jobs for unique situations. Brainstorming in group talks allows us to come upwith unique solutions. By combining these ideas, we may make better decisions and excel in thisclothing sector.11
Iv. MotivationsIn order to make the company's performance getting better day by day, managers of ZenFitCompany must boost up the employees' performance by motivating them. In order to motivatethem, our company will apply the reinforcement theory which is part of motivation theory.Reinforcement theory can be defined as an individual's behaviour that people learn to repeatbehaviour that are positively rewarded(reinforced) and avoid behaviour that is punished(notreinforced). There are four tools managers can use to control the behaviour of employees whichis positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction and punishment. The reinforcementstrategy that our company used to motivate employees is positive reinforcement. It increases theprobability that a behaviour will occur by administering a positive consequence to employeeswho perform the behaviour.First of all, managers offering professional growth opportunities, such as attendingfashion workshops, industry conferences, or training programs, shows that managers care abouttheir employees' long-term success. Providing clear career advancement paths, such as movingfrom sales associate to store manager or from junior designer to senior designer, also motivatesemployees. Creating a positive and inclusive work culture and organizing team-buildingactivities, like fashion shows or design challenges, help employees feel motivated and supported.Besides, regular feedback sessions and 360-degree reviews help employees understandwhat they are doing well and where they can improve. Managers can boost motivation byknowing what each employee values, offering tailored rewards, and providing flexible workarrangements to meet personal needs. For example, offering flexible hours during peak fashionseason or recognizing an employee’s hard work with additional time off can enhance jobsatisfaction.Next, encouraging peer recognition through structured programs and team celebrationshelps build a sense of teamwork and shared achievement. For instance, implementing a "peerspotlight" program where employees can nominate each other for exceptional work can fostercamaraderie.Consistentlyusingpositivereinforcementandleveragingtechnologyforrecognition platforms and gamification ensures that employees feel motivated and driven to12
succeed. This could include an app where employees earn points for meeting sales targets orcompleting design projects, which can then be redeemed for rewards.Finally, Managers in ZenFit Company can motivate their teams by recognizing andrewarding achievements through public acknowledgment, personalized praise, and tangiblerewards like bonuses, gift cards, or extra paid time off. For instance, acknowledging a designer’ssuccessful collection launch in a team meeting or praising a salesperson’s record-breaking salesmonth can make employees feel valued and appreciated, encouraging them to keep performingwell.13
IV. LEADERSHIPA leader is someone who can influence others' conduct without using force. A leader shouldmotivate and direct the members of an organization so that they contribute to the fulfillment ofthe organization's objectives. Leadership influence involves three elements: individual, group,and aimAt Zenfit, our founder which is also our leader, Nur Arfah Binti Ahmad Suhaimi, aims to makeour brand the leading name in fitness clothing, known for innovation, quality, and empoweringpeople to achieve their fitness goals., Nur Arfah applies the managerial grid's behavioral theories.This grid includes five leadership styles: sound, accommodating, dictatorial, status quo, andindifferent, but in our company we are more focusing on sound style since we desire to grow ourbrand while balancing high concern for people and production,The Sound Style balances employee well-being and productivity. At Zenfit, leaders involve teammembers in decision-making, especially in product development and marketing strategies. Forexample, when launching a new product, our leader will gather input from designers, marketers,and sales teams to ensure the product meets market demands and includes innovative features.When launching our latest fitness clothing line, leaders organized brainstorming sessions withteam members from different departments. Designers shared the latest trends and new fabrictechnologies, while marketers provided insights into customer preferences and current markettrends. Sales teams shared feedback from customers about the features they want. These sessionsencouraged creativity and improvement.Zenfit continues this teamwork even after the product launch. Regular feedback meetings allowteam members to share ideas and suggestions. This approach helps improve the product based onreal-time customer feedback and makes employees feel valued and essential to the company'ssuccess.14
Additionally, Zenfit supports employee health and happiness through wellness programs, on-sitefitness classes, mental health support, and fun group activities like yoga. Flexible working hourshelp employees balance work and life, keeping them productive and satisfied. Regular trainingand mentorship programs help employees grow in their careers, benefiting the company with askilled and confident workforce.Recognizing hard work is another key part of our approach. Zenfit has a recognition programthat includes monthly awards, team outings, and bonuses. Celebrating achievements incompany-wide meetings makes employees feel appreciated and motivated, leading to higher jobsatisfaction and a positive work environment.By using the Sound style of leadership, Zenfit creates a balanced and supportive workenvironment. This approach helps us stay competitive, drive innovation, and achieve long-termsuccess. By caring for both people and productivity, Zenfit builds a thriving, dynamicorganization ready for sustainable growth.In addition to these styles, Zenfit effectively uses various forms of power to foster a culture ofcollaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement. Power is the ability to influence decisionsand others. Our leaders use position power, which comes from their formal roles, includinglegitimate, informational, coercive, and reward power.Firstly, Coercive power maintains discipline and addresses serious conduct breaches, ensuring arespectful workplace. For example, Zenfit has clear policies against harassment and unethicalbehavior, with established consequences such as formal warnings or termination for violations.Then, Legitimate power is used by leaders like CEO Nur Arfah Binti Ahmad Suhaimi to setcompany-wide goals and allocate resources, ensuring alignment with the company's mission. Sheregularly holds strategic planning meetings to outline the company's vision and ensure everydepartment works towards common objectives.15
Third, Reward power motivates employees through bonuses, promotions, and recognitionprograms, fostering high performance. For instance, Zenfit implements an "Employee of theMonth" program where outstanding performance is rewarded with a financial bonus and afeatured spot in the company newsletter.Fourth, Informational power ensures transparency and informed decision-making through regularupdates and clear communication. For example, Zenfit holds quarterly all-hands meetings wherethe leadership team shares important company performance data, market trends, and upcominginitiatives, keeping all employees informed and aligned with the company’s direction.In conclusion, at Zenfit, we blend various leadership styles and forms of power to create apositive and ethical organizational culture. This approach not only helps us achieve our businessgoals but also ensures that our employees are motivated, well-supported, and aligned with ourmission to become the leading brand in fitness apparel.16
V. CONTROLLINGControlling is the last step of management. Controlling can be defined as a process throughwhich managers regulate organizational activities to make them consistent with expectations andto help them achieve predetermined standards of performance. It is a critically importantmanagerial function because it will help ensure that all the three functions implemented earlier,such as planning, organizing and leading this will run smoothly as intended by the top manager.ZenFit Company uses three form of control which is feedforward control,concurrent control and feedback control.FEEDFORWARD CONTROLThis control focuses on material, financial, or human resources that serve as input to thetransformation process. This type of control focuses on preventing problems before they occurby planning and organizing resources effectively. For example, before starting production on anew line of shirts, ZenFit founder and the operations director review market research and gathercustomer feedback to ensure there is a demand for the new designs. They also ensure allnecessary materials and tools are available and in good condition to avoid any delays or issues inthe manufacturing process. The result is production runs smoothly without delays, meetingmarket demand effectively. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.17
CONCURRENT CONTROLThis control involves monitoring ongoing activities to ensure they conform to standardsand adjusting as needed. For instance, during the shirt production process, supervisors regularlyinspect the production line. If they notice any shirts not meeting quality standards, they canimmediately adjust the machinery or provide instant feedback and training to workers to correctthe issues on the spot. The production process can maintain high quality, reducing the number ofdefective products and waste. This will ensure customer satisfaction and reduce costs associatedwith returns or rework.FEEDBACK CONTROLThis control focuses on the output phase, it looks at results after a process is completed toimprove future performance. For example, after a major sales campaign, the marketing manageranalyzes sales data to see what worked and what didn’t. This information is used to refine futuremarketing strategies and improve product offerings. This can make future marketing campaignsbecome more effective, leading to increased sales and better customer engagement. This helpsthe company adapt to market changes and consumer preferences more quickly.18
CONCLUSIONTo mark the end of our assignment, we concluded that our company needed all threemanagement skills as all levels are important in managing our company to make all the workmore efficiently. We also needed planning so that we can actually see where our company isheading to. With this assignment, we also know we need our lower level employees to attractpeople to our company. To achieve our company’s goals, all staff must give their commitment tothe company. Finally, we are very delighted with our group’s business research. From this, wegain improvements when we get feedback and experience. We are grateful to receive all the helpwe can to solve and complete our problem from the people around us.19